32 research outputs found

    Modeling, Simulation, and Analysis of Cascading Outages in Power Systems

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    Interconnected power systems are prone to cascading outages leading to large-area blackouts. Modeling, simulation, analysis, and mitigation of cascading outages are still challenges for power system operators and planners.Firstly, the interaction model and interaction graph proposed by [27] are demonstrated on a realistic Northeastern Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) power system, identifying key links and components that contribute most to the propagation of cascading outages. Then a multi-layer interaction graph for analysis and mitigation of cascading outages is proposed. It provides a practical, comprehensive framework for prediction of outage propagation and decision making on mitigation strategies. It has multiple layers to respectively identify key links and components, which contribute the most to outage propagation. Based on the multi-layer interaction graph, effective mitigation strategies can be further developed. A three-layer interaction graph is constructed and demonstrated on the NPCC power system.Secondly, this thesis proposes a novel steady-state approach for simulating cascading outages. The approach employs a power flow-based model that considers static power-frequency characteristics of both generators and loads. Thus, the system frequency deviation can be calculated under cascading outages and control actions such as under-frequency load shedding can be simulated. Further, a new AC optimal power flow model considering frequency deviation (AC-OPFf) is proposed to simulate remedial control against system collapse. Case studies on the two-area, IEEE 39-bus, and NPCC power systems show that the proposed approach can more accurately capture the propagation of cascading outages when compared with a conventional approach using the conventional power flow and AC optimal power flow models.Thirdly, in order to reduce the potential risk caused by cascading outages, an online strategy of critical component-based active islanding is proposed. It is performed when any component belonging to a predefined set of critical components is involved in the propagation path. The set of critical components whose fail can cause large risk are identified based on the interaction graph. Test results on the NPCC power system show that the cascading outage risk can be reduced significantly by performing the proposed active islanding when compared with the risk of other scenarios without active islanding

    Deep Learning Techniques for Power System Operation: Modeling and Implementation

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    The fast development of the deep learning (DL) techniques in the most recent years has drawn attention from both academia and industry. And there have been increasing applications of the DL techniques in many complex real-world situations, including computer vision, medical diagnosis, and natural language processing. The great power and flexibility of DL can be attributed to its hierarchical learning structure that automatically extract features from mass amounts of data. In addition, DL applies an end-to-end solving mechanism, and directly generates the output from the input, where the traditional machine learning methods usually break down the problem and combine the results. The end-to-end mechanism considerably improve the computational efficiency of the DL.The power system is one of the most complex artificial infrastructures, and many power system control and operation problems share the same features as the above mentioned real-world applications, such as time variability and uncertainty, partial observability, which impedes the performance of the conventional model-based methods. On the other hand, with the wide spread implementation of Advanced Metering Infrastructures (AMI), the SCADA, the Wide Area Monitoring Systems (WAMS), and many other measuring system providing massive data from the field, the data-driven deep learning technique is becoming an intriguing alternative method to enable the future development and success of the smart grid. This dissertation aims to explore the potential of utilizing the deep-learning-based approaches to solve a broad range of power system modeling and operation problems. First, a comprehensive literature review is conducted to summarize the existing applications of deep learning techniques in power system area. Second, the prospective application of deep learning techniques in several scenarios in power systems, including contingency screening, cascading outage search, multi-microgrid energy management, residential HVAC system control, and electricity market bidding are discussed in detail in the following 2-6 chapters. The problem formulation, the specific deep learning approaches in use, and the simulation results are all presented, and also compared with the currently used model-based method as a verification of the advantage of deep learning. Finally, the conclusions are provided in the last chapter, as well as the directions for future researches. It’s hoped that this dissertation can work as a single spark of fire to enlighten more innovative ideas and original studies, widening and deepening the application of deep learning technique in the field of power system, and eventually bring some positive impacts to the real-world bulk grid resilient and economic control and operation

    The Impact of Renewable Power Generation and Extreme Weather Events on the Stability and Resilience of AC Power Grids

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    Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, welchen Einfluss kurzzeitige Schwankungen der erneuerbaren Energiequellen auf die synchrone Netzfrequenz haben. Zu diesem Zweck wird eine lineare Antworttheorie für stochastische Störungen von dynamischen Systemen auf Netzwerken hergeleitet. Anschließend wird diese Theorie verwendet, um den Einfluss von kurzfristigen Wind- und Sonnenschwankungen auf die Netzdynamik zu analysieren. Hierbei wird gezeigt, dass die Frequenzantwort des Netzes weitestgehend homogen ist, aber die Anfälligkeit für Leistungsschwankungen aufgrund von Leitungsverlusten entlang des Leistungsflusses zunimmt. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit der Modellierung von netzbildenden Wechselrichterregelungen. Bislang existiert kein universelles Modell zur Beschreibung der kollektiven Dynamik solcher Systeme. Um dies zu erreichen, wird unter Ausnutzung der inhärenten Symmetrie des synchronen Betriebszustandes eine Normalform für netzbildende Akteure abgeleitet. Anschließend wird gezeigt, dass dieses Modell eine gute Annäherung an typische Wechselrichter-Dynamiken bietet, aber auch für eine datengesteuerte Modellierung gut geeignet ist. Der letzte Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit der Analyse des Risikos von Stromausfällen, welche durch Hurrikans verursacht werden. Hohe Windgeschwindigkeiten verursachen häufig Schäden an der Übertragungsinfrastruktur, welche wiederum zu Überlastungen anderer Komponenten führen und damit eine Kaskade von Ausfällen im gesamten Netz auslösen können. Simulationen solcher Szenarien werden durch die Kombination eines meteorologischen Windmodells sowie eines Modells für kaskadierende Leitungsausfälle durchgeführt. Durch Monte-Carlo-