3 research outputs found

    Conceptive Artificial Intelligence: Insights from design theory

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    The current paper offers a perspective on what we term conceptive intelligence - the capacity of an agent to continuously think of new object definitions (tasks, problems, physical systems, etc.) and to look for methods to realize them. The framework, called a Brouwer machine, is inspired by previous research in design theory and modeling, with its roots in the constructivist mathematics of intuitionism. The dual constructivist perspective we describe offers the possibility to create novelty both in terms of the types of objects and the methods for constructing objects. More generally, the theoretical work on which Brouwer machines are based is called imaginative constructivism. Based on the framework and the theory, we discuss many paradigms and techniques omnipresent in AI research and their merits and shortcomings for modeling aspects of design, as described by imaginative constructivism. To demonstrate and explain the type of creative process expressed by the notion of a Brouwer machine, we compare this concept with a system using genetic algorithms for scientific law discovery


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    This paper is concerned with a planning system for a robot with a hand and an eye which can manipulate blocks. Two different kinds of problem solvers are used. One is mainly composed of a theorem prover based on the resolution principle, and the other consists of a theorem prover based on pattern matching. These problem solvers are called GOAL-FINDER and JOB-SCHEDULER corresponding to their functions. GOAL-FINDER decides a goal state that is suitable for an order of an operator. JOB-SCHEDULER produces a job sequence for a robot to perform the goal state given the constraints of the block world. Description terms robot planning, problem solving, theorem proving and data structure.