4,982 research outputs found

    SUPER: A Novel Lane Detection System

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    AI-based lane detection algorithms were actively studied over the last few years. Many have demonstrated superior performance compared with traditional feature-based methods. The accuracy, however, is still generally in the low 80% or high 90%, or even lower when challenging images are used. In this paper, we propose a real-time lane detection system, called Scene Understanding Physics-Enhanced Real-time (SUPER) algorithm. The proposed method consists of two main modules: 1) a hierarchical semantic segmentation network as the scene feature extractor and 2) a physics enhanced multi-lane parameter optimization module for lane inference. We train the proposed system using heterogeneous data from Cityscapes, Vistas and Apollo, and evaluate the performance on four completely separate datasets (that were never seen before), including Tusimple, Caltech, URBAN KITTI-ROAD, and X-3000. The proposed approach performs the same or better than lane detection models already trained on the same dataset and performs well even on datasets it was never trained on. Real-world vehicle tests were also conducted. Preliminary test results show promising real-time lane-detection performance compared with the Mobileye

    Monocular Vehicle Self-localization method based on Compact Semantic Map

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    High precision localization is a crucial requirement for the autonomous driving system. Traditional positioning methods have some limitations in providing stable and accurate vehicle poses, especially in an urban environment. Herein, we propose a novel self-localizing method using a monocular camera and a 3D compact semantic map. Pre-collected information of the road landmarks is stored in a self-defined map with a minimal amount of data. We recognize landmarks using a deep neural network, followed with a geometric feature extraction process which promotes the measurement accuracy. The vehicle location and posture are estimated by minimizing a self-defined re-projection residual error to evaluate the map-to-image registration, together with a robust association method. We validate the effectiveness of our approach by applying this method to localize a vehicle in an open dataset, achieving the RMS accuracy of 0.345 meter with reduced sensor setup and map storage compared to the state of art approaches. We also evaluate some key steps and discuss the contribution of the subsystems

    The ApolloScape Open Dataset for Autonomous Driving and its Application

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    Autonomous driving has attracted tremendous attention especially in the past few years. The key techniques for a self-driving car include solving tasks like 3D map construction, self-localization, parsing the driving road and understanding objects, which enable vehicles to reason and act. However, large scale data set for training and system evaluation is still a bottleneck for developing robust perception models. In this paper, we present the ApolloScape dataset [1] and its applications for autonomous driving. Compared with existing public datasets from real scenes, e.g. KITTI [2] or Cityscapes [3], ApolloScape contains much large and richer labelling including holistic semantic dense point cloud for each site, stereo, per-pixel semantic labelling, lanemark labelling, instance segmentation, 3D car instance, high accurate location for every frame in various driving videos from multiple sites, cities and daytimes. For each task, it contains at lease 15x larger amount of images than SOTA datasets. To label such a complete dataset, we develop various tools and algorithms specified for each task to accelerate the labelling process, such as 3D-2D segment labeling tools, active labelling in videos etc. Depend on ApolloScape, we are able to develop algorithms jointly consider the learning and inference of multiple tasks. In this paper, we provide a sensor fusion scheme integrating camera videos, consumer-grade motion sensors (GPS/IMU), and a 3D semantic map in order to achieve robust self-localization and semantic segmentation for autonomous driving. We show that practically, sensor fusion and joint learning of multiple tasks are beneficial to achieve a more robust and accurate system. We expect our dataset and proposed relevant algorithms can support and motivate researchers for further development of multi-sensor fusion and multi-task learning in the field of computer vision.Comment: Version 4: Accepted by TPAMI. Version 3: 17 pages, 10 tables, 11 figures, added the application (DeLS-3D) based on the ApolloScape Dataset. Version 2: 7 pages, 6 figures, added comparison with BDD100K datase

    A Methodological Review of Visual Road Recognition Procedures for Autonomous Driving Applications

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    The current research interest in autonomous driving is growing at a rapid pace, attracting great investments from both the academic and corporate sectors. In order for vehicles to be fully autonomous, it is imperative that the driver assistance system is adapt in road and lane keeping. In this paper, we present a methodological review of techniques with a focus on visual road detection and recognition. We adopt a pragmatic outlook in presenting this review, whereby the procedures of road recognition is emphasised with respect to its practical implementations. The contribution of this review hence covers the topic in two parts -- the first part describes the methodological approach to conventional road detection, which covers the algorithms and approaches involved to classify and segregate roads from non-road regions; and the other part focuses on recent state-of-the-art machine learning techniques that are applied to visual road recognition, with an emphasis on methods that incorporate convolutional neural networks and semantic segmentation. A subsequent overview of recent implementations in the commercial sector is also presented, along with some recent research works pertaining to road detections.Comment: 14 pages, 6 Figures, 2 Tables. Permission to reprint granted from original figure author

