123,326 research outputs found

    LDOP: Local Directional Order Pattern for Robust Face Retrieval

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    The local descriptors have gained wide range of attention due to their enhanced discriminative abilities. It has been proved that the consideration of multi-scale local neighborhood improves the performance of the descriptor, though at the cost of increased dimension. This paper proposes a novel method to construct a local descriptor using multi-scale neighborhood by finding the local directional order among the intensity values at different scales in a particular direction. Local directional order is the multi-radius relationship factor in a particular direction. The proposed local directional order pattern (LDOP) for a particular pixel is computed by finding the relationship between the center pixel and local directional order indexes. It is required to transform the center value into the range of neighboring orders. Finally, the histogram of LDOP is computed over whole image to construct the descriptor. In contrast to the state-of-the-art descriptors, the dimension of the proposed descriptor does not depend upon the number of neighbors involved to compute the order; it only depends upon the number of directions. The introduced descriptor is evaluated over the image retrieval framework and compared with the state-of-the-art descriptors over challenging face databases such as PaSC, LFW, PubFig, FERET, AR, AT&T, and ExtendedYale. The experimental results confirm the superiority and robustness of the LDOP descriptor.Comment: Published in Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springe

    Direct Visual Odometry using Bit-Planes

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    Feature descriptors, such as SIFT and ORB, are well-known for their robustness to illumination changes, which has made them popular for feature-based VSLAM\@. However, in degraded imaging conditions such as low light, low texture, blur and specular reflections, feature extraction is often unreliable. In contrast, direct VSLAM methods which estimate the camera pose by minimizing the photometric error using raw pixel intensities are often more robust to low textured environments and blur. Nonetheless, at the core of direct VSLAM is the reliance on a consistent photometric appearance across images, otherwise known as the brightness constancy assumption. Unfortunately, brightness constancy seldom holds in real world applications. In this work, we overcome brightness constancy by incorporating feature descriptors into a direct visual odometry framework. This combination results in an efficient algorithm that combines the strength of both feature-based algorithms and direct methods. Namely, we achieve robustness to arbitrary photometric variations while operating in low-textured and poorly lit environments. Our approach utilizes an efficient binary descriptor, which we call Bit-Planes, and show how it can be used in the gradient-based optimization required by direct methods. Moreover, we show that the squared Euclidean distance between Bit-Planes is equivalent to the Hamming distance. Hence, the descriptor may be used in least squares optimization without sacrificing its photometric invariance. Finally, we present empirical results that demonstrate the robustness of the approach in poorly lit underground environments

    Local Multi-Grouped Binary Descriptor with Ring-based Pooling Configuration and Optimization

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    Local binary descriptors are attracting increasingly attention due to their great advantages in computational speed, which are able to achieve real-time performance in numerous image/vision applications. Various methods have been proposed to learn data-dependent binary descriptors. However, most existing binary descriptors aim overly at computational simplicity at the expense of significant information loss which causes ambiguity in similarity measure using Hamming distance. In this paper, by considering multiple features might share complementary information, we present a novel local binary descriptor, referred as Ring-based Multi-Grouped Descriptor (RMGD), to successfully bridge the performance gap between current binary and floated-point descriptors. Our contributions are two-fold. Firstly, we introduce a new pooling configuration based on spatial ring-region sampling, allowing for involving binary tests on the full set of pairwise regions with different shapes, scales and distances. This leads to a more meaningful description than existing methods which normally apply a limited set of pooling configurations. Then, an extended Adaboost is proposed for efficient bit selection by emphasizing high variance and low correlation, achieving a highly compact representation. Secondly, the RMGD is computed from multiple image properties where binary strings are extracted. We cast multi-grouped features integration as rankSVM or sparse SVM learning problem, so that different features can compensate strongly for each other, which is the key to discriminativeness and robustness. The performance of RMGD was evaluated on a number of publicly available benchmarks, where the RMGD outperforms the state-of-the-art binary descriptors significantly.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. on Image Processing, 201

    From handcrafted to deep local features

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    This paper presents an overview of the evolution of local features from handcrafted to deep-learning-based methods, followed by a discussion of several benchmarks and papers evaluating such local features. Our investigations are motivated by 3D reconstruction problems, where the precise location of the features is important. As we describe these methods, we highlight and explain the challenges of feature extraction and potential ways to overcome them. We first present handcrafted methods, followed by methods based on classical machine learning and finally we discuss methods based on deep-learning. This largely chronologically-ordered presentation will help the reader to fully understand the topic of image and region description in order to make best use of it in modern computer vision applications. In particular, understanding handcrafted methods and their motivation can help to understand modern approaches and how machine learning is used to improve the results. We also provide references to most of the relevant literature and code.Comment: Preprin

    Fractional Local Neighborhood Intensity Pattern for Image Retrieval using Genetic Algorithm

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    In this paper, a new texture descriptor named "Fractional Local Neighborhood Intensity Pattern" (FLNIP) has been proposed for content based image retrieval (CBIR). It is an extension of the Local Neighborhood Intensity Pattern (LNIP)[1]. FLNIP calculates the relative intensity difference between a particular pixel and the center pixel of a 3x3 window by considering the relationship with adjacent neighbors. In this work, the fractional change in the local neighborhood involving the adjacent neighbors has been calculated first with respect to one of the eight neighbors of the center pixel of a 3x3 window. Next, the fractional change has been calculated with respect to the center itself. The two values of fractional change are next compared to generate a binary bit pattern. Both sign and magnitude information are encoded in a single descriptor as it deals with the relative change in magnitude in the adjacent neighborhood i.e., the comparison of the fractional change. The descriptor is applied on four multi-resolution images -- one being the raw image and the other three being filtered gaussian images obtained by applying gaussian filters of different standard deviations on the raw image to signify the importance of exploring texture information at different resolutions in an image. The four sets of distances obtained between the query and the target image are then combined with a genetic algorithm based approach to improve the retrieval performance by minimizing the distance between similar class images. The performance of the method has been tested for image retrieval on four popular databases. The precision and recall values observed on these databases have been compared with recent state-of-art local patterns. The proposed method has shown a significant improvement over many other existing methods.Comment: MTAP, Springer(Minor Revision

