404 research outputs found

    Integrating Affective Expressions into Robot-Assisted Search and Rescue to Improve Human-Robot Communication

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    Unexplained or ambiguous behaviours of rescue robots can lead to inefficient collaborations between humans and robots in robot-assisted SAR teams. To date, rescue robots do not have the ability to interact with humans on a social level, which is believed to be an essential ability that can improve the quality of interactions. This thesis research proposes to bring affective robot expressions into the SAR context to provide rescue robots social capabilities. The first experiment presented in Chapter 3 investigates whether there is consensus in mapping emotions to messages/situations in Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) scenarios, where efficiency and effectiveness of interactions are crucial to success. We studied mappings between 10 specific messages, presented in two different communication styles, reflecting common situations that might happen during search and rescue missions and the emotions exhibited by robots in those situations. The data was obtained through a Mechanical Turk study with 78 participants. The findings support the feasibility of using emotions as an additional communication channel to improve multi-modal human-robot interaction for urban search and rescue robots and suggest that these mappings are robust, i.e., are not affected by the robot’s communication style. The second experiment was conducted on Amazon Mechanical Turk as well with 223 participants. We used Affect Control Theory (ACT) as a method for deriving the mappings between situations and emotions (similar to the ones in the first experiment) and as an alternative method to obtaining mappings that can be adjusted for different emotion sets (Chapter 4). The results suggested that there is consistency in the choice of emotions for a robot to show in different situations between the two methods used in the first and second experiment, indicating the feasibility of using emotions as an additional modality in SAR robots. After validating the feasibility of bringing emotions to SAR context based on the findings from the first two experiments, we created affective expressions based on Evaluation, Potency and Activity (EPA) dimensions of ACT with the help of LED lights on a rescue robot called Husky. We evaluated the effect of emotions on rescue workers’ situational awareness through an online Amazon Mechanical Turk Study with 151 participants (Chapter 5). Findings indicated that participants who saw Husky with affective expressions (conveyed through lights) had better perception accuracy of the situation happening in the disaster scene than participants who saw the videos of the Husky robot without any affective lights. In other words, Husky with affective lights improved participants’ situational awareness

    Opportunistic communication schemes for unmanned vehicles in urban search and rescue

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    In urban search and rescue (USAR) operations, there is a considerable amount of danger faced by rescuers. The use of mobile robots can alleviate this issue. Coordinating the search effort is made more difficult by the communication issues typically faced in these environments, such that communication is often restricted. With small numbers of robots, it is necessary to break communication links in order to explore the entire environment. The robots can be viewed as a broken ad hoc network, relying on opportunistic contact in order to share data. In order to minimise overheads when exchanging data, a novel algorithm for data exchange has been created which maintains the propagation speed of flooding while reducing overheads. Since the rescue workers outside of the structure need to know the location of any victims, the task of finding their locations is two parted: 1) to locate the victims (Search Time), and 2) to get this data outside the structure (Delay Time). Communication with the outside is assumed to be performed by a static robot designated as the Command Station. Since it is unlikely that there will be sufficient robots to provide full communications coverage of the area, robots that discover victims are faced with the difficult decision of whether they should continue searching or return with the victim data. We investigate a variety of search techniques and see how the application of biological foraging models can help to streamline the search process, while we have also implemented an opportunistic network to ensure that data are shared whenever robots come within line of sight of each other or the Command Station. We examine this trade-off between performing a search and communicating the results

