34,313 research outputs found

    Spectra: Robust Estimation of Distribution Functions in Networks

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    Distributed aggregation allows the derivation of a given global aggregate property from many individual local values in nodes of an interconnected network system. Simple aggregates such as minima/maxima, counts, sums and averages have been thoroughly studied in the past and are important tools for distributed algorithms and network coordination. Nonetheless, this kind of aggregates may not be comprehensive enough to characterize biased data distributions or when in presence of outliers, making the case for richer estimates of the values on the network. This work presents Spectra, a distributed algorithm for the estimation of distribution functions over large scale networks. The estimate is available at all nodes and the technique depicts important properties, namely: robust when exposed to high levels of message loss, fast convergence speed and fine precision in the estimate. It can also dynamically cope with changes of the sampled local property, not requiring algorithm restarts, and is highly resilient to node churn. The proposed approach is experimentally evaluated and contrasted to a competing state of the art distribution aggregation technique.Comment: Full version of the paper published at 12th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (DAIS), Stockholm (Sweden), June 201

    Fast and Robust Rank Aggregation against Model Misspecification

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    In rank aggregation, preferences from different users are summarized into a total order under the homogeneous data assumption. Thus, model misspecification arises and rank aggregation methods take some noise models into account. However, they all rely on certain noise model assumptions and cannot handle agnostic noises in the real world. In this paper, we propose CoarsenRank, which rectifies the underlying data distribution directly and aligns it to the homogeneous data assumption without involving any noise model. To this end, we define a neighborhood of the data distribution over which Bayesian inference of CoarsenRank is performed, and therefore the resultant posterior enjoys robustness against model misspecification. Further, we derive a tractable closed-form solution for CoarsenRank making it computationally efficient. Experiments on real-world datasets show that CoarsenRank is fast and robust, achieving consistent improvement over baseline methods

    An Iterative Scheme for Leverage-based Approximate Aggregation

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    The current data explosion poses great challenges to the approximate aggregation with an efficiency and accuracy. To address this problem, we propose a novel approach to calculate the aggregation answers with a high accuracy using only a small portion of the data. We introduce leverages to reflect individual differences in the samples from a statistical perspective. Two kinds of estimators, the leverage-based estimator, and the sketch estimator (a "rough picture" of the aggregation answer), are in constraint relations and iteratively improved according to the actual conditions until their difference is below a threshold. Due to the iteration mechanism and the leverages, our approach achieves a high accuracy. Moreover, some features, such as not requiring recording the sampled data and easy to extend to various execution modes (e.g., the online mode), make our approach well suited to deal with big data. Experiments show that our approach has an extraordinary performance, and when compared with the uniform sampling, our approach can achieve high-quality answers with only 1/3 of the same sample size.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Early Accurate Results for Advanced Analytics on MapReduce

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    Approximate results based on samples often provide the only way in which advanced analytical applications on very massive data sets can satisfy their time and resource constraints. Unfortunately, methods and tools for the computation of accurate early results are currently not supported in MapReduce-oriented systems although these are intended for `big data'. Therefore, we proposed and implemented a non-parametric extension of Hadoop which allows the incremental computation of early results for arbitrary work-flows, along with reliable on-line estimates of the degree of accuracy achieved so far in the computation. These estimates are based on a technique called bootstrapping that has been widely employed in statistics and can be applied to arbitrary functions and data distributions. In this paper, we describe our Early Accurate Result Library (EARL) for Hadoop that was designed to minimize the changes required to the MapReduce framework. Various tests of EARL of Hadoop are presented to characterize the frequent situations where EARL can provide major speed-ups over the current version of Hadoop.Comment: VLDB201

    Global parameter identification of stochastic reaction networks from single trajectories

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    We consider the problem of inferring the unknown parameters of a stochastic biochemical network model from a single measured time-course of the concentration of some of the involved species. Such measurements are available, e.g., from live-cell fluorescence microscopy in image-based systems biology. In addition, fluctuation time-courses from, e.g., fluorescence correlation spectroscopy provide additional information about the system dynamics that can be used to more robustly infer parameters than when considering only mean concentrations. Estimating model parameters from a single experimental trajectory enables single-cell measurements and quantification of cell--cell variability. We propose a novel combination of an adaptive Monte Carlo sampler, called Gaussian Adaptation, and efficient exact stochastic simulation algorithms that allows parameter identification from single stochastic trajectories. We benchmark the proposed method on a linear and a non-linear reaction network at steady state and during transient phases. In addition, we demonstrate that the present method also provides an ellipsoidal volume estimate of the viable part of parameter space and is able to estimate the physical volume of the compartment in which the observed reactions take place.Comment: Article in print as a book chapter in Springer's "Advances in Systems Biology

    Stream Aggregation Through Order Sampling

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    This is paper introduces a new single-pass reservoir weighted-sampling stream aggregation algorithm, Priority-Based Aggregation (PBA). While order sampling is a powerful and e cient method for weighted sampling from a stream of uniquely keyed items, there is no current algorithm that realizes the benefits of order sampling in the context of stream aggregation over non-unique keys. A naive approach to order sample regardless of key then aggregate the results is hopelessly inefficient. In distinction, our proposed algorithm uses a single persistent random variable across the lifetime of each key in the cache, and maintains unbiased estimates of the key aggregates that can be queried at any point in the stream. The basic approach can be supplemented with a Sample and Hold pre-sampling stage with a sampling rate adaptation controlled by PBA. This approach represents a considerable reduction in computational complexity compared with the state of the art in adapting Sample and Hold to operate with a fixed cache size. Concerning statistical properties, we prove that PBA provides unbiased estimates of the true aggregates. We analyze the computational complexity of PBA and its variants, and provide a detailed evaluation of its accuracy on synthetic and trace data. Weighted relative error is reduced by 40% to 65% at sampling rates of 5% to 17%, relative to Adaptive Sample and Hold; there is also substantial improvement for rank queriesComment: 10 page