8,954 research outputs found

    Coherent measurement of factor risks

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    We propose a new procedure for the risk measurement of large portfolios. It employs the following objects as the building blocks: - coherent risk measures introduced by Artzner, Delbaen, Eber, and Heath; - factor risk measures introduced in this paper, which assess the risks driven by particular factors like the price of oil, S&P500 index, or the credit spread; - risk contributions and factor risk contributions, which provide a coherent alternative to the sensitivity coefficients. We also propose two particular classes of coherent risk measures called Alpha V@R and Beta V@R, for which all the objects described above admit an extremely simple empirical estimation procedure. This procedure uses no model assumptions on the structure of the price evolution. Moreover, we consider the problem of the risk management on a firm's level. It is shown that if the risk limits are imposed on the risk contributions of the desks to the overall risk of the firm (rather than on their outstanding risks) and the desks are allowed to trade these limits within a firm, then the desks automatically find the globally optimal portfolio

    RM-CVaR: Regularized Multiple β\beta-CVaR Portfolio

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    The problem of finding the optimal portfolio for investors is called the portfolio optimization problem. Such problem mainly concerns the expectation and variability of return (i.e., mean and variance). Although the variance would be the most fundamental risk measure to be minimized, it has several drawbacks. Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) is a relatively new risk measure that addresses some of the shortcomings of well-known variance-related risk measures, and because of its computational efficiencies, it has gained popularity. CVaR is defined as the expected value of the loss that occurs beyond a certain probability level (β\beta). However, portfolio optimization problems that use CVaR as a risk measure are formulated with a single β\beta and may output significantly different portfolios depending on how the β\beta is selected. We confirm even small changes in β\beta can result in huge changes in the whole portfolio structure. In order to improve this problem, we propose RM-CVaR: Regularized Multiple β\beta-CVaR Portfolio. We perform experiments on well-known benchmarks to evaluate the proposed portfolio. Compared with various portfolios, RM-CVaR demonstrates a superior performance of having both higher risk-adjusted returns and lower maximum drawdown.Comment: accepted by the IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 Special Track AI in FinTec
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