    Efficient Road Lane Marking Detection with Deep Learning

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    Lane mark detection is an important element in the road scene analysis for Advanced Driver Assistant System (ADAS). Limited by the onboard computing power, it is still a challenge to reduce system complexity and maintain high accuracy at the same time. In this paper, we propose a Lane Marking Detector (LMD) using a deep convolutional neural network to extract robust lane marking features. To improve its performance with a target of lower complexity, the dilated convolution is adopted. A shallower and thinner structure is designed to decrease the computational cost. Moreover, we also design post-processing algorithms to construct 3rd-order polynomial models to fit into the curved lanes. Our system shows promising results on the captured road scenes.Comment: Accepted at International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP) 201

    Real-time Dynamic Object Detection for Autonomous Driving using Prior 3D-Maps

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    Lidar has become an essential sensor for autonomous driving as it provides reliable depth estimation. Lidar is also the primary sensor used in building 3D maps which can be used even in the case of low-cost systems which do not use Lidar. Computation on Lidar point clouds is intensive as it requires processing of millions of points per second. Additionally there are many subsequent tasks such as clustering, detection, tracking and classification which makes real-time execution challenging. In this paper, we discuss real-time dynamic object detection algorithms which leverages previously mapped Lidar point clouds to reduce processing. The prior 3D maps provide a static background model and we formulate dynamic object detection as a background subtraction problem. Computation and modeling challenges in the mapping and online execution pipeline are described. We propose a rejection cascade architecture to subtract road regions and other 3D regions separately. We implemented an initial version of our proposed algorithm and evaluated the accuracy on CARLA simulator.Comment: Preprint Submission to ECCVW AutoNUE 2018 - v2 author name accent correctio

    Can we unify monocular detectors for autonomous driving by using the pixel-wise semantic segmentation of CNNs?

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    Autonomous driving is a challenging topic that requires complex solutions in perception tasks such as recognition of road, lanes, traffic signs or lights, vehicles and pedestrians. Through years of research, computer vision has grown capable of tackling these tasks with monocular detectors that can provide remarkable detection rates with relatively low processing times. However, the recent appearance of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) has revolutionized the computer vision field and has made possible approaches to perform full pixel-wise semantic segmentation in times close to real time (even on hardware that can be carried on a vehicle). In this paper, we propose to use full image segmentation as an approach to simplify and unify most of the detection tasks required in the perception module of an autonomous vehicle, analyzing major concerns such as computation time and detection performance.Comment: Extended abstract presented in IV16-WS Deepdriving (http://iv2016.berkeleyvision.org/

    Driving Policy Transfer via Modularity and Abstraction

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    End-to-end approaches to autonomous driving have high sample complexity and are difficult to scale to realistic urban driving. Simulation can help end-to-end driving systems by providing a cheap, safe, and diverse training environment. Yet training driving policies in simulation brings up the problem of transferring such policies to the real world. We present an approach to transferring driving policies from simulation to reality via modularity and abstraction. Our approach is inspired by classic driving systems and aims to combine the benefits of modular architectures and end-to-end deep learning approaches. The key idea is to encapsulate the driving policy such that it is not directly exposed to raw perceptual input or low-level vehicle dynamics. We evaluate the presented approach in simulated urban environments and in the real world. In particular, we transfer a driving policy trained in simulation to a 1/5-scale robotic truck that is deployed in a variety of conditions, with no finetuning, on two continents. The supplementary video can be viewed at https://youtu.be/BrMDJqI6H5UComment: Accepted at Conference on Robotic Learning (CoRL'18) http://proceedings.mlr.press/v87/mueller18a.htm

    A Dataset for Lane Instance Segmentation in Urban Environments

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    Autonomous vehicles require knowledge of the surrounding road layout, which can be predicted by state-of-the-art CNNs. This work addresses the current lack of data for determining lane instances, which are needed for various driving manoeuvres. The main issue is the time-consuming manual labelling process, typically applied per image. We notice that driving the car is itself a form of annotation. Therefore, we propose a semi-automated method that allows for efficient labelling of image sequences by utilising an estimated road plane in 3D based on where the car has driven and projecting labels from this plane into all images of the sequence. The average labelling time per image is reduced to 5 seconds and only an inexpensive dash-cam is required for data capture. We are releasing a dataset of 24,000 images and additionally show experimental semantic segmentation and instance segmentation results.Comment: ECCV camera read

    Affordance Learning In Direct Perception for Autonomous Driving

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    Recent development in autonomous driving involves high-level computer vision and detailed road scene understanding. Today, most autonomous vehicles are using mediated perception approach for path planning and control, which highly rely on high-definition 3D maps and real time sensors. Recent research efforts aim to substitute the massive HD maps with coarse road attributes. In this paper, we follow the direct perception based method to train a deep neural network for affordance learning in autonomous driving. Our goal in this work is to develop the affordance learning model based on freely available Google Street View panoramas and Open Street Map road vector attributes. Driving scene understanding can be achieved by learning affordances from the images captured by car-mounted cameras. Such scene understanding by learning affordances may be useful for corroborating base maps such as HD maps so that the required data storage space is minimized and available for processing in real time. We compare capability in road attribute identification between human volunteers and our model by experimental evaluation. Our results indicate that this method could act as a cheaper way for training data collection in autonomous driving. The cross validation results also indicate the effectiveness of our model.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figure
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