    Intensity and Rescale Invariant Copy Move Forgery Detection Techniques

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    In this contemporary world digital media such as videos and images behave as an active medium to carry valuable information across the globe on all fronts. However there are several techniques evolved to tamper the image which has made their authenticity untrustworthy. CopyMove Forgery CMF is one of the most common forgeries present in an image where a cluster of pixels are duplicated in the same image with potential postprocessing techniques. Various state-of-art techniques are developed in the recent years which are effective in detecting passive image forgery. However most methods do fail when the copied image is rescaled or added with certain intensity before being pasted due to de-synchronization of pixels in the searching process. To tackle this problem the paper proposes distinct novel algorithms which recognize a unique approach of using Hus invariant moments and Discreet Cosine Transformations DCT to attain the desired rescale invariant and intensity invariant CMF detection techniques respectively. The experiments conducted quantitatively and qualitatively demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.Comment: Further research is active on this paper in VIT University. Hence, the paper is yet not publishe

    U-CATCH: Using Color ATtribute of image patCHes in binary descriptors

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    In this study, we propose a simple yet very effective method for extracting color information through binary feature description framework. Our method expands the dimension of binary comparisons into RGB and YCbCr spaces, showing more than 100% matching improve ment compared to non-color binary descriptors for a wide range of hard-to-match cases. The proposed method is general and can be applied to any binary descriptor to make it color sensitive. It is faster than classical binary descriptors for RGB sampling due to the abandonment of grayscale conversion and has almost identical complexity (insignificant compared to smoothing operation) for YCbCr sampling

    Local Jet Pattern: A Robust Descriptor for Texture Classification

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    Methods based on local image features have recently shown promise for texture classification tasks, especially in the presence of large intra-class variation due to illumination, scale, and viewpoint changes. Inspired by the theories of image structure analysis, this paper presents a simple, efficient, yet robust descriptor namely local jet pattern (LJP) for texture classification. In this approach, a jet space representation of a texture image is derived from a set of derivatives of Gaussian (DtGs) filter responses up to second order, so called local jet vectors (LJV), which also satisfy the Scale Space properties. The LJP is obtained by utilizing the relationship of center pixel with the local neighborhood information in jet space. Finally, the feature vector of a texture region is formed by concatenating the histogram of LJP for all elements of LJV. All DtGs responses up to second order together preserves the intrinsic local image structure, and achieves invariance to scale, rotation, and reflection. This allows us to develop a texture classification framework which is discriminative and robust. Extensive experiments on five standard texture image databases, employing nearest subspace classifier (NSC), the proposed descriptor achieves 100%, 99.92%, 99.75%, 99.16%, and 99.65% accuracy for Outex_TC-00010 (Outex_TC10), and Outex_TC-00012 (Outex_TC12), KTH-TIPS, Brodatz, CUReT, respectively, which are outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: Accepted in Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springe

    Bit-Planes: Dense Subpixel Alignment of Binary Descriptors

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    Binary descriptors have been instrumental in the recent evolution of computationally efficient sparse image alignment algorithms. Increasingly, however, the vision community is interested in dense image alignment methods, which are more suitable for estimating correspondences from high frame rate cameras as they do not rely on exhaustive search. However, classic dense alignment approaches are sensitive to illumination change. In this paper, we propose an easy to implement and low complexity dense binary descriptor, which we refer to as bit-planes, that can be seamlessly integrated within a multi-channel Lucas & Kanade framework. This novel approach combines the robustness of binary descriptors with the speed and accuracy of dense alignment methods. The approach is demonstrated on a template tracking problem achieving state-of-the-art robustness and faster than real-time performance on consumer laptops (400+ fps on a single core Intel i7) and hand-held mobile devices (100+ fps on an iPad Air 2).Comment: 10 pages. In submissio

    Robust Face Recognition with Structural Binary Gradient Patterns

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    This paper presents a computationally efficient yet powerful binary framework for robust facial representation based on image gradients. It is termed as structural binary gradient patterns (SBGP). To discover underlying local structures in the gradient domain, we compute image gradients from multiple directions and simplify them into a set of binary strings. The SBGP is derived from certain types of these binary strings that have meaningful local structures and are capable of resembling fundamental textural information. They detect micro orientational edges and possess strong orientation and locality capabilities, thus enabling great discrimination. The SBGP also benefits from the advantages of the gradient domain and exhibits profound robustness against illumination variations. The binary strategy realized by pixel correlations in a small neighborhood substantially simplifies the computational complexity and achieves extremely efficient processing with only 0.0032s in Matlab for a typical face image. Furthermore, the discrimination power of the SBGP can be enhanced on a set of defined orientational image gradient magnitudes, further enforcing locality and orientation. Results of extensive experiments on various benchmark databases illustrate significant improvements of the SBGP based representations over the existing state-of-the-art local descriptors in the terms of discrimination, robustness and complexity. Codes for the SBGP methods will be available at http://www.eee.manchester.ac.uk/research/groups/sisp/software/
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