4 research outputs found

    Synthesizing and Reviewing Research Trends in Automation

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    The objective of this paper is to develop a thorough understanding of the evolution of automation techniques throughout its time span. To achieve this, a literature review followed by classification schemes and simple Meta analysis have been presented in this paper. The literature review was based on journals collected for the study. A total of 234 articles were selected for the study. The study yielded 37 variables which formed the basis of classification schemes. The first classification scheme was conceptual while the second was functional. The entire study was grouped into these classification schemes. The classification schemes were the foundations for performing simple Meta analysis. The analysis was done under three categories, according to classification schemes, according to year of publication and according to journals. The results show various trends of automation throughout the years. In the end, the results are discussed in detail and future areas of research are identified. Keywords: Automation techniques, Classification schemes, Meta analysis, Primary dimension

    Developing Measures of Automation Implementation in Indian Industries

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    In the international business market, Automation has increased the competence of Indian Industry by making them fast, error free and providing them with greater customization option. This paper performs the review of automation and attempts to develop a framework for the implementation of automation by validating “IMPLAUT” (IMPLementing AUTomation) for Indian Industries. An exhaustive literature survey proceeded by simple meta-analysis have been carried out to find out various research gaps and further to address these gaps few objectives of this research study have been explored. For developing model for automation, the different variables are explored using ‘Churchill’s approach’ as may be applicable to Indian industrial scenario. It is evident from the model of “IMPLAUT” that automation will lead to the rise of competence in Indian industry provided the various input and output model suggested by the generic model are to be kept in view. It has been observed that the application of “IMPLAUT” reduces the manufacturing and downtime therefore increasing the overall efficiency of the industry. So “IMPLAUT” can be further researched and must be considered as an emerging field for research in engineering discipline. Keywords: Automation, IMPLAUT, classification schemes, Meta analysis, dimension

    Robot Based System for the Automation of Flow Assembly Lines

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    In this paper a promising approach to the automation of flow assembly lines is presented. The developed system uses a standard industrial robot and synchronizes it to the product in all degrees of freedom. The synchronization is enabled by dividing the assembly process in different phases and controlling the robot in each phase with an adequate sensor system. Besides, a compliance is integrated in the gripper system in order to reduce high contact forces and tolerate high frequency pose deviations. Main advantages of the synchronized assembly are the avoidance of buffers and the reduction of the throughput time

    Robot based system for the automation of flow assembly lines

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