    Human factors of semi-autonomous robots for urban search and rescue

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    During major disasters or other emergencies, Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams are responsible for extricating casualties safely from collapsed urban structures. The rescue work is dangerous due to possible further collapse, fire, dust or electricity hazards. Sometimes the necessary precautions and checks can last several hours before rescuers are safe to start the search for survivors. Remote controlled rescue robots provide the opportunity to support human rescuers to search the site for trapped casualties while they remain in a safe place. The research reported in this thesis aimed to understand how robot behaviour and interface design can be applied to utilise the benefits of robot autonomy and how to inform future human-robot collaborative systems. The data was analysed in the context of USAR missions when using semi-autonomous remote controlled robot systems. The research focussed on the influence of robot feedback, robot reliability, task complexity, and transparency. The influence of these factors on trust, workload, and performance was examined. The overall goal of the research was to make the life of rescuers safer and enhance their performance to help others in distress. Data obtained from the studies conducted for this thesis showed that semi-autonomous robot reliability is still the most dominant factor influencing trust, workload, and team performance. A robot with explanatory feedback was perceived as more competent, more efficient and less malfunctioning. The explanatory feedback was perceived as a clearer type of communication compared to concise robot feedback. Higher levels of robot transparency were perceived as more trustworthy. However, single items on the trust questionnaire were manipulated and further investigation is necessary. However, neither explanatory feedback from the robot nor robot transparency, increased team performance or mediated workload levels. Task complexity mainly influenced human-robot team performance and the participants’ control allocation strategy. Participants allowed the robot to find more targets and missed more robot errors in the high complexity conditions compared to the low task complexity conditions. Participants found more targets manually in the low complexity tasks. In addition, the research showed that recording the observed robot performance (the performance of the robot that was witnessed by the participant) can help to identify the cause of contradicting results: participants might not have noticed some of the robots mistakes and therefore they were not able to distinguish between the robot reliability levels. Furthermore, the research provided a foundation of knowledge regarding the real world application of USAR in the United Kingdom. This included collecting knowledge via an autoethnographic approach about working processes, command structures, currently used technical equipment, and attitudes of rescuers towards robots. Also, recommendations about robot behaviour and interface design were collected throughout the research. However, recommendations made in the thesis include consideration of the overall outcome (mission performance) and the perceived usefulness of the system in order to support the uptake of the technology in real world applications. In addition, autonomous features might not be appropriate in all USAR applications. When semi-autonomous robot trials were compared to entirely manual operation, only the robot with an average of 97% reliability significantly increased the team performance and reduced the time needed to complete the USAR scenario compared to the manually operated robot. Unfortunately, such high robot success levels do not exist to date. This research has contributed to our understanding of the factors influencing human-robot collaboration in USAR operations, and provided guidance for the next generation of autonomous robots

    Human factors of semi-autonomous robots for urban search and rescue

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    During major disasters or other emergencies, Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) teams are responsible for extricating casualties safely from collapsed urban structures. The rescue work is dangerous due to possible further collapse, fire, dust or electricity hazards. Sometimes the necessary precautions and checks can last several hours before rescuers are safe to start the search for survivors. Remote controlled rescue robots provide the opportunity to support human rescuers to search the site for trapped casualties while they remain in a safe place. The research reported in this thesis aimed to understand how robot behaviour and interface design can be applied to utilise the benefits of robot autonomy and how to inform future human-robot collaborative systems. The data was analysed in the context of USAR missions when using semi-autonomous remote controlled robot systems. The research focussed on the influence of robot feedback, robot reliability, task complexity, and transparency. The influence of these factors on trust, workload, and performance was examined. The overall goal of the research was to make the life of rescuers safer and enhance their performance to help others in distress. Data obtained from the studies conducted for this thesis showed that semi-autonomous robot reliability is still the most dominant factor influencing trust, workload, and team performance. A robot with explanatory feedback was perceived as more competent, more efficient and less malfunctioning. The explanatory feedback was perceived as a clearer type of communication compared to concise robot feedback. Higher levels of robot transparency were perceived as more trustworthy. However, single items on the trust questionnaire were manipulated and further investigation is necessary. However, neither explanatory feedback from the robot nor robot transparency, increased team performance or mediated workload levels. Task complexity mainly influenced human-robot team performance and the participants’ control allocation strategy. Participants allowed the robot to find more targets and missed more robot errors in the high complexity conditions compared to the low task complexity conditions. Participants found more targets manually in the low complexity tasks. In addition, the research showed that recording the observed robot performance (the performance of the robot that was witnessed by the participant) can help to identify the cause of contradicting results: participants might not have noticed some of the robots mistakes and therefore they were not able to distinguish between the robot reliability levels. Furthermore, the research provided a foundation of knowledge regarding the real world application of USAR in the United Kingdom. This included collecting knowledge via an autoethnographic approach about working processes, command structures, currently used technical equipment, and attitudes of rescuers towards robots. Also, recommendations about robot behaviour and interface design were collected throughout the research. However, recommendations made in the thesis include consideration of the overall outcome (mission performance) and the perceived usefulness of the system in order to support the uptake of the technology in real world applications. In addition, autonomous features might not be appropriate in all USAR applications. When semi-autonomous robot trials were compared to entirely manual operation, only the robot with an average of 97% reliability significantly increased the team performance and reduced the time needed to complete the USAR scenario compared to the manually operated robot. Unfortunately, such high robot success levels do not exist to date. This research has contributed to our understanding of the factors influencing human-robot collaboration in USAR operations, and provided guidance for the next generation of autonomous robots

    Service Robots and Humanitarian Demining

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    The Penetration of Internet of Things in Robotics: Towards a Web of Robotic Things

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    As the Internet of Things (IoT) penetrates different domains and application areas, it has recently entered also the world of robotics. Robotics constitutes a modern and fast-evolving technology, increasingly being used in industrial, commercial and domestic settings. IoT, together with the Web of Things (WoT) could provide many benefits to robotic systems. Some of the benefits of IoT in robotics have been discussed in related work. This paper moves one step further, studying the actual current use of IoT in robotics, through various real-world examples encountered through a bibliographic research. The paper also examines the potential ofWoT, together with robotic systems, investigating which concepts, characteristics, architectures, hardware, software and communication methods of IoT are used in existing robotic systems, which sensors and actions are incorporated in IoT-based robots, as well as in which application areas. Finally, the current application of WoT in robotics is examined and discussed

