5 research outputs found

    A Petri Net Based Reliability Block Diagram Model for Category I Medical Devices Reliability Analysis

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    The medical industry incorporates technology and breaks different types of equipment into three various categories determined according to the technologies and their usage. The first category, which is the focus of this article, consists of devices that are directly linked to the life of the patients, for example a ventilator. The purpose of this study is to develop a new reliability technique, based on the Reliability Block Diagram (RBD) and Petri Net, for Category 1 equipment. The RBD, focuses on showing how the failure of different parts could affect the sub-systems of the equipment and how those failures could cause an overall system failure. The second method, Petri Net, is a tool that is used to analyze various types of information processing systems. Combining these two methods will allow the user to determine the reliability of the different systems and subsystems with various pieces of equipment. The knowledge gained by this analysis will be used to determine the likelihood that the failure of specific subsystems will cause an overall system failure. The overall anticipated result is to thoroughly develop this new methodology. The complete process that is used to finish the calculation process for the subsystems will be shown, in addition to the completion of the final Reliability Block Diagram

    A petri net based reliability block diagram model for category I medical devices reliability analysis

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    The medical industry incorporates technology and breaks different types of equipment into three various categories determined according to the technologies and their usage. The first category, which is the focus of this article, consists of devices that are directly linked to the life of the patients, for example a ventilator. The purpose of this study is to develop a new reliability technique, based on the Reliability Block Diagram (RBD) and Petri Net, for Category 1 equipment. The RBD, focuses on showing how the failure of different parts could affect the sub-systems of the equipment and how those failures could cause an overall system failure. The second method, Petri Net, is a tool that is used to analyze various types of information processing systems. Combining these two methods will allow the user to determine the reliability of the different systems and subsystems with various pieces of equipment. The knowledge gained by this analysis will be used to determine the likelihood that the failure of specific subsystems will cause an overall system failure. The overall anticipated result is to thoroughly develop this new methodology. The complete process that is used to finish the calculation process for the subsystems will be shown, in addition to the completion of the final Reliability Block Diagram

    Analisis Sistem Reliability dengan Pendekatan Reliability Block Diagram

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    Rendahnya reliability suatu sistem dapat mengakibatkan timbulnya downtime. Sedangkan rendahnya availability dapat mengakibatkan turunnya performance dari suatu sistem karena banyaknya waste time. Sistem extrussion pada PT. X berbentuk countinous process, apabila salah satu komponen pada mesin mengalami kerusakan akan menyebabkan terhentinya proses. Terdapat lima belas mesin yang tersusun secara seri pada proses extrussion, yakni uncoiler, welding, looping,extruder 90. Extruder 70, microwave 1,microwave 2, oven 1, oven 2,oven 3, cooling batch, breaking, bending, pulling, dan cutting. Sistem extrussion digambarkan dalam diagram Reliability Block Diagram. Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah memodelkan sistem dengan menggunakan metode Reliability Block Diagram, mengetahui reliability dari keseluruhan system, dan mengetahui critically equipment. Data yang diolah merupakan data kerusakan mesin dari tahun 2006-2017, kemudian data tersebut diolah untuk menentukan reliability dari masing-masing komponen. Software yang digunakan adalah Software Reliasoft Blocksim 11. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah nilai reliability sistem 0,431407 dengan t 100 jam

    Risk Analysis for Critical Systems with Reliability Block Diagrams

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    Governmental organisations are becoming more critically dependant on IT systems such as communication systems or patient data systems, both for their everyday tasks and their role in crisis relief activities. Therefore it is important for the organisation to analyse the reliability of these systems as part of the organisation’s risk and vulnerability analysis process. This paper presents a practical risk analysis method for critical, large-scale IT systems in an organisation. The method is based on reliability block diagram modelling and was adapted to fit the requirements of governmental organisations and to reduce the effort required to capture complex failure behaviour. The paper first explicitly lists the requirements that such a risk analysis method must fulfil, then presents the proposed risk analysis method and finally outlines the planned evaluation of this method

    Case Study on Risk Analysis for Critical Systems with Reliability Block Diagrams

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    ABSTRACT This paper presents a practical risk analysis method for critical, large-scale IT systems in an organisation. The method is based on reliability block diagram modelling and was adapted to fit the requirements of governmental organisations and to reduce the effort required to capture complex failure behaviour. Through the use of different failure categories the risk analysis can be simplified, the input data becomes easier to estimate and the results are easier to use in an organisational risk and vulnerability analysis. The paper first explicitly describes the different steps of the method and then presents a case study in which the method was applied and evaluated in a real-life setting. The method is meant to help an organisation to communicate internally about the reliability of their critical IT systems and to prioritise proposed improvements to this reliability