4 research outputs found

    Robust Designs of Beamforming and Power Splitting for Distributed Antenna Systems with Wireless Energy Harvesting

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    In this paper, we investigate a multiuser distributed antenna system with simultaneous wireless information and power transmission under the assumption of imperfect channel state information (CSI). In this system, a distributed antenna port with multiple antennas supports a set of mobile stations who can decode information and harvest energy simultaneously via a power splitter. To design robust transmit beamforming vectors and the power splitting (PS) factors in the presence of CSI errors, we maximize the average worst-case signal-to-interference-plus- noise ratio (SINR) while achieving individual energy harvesting constraint for each mobile station. First, we develop an efficient algorithm to convert the max-min SINR problem to a set of "dual" min-max power balancing problems. Then, motivated by the penalty function method, an iterative algorithm based on semi-definite programming (SDP) is proposed to achieve a local optimal rank-one solution. Also, to reduce the computational complexity, we present another iterative scheme based on the Lagrangian method and the successive convex approximation (SCA) technique to yield a suboptimal solution. Simulation results are shown to validate the robustness and effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.Comment: To appear in IEEE Systems Journal. (10 pages, 6 figures

    Secure Interference Exploitation Precoding in MISO Wiretap Channel: Destructive Region Redefinition with Efficient Solutions

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    In this paper, we focus on the physical layer security for a K-user multiple-input-single-output (MISO) wiretap channel in the presence of a malicious eavesdropper, where we propose several interference exploitation (IE) precoding schemes for different types of the eavesdropper. Specifically, in the case where a common eavesdropper decodes the signal directly and Eve's full channel state information (CSI) is available at the transmitter, we show that the required transmit power can be further reduced by re-designing the `destructive region' of the constellations for symbol-level precoding and re-formulating the power minimization problem. We further study the SINR balancing problems with the derived `complete destructive region' with full, statistical and no Eve's CSI, respectively, and show that the SINR balancing problem becomes non-convex with statistical or no Eve's CSI. On the other hand, in the presence of a smart eavesdropper using maximal likelihood (ML) detection, the security cannot be guaranteed with all the existing approaches. To this end, we further propose a random jamming scheme (RJS) and a random precoding scheme (RPS), respectively. To solve the introduced convex/non-convex problems in an efficient manner, we propose an iterative algorithm for the convex ones based on the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions, and deal with the non-convex ones by resorting to Taylor expansions. Simulation results show that all proposed schemes outperform the existing works in secrecy performance, and that the proposed algorithm improves the computation efficiency significantly.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, journa

    Energy Efficiency Optimization for Secure Transmission in MISO Cognitive Radio Network with Energy Harvesting

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    In this paper, we investigate different secrecy energy efficiency (SEE) optimization problems in a multiple-input single-output underlay cognitive radio (CR) network in the presence of an energy harvesting receiver. In particular, these energy efficient designs are developed with different assumptions of channels state information (CSI) at the transmitter, namely perfect CSI, statistical CSI and imperfect CSI with bounded channel uncertainties. In particular, the overarching objective here is to design a beamforming technique maximizing the SEE while satisfying all relevant constraints linked to interference and harvested energy between transmitters and receivers. We show that the original problems are non-convex and their solutions are intractable. By using a number of techniques, such as non-linear fractional programming and difference of concave (DC) functions, we reformulate the original problems so as to render them tractable. We then combine these techniques with the Dinkelbach's algorithm to derive iterative algorithms to determine relevant beamforming vectors which lead to the SEE maximization. In doing this, we investigate the robust design with ellipsoidal bounded channel uncertainties, by mapping the original problem into a sequence of semidefinite programs by employing the semidefinite relaxation, non-linear fractional programming and S-procedure. Furthermore, we show that the maximum SEE can be achieved through a search algorithm in the single dimensional space. Numerical results, when compared with those obtained with existing techniques in the literature, show the effectiveness of the proposed designs for SEE maximization

    Downlink Secrecy Rate of One-Bit Massive MIMO System with Active Eavesdropping

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    In this study, we consider the physical layer security in the downlink of a Massive MIMO system employing one-bit quantization at the base station (BS). We assume an active eavesdropper that attempts to spoiling the channel estimation acquisition at the BS for a legitimate user, whereas overhearing on downlink transmission. We consider the two most widespread methods for degrading the eavesdropper's channel, the nullspace artificial noise (NS-AN) and random artificial noise (R-AN). Then, we present a lower bound on the secrecy rate and asymptotic performance, considering zero-forcing beamforming (ZF-BF) and maximum-ratio transmission beamforming (MRT-BF). Our results reveal that even when the eavesdropper is close enough to the intercepted user, a positive secrecy rate --which tends to saturation with increasing the number of BS antennas NN---is possible, as long as the transmit power of eavesdropper is less than that of the legitimate user during channel training. We show that ZF-BF with NS-AN provides the best performance. It is found that MRT-BF and ZF-BF are equivalent in the asymptotic limit of NN and hence the artificial noise technique is the performance indicator. Moreover, we study the impact of \emph{power-scaling law} on the secrecy rate. When the transmit power of BS is reduced proportional to 1/N1/N, the performance is independent of artificial noise asymptotically and hence the beamforming technique is the performance indicator. In addition, when the BS's power is reduced proportional to 1/N1/\sqrt{N}, all combinations of beamforming and artificial noise schemes are equally likely asymptotically, independent of quantization noise. We present various numerical results to corroborate our analysis.Comment: 49 pages (onecolumn), 12 figures (Available in IEEE ACCESS(early access): https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9006840