4 research outputs found

    Fabrication and characterization of shape memory polymers at small scales

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    The objective of this research is to thoroughly investigate the shape memory effect in polymers, characterize, and optimize these polymers for applications in information storage systems. Previous research effort in this field concentrated on shape memory metals for biomedical applications such as stents. Minimal work has been done on shape memory poly- mers; and the available work on shape memory polymers has not characterized the behaviors of this category of polymers fully. Copolymer shape memory materials based on diethylene glycol dimethacrylate (DEGDMA) crosslinker, and tert butyl acrylate (tBA) monomer are designed. The design encompasses a careful control of the backbone chemistry of the materials. Characterization methods such as dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC); and novel nanoscale techniques such as atomic force microscopy (AFM), and nanoindentation are applied to this system of materials. Designed experiments are conducted on the materials to optimize spin coating conditions for thin films. Furthermore, the recovery, a key for the use of these polymeric materials for information storage, is examined in detail with respect to temperature. In sum, the overarching objectives of the proposed research are to: (i) design shape memory polymers based on polyethylene glycol dimethacrylate (PEGDMA) and diethylene glycol dimethacrylate (DEGDMA) crosslinkers, 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) and tert-butyl acrylate monomer (tBA). (ii) utilize dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) to comprehend the thermomechanical properties of shape memory polymers based on DEGDMA and tBA. (iii) utilize nanoindentation and atomic force microscopy (AFM) to understand the nanoscale behavior of these SMPs, and explore the strain storage and recovery of the polymers from a deformed state. (iv) study spin coating conditions on thin film quality with designed experiments. (iv) apply neural networks and genetic algorithms to optimize these systems.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Gall, Ken; Committee Chair: May, Gary S; Committee Member: Brand, Oliver; Committee Member: Degertekin, F Levent; Committee Member: Milor, Linda

    Analog controller based on sliding mode control for piezoelectric actuators

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    Today, the digital implementation of the controllers is mainly preferred from reprogrammability point of view. Many important control problems can be effectively solved using a digital architecture in conjunction with analog-to-digital (ADC) and/or digital-to-analog conversion (DAC). Digital solutions offer two very attractive advantages: (1)-promise to shorten design cycles, and (2)-provide the freedom to reprogram the design in simple ways. This ease-of-change stands in sharp contrast to the great effort required to redesign a typical hard-wired analog implementation. However, depending on the complexity of the plant and the degrees of freedom (DOF) to be controlled, digital implementation of an algorithm may be demanding due to the high computational power requirement to run in real time. The necessity for the acquisition of the analog signals on the other hand requires ADC and DAC conversions that compel extra conditions on the system. Hence, multi-DOF systems may require either diminish in the systems operation frequency or additional hardware to run the algorithm in parallel for each DOF. This work aims to develop an analog motion controller for single input single output (SISO) plants of complex nature. As the control algorithm, Sliding Mode Control (SMC) like the well known robust nonlinear controller is selected as a design framework. Originally designed as a system motion for dynamic systems whose essential open-loop behavior can be sufficiently modeled with ordinary differential equations, Sliding Mode Control (SMC) is one of the effective nonlinear robust control approaches that provide system invariance to uncertainties once the sliding mode motion is enforced in the system. An important aspect of sliding mode is the discontinuous nature of the control action, which switches between two values to move the system motion on so-called “sliding mode” that exist in a manifold and therefore often referred as variable structure control (VSC). The resulting feedback system is called variable structure system (VSS). The position tracking of the piezoelectric actuators (PEA) is selected as the test bed for the designed system. Piezoelectricity, the ability of the material to become strained due to an electric field, gives the possibility to user those materials as actuator in sub-micrometer domain for a range of applications. Piezoelectric effect is a crystalline effect, and therefore, piezoelectric actuators do not suffer from “stick slip” effect mainly caused by the friction between elements of a mechanical system. This property theoretically offers an unlimited resolution, and therefore piezoelectric actuators are already used in many applications to provide sub-micrometer resolution. Still the achievable resolution in practice can be limited by a number of other factors such as the piezo control amplifier (electronic noise), sensor (resolution, noise and mounting precision) and control electronics (noise and sensitivity to EMI). As a result of this work, we are aiming an analog controller for SISO systems and by the use of this controller, improvement on the tracking performance for the plant we are studying and decrease on the possible computational load on digital controllers is targeted

    Towards energy-efficient limit-cycle walking in biped service robots: design analysis, modeling and experimental study of biped robot actuated by linear motors

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    Researchers have been studying biped robots for many years, and, while many advances in the field have been accomplished, there still remain the challenge to transfer the existing solutions into real applications. The main issues are related to mobility and autonomy. In mobility, biped robots have evolved greatly, nevertheless they are still far from what a human can do in the work-site. Similarly, autonomy of biped platforms has been tackled on several different grounds, but its core problem still remains, and it is associated to energy issues. Because of these energy issues, lately the main attention has been redirected to the long term autonomy of the biped robotics platforms. For that, much effort has been made to develop new more energy-efficient biped robots. The GIMBiped project in Aalto University was established to tackle the previous issues in energy efficiency and mobility, through the study and implementation of dynamic and energy-efficient bipedal robotic waking. This thesis falls into the first studies needed to achieve the previous goal using the GIMBiped testbed, starting with a detailed analysis of the nonlinear dynamics of the target system, using a modeling and simulation tools. This work also presents an assessment of different control techniques based on Limit Cycle walking, carried out on a two-dimensional kneed bipedal simulator. Furthermore, a numerical continuation analysis of the mechanical parameters of the first GIMBiped prototype was performed, using the same approximated planar kneed biped model. This study is done to analyze the effect that such variations in the mechanical design parameters produce in the stability and energy-efficiency of the system.Finally, experiments were performed in the GIMBiped testbed. These experiments show the results of a hybrid control technique proposed by the author, which combines traditional ZMP-based walking approach with a Limit Cycle trajectory-following control. Furthermore the results of a pure ZMP-based type of control are also presented.