    General Concepts for Human Supervision of Autonomous Robot Teams

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    For many dangerous, dirty or dull tasks like in search and rescue missions, deployment of autonomous teams of robots can be beneficial due to several reasons. First, robots can replace humans in the workspace. Second, autonomous robots reduce the workload of a human compared to teleoperated robots, and therefore multiple robots can in principle be supervised by a single human. Third, teams of robots allow distributed operation in time and space. This thesis investigates concepts of how to efficiently enable a human to supervise and support an autonomous robot team, as common concepts for teleoperation of robots do not apply because of the high mental workload. The goal is to find a way in between the two extremes of full autonomy and pure teleoperation, by allowing to adapt the robots’ level of autonomy to the current situation and the needs of the human supervisor. The methods presented in this thesis make use of the complementary strengths of humans and robots, by letting the robots do what they are good at, while the human should support the robots in situations that correspond to the human strengths. To enable this type of collaboration between a human and a robot team, the human needs to have an adequate knowledge about the current state of the robots, the environment, and the mission. For this purpose, the concept of situation overview (SO) has been developed in this thesis, which is composed of the two components robot SO and mission SO. Robot SO includes information about the state and activities of each single robot in the team, while mission SO deals with the progress of the mission and the cooperation between the robots. For obtaining SO a new event-based communication concept is presented in this thesis, that allows the robots to aggregate information into discrete events using methods from complex event processing. The quality and quantity of the events that are actually sent to the supervisor can be adapted during runtime by defining positive and negative policies for (not) sending events that fulfill specific criteria. This reduces the required communication bandwidth compared to sending all available data. Based on SO, the supervisor is enabled to efficiently interact with the robot team. Interactions can be initiated either by the human or by the robots. The developed concept for robot-initiated interactions is based on queries, that allow the robots to transfer decisions to another process or the supervisor. Various modes for answering the queries, ranging from fully autonomous to pure human decisions, allow to adapt the robots’ level of autonomy during runtime. Human-initiated interactions are limited to high-level commands, whereas interactions on the action level (e. g., teleoperation) are avoided, to account for the specific strengths of humans and robots. These commands can in principle be applied to quite general classes of task allocation methods for autonomous robot teams, e. g., in terms of specific restrictions, which are introduced into the system as constraints. In that way, the desired allocations emerge implicitly because of the introduced constraints, and the task allocation method does not need to be aware of the human supervisor in the loop. This method is applicable to different task allocation approaches, e. g., instantaneous or time-extended task assignments, and centralized or distributed algorithms. The presented methods are evaluated by a number of different experiments with physical and simulated scenarios from urban search and rescue as well as robot soccer, and during robot competitions. The results show that with these methods a human supervisor can significantly improve the robot team performance

    Flexible robotic control via co-operation between an operator and an ai-based control system

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    This thesis addresses the problem of variable autonomy in teleoperated mobile robots. Variable autonomy refers to the approach of incorporating several different levels of autonomous capabilities (Level(s) of Autonomy (LOA)) ranging from pure teleoperation (human has complete control of the robot) to full autonomy (robot has control of every capability), within a single robot. Most robots used for demanding and safety critical tasks (e.g. search and rescue, hazardous environments inspection), are currently teleoperated in simple ways, but could soon start to benefit from variable autonomy. The use of variable autonomy would allow Artificial Intelligence (AI) control algorithms to autonomously take control of certain functions when the human operator is suffering a high workload, high cognitive load, anxiety, or other distractions and stresses. In contrast, some circumstances may still necessitate direct human control of the robot. More specifically, this thesis is focused on investigating the issues of dynamically changing LOA (i.e. during task execution) using either Human-Initiative (HI) orMixed-Initiative (MI) control. MI refers to the peer-to-peer relationship between the robot and the operator in terms of the authority to initiate actions and LOA switches. HI refers to the human operators switching LOA based on their judgment, with the robot having no capacity to initiate LOA switches. A HI and a novel expert-guided MI controller are presented in this thesis. These controllers were evaluated using a multidisciplinary systematic experimental framework, that combines quantifiable and repeatable performance degradation factors for both the robot and the operator. The thesis presents statistically validated evidence that variable autonomy, in the form of HI and MI, provides advantages compared to only using teleoperation or only using autonomy, in various scenarios. Lastly, analyses of the interactions between the operators and the variable autonomy systems are reported. These analyses highlight the importance of personality traits and preferences, trust in the system, and the understanding of the system by the human operator, in the context of HRI with the proposed controllers
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