13 research outputs found

    A Multitask Diffusion Strategy with Optimized Inter-Cluster Cooperation

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    We consider a multitask estimation problem where nodes in a network are divided into several connected clusters, with each cluster performing a least-mean-squares estimation of a different random parameter vector. Inspired by the adapt-then-combine diffusion strategy, we propose a multitask diffusion strategy whose mean stability can be ensured whenever individual nodes are stable in the mean, regardless of the inter-cluster cooperation weights. In addition, the proposed strategy is able to achieve an asymptotically unbiased estimation, when the parameters have same mean. We also develop an inter-cluster cooperation weights selection scheme that allows each node in the network to locally optimize its inter-cluster cooperation weights. Numerical results demonstrate that our approach leads to a lower average steady-state network mean-square deviation, compared with using weights selected by various other commonly adopted methods in the literature.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, submitted to IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processin

    On the Properties of Gromov Matrices and their Applications in Network Inference

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    The spanning tree heuristic is a commonly adopted procedure in network inference and estimation. It allows one to generalize an inference method developed for trees, which is usually based on a statistically rigorous approach, to a heuristic procedure for general graphs by (usually randomly) choosing a spanning tree in the graph to apply the approach developed for trees. However, there are an intractable number of spanning trees in a dense graph. In this paper, we represent a weighted tree with a matrix, which we call a Gromov matrix. We propose a method that constructs a family of Gromov matrices using convex combinations, which can be used for inference and estimation instead of a randomly selected spanning tree. This procedure increases the size of the candidate set and hence enhances the performance of the classical spanning tree heuristic. On the other hand, our new scheme is based on simple algebraic constructions using matrices, and hence is still computationally tractable. We discuss some applications on network inference and estimation to demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed method

    Compressive Privacy for a Linear Dynamical System

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    We consider a linear dynamical system in which the state vector consists of both public and private states. One or more sensors make measurements of the state vector and sends information to a fusion center, which performs the final state estimation. To achieve an optimal tradeoff between the utility of estimating the public states and protection of the private states, the measurements at each time step are linearly compressed into a lower dimensional space. Under the centralized setting where all measurements are collected by a single sensor, we propose an optimization problem and an algorithm to find the best compression matrix. Under the decentralized setting where measurements are made separately at multiple sensors, each sensor optimizes its own local compression matrix. We propose methods to separate the overall optimization problem into multiple sub-problems that can be solved locally at each sensor. We consider the cases where there is no message exchange between the sensors; and where each sensor takes turns to transmit messages to the other sensors. Simulations and empirical experiments demonstrate the efficiency of our proposed approach in allowing the fusion center to estimate the public states with good accuracy while preventing it from estimating the private states accurately

    An Unsupervised Bayesian Neural Network for Truth Discovery in Social Networks

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    The problem of estimating event truths from conflicting agent opinions in a social network is investigated. An autoencoder learns the complex relationships between event truths, agent reliabilities and agent observations. A Bayesian network model is proposed to guide the learning process by modeling the relationship of the autoencoder's outputs with different variables. At the same time, it also models the social relationships between agents in the network. The proposed approach is unsupervised and is applicable when ground truth labels of events are unavailable. A variational inference method is used to jointly estimate the hidden variables in the Bayesian network and the parameters in the autoencoder. Experiments on three real datasets demonstrate that our proposed approach is competitive with, and in most cases better than, several state-of-the-art benchmark methods

    Arbitrarily Strong Utility-Privacy Tradeoff in Multi-Agent Systems

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    Each agent in a network makes a local observation that is linearly related to a set of public and private parameters. The agents send their observations to a fusion center to allow it to estimate the public parameters. To prevent leakage of the private parameters, each agent first sanitizes its local observation using a local privacy mechanism before transmitting it to the fusion center. We investigate the utility-privacy tradeoff in terms of the Cram\'er-Rao lower bounds for estimating the public and private parameters. We study the class of privacy mechanisms given by linear compression and noise perturbation, and derive necessary and sufficient conditions for achieving arbitrarily strong utility-privacy tradeoff in a multi-agent system for both the cases where prior information is available and unavailable, respectively. We also provide a method to find the maximum estimation privacy achievable without compromising the utility and propose an alternating algorithm to optimize the utility-privacy tradeoff in the case where arbitrarily strong utility-privacy tradeoff is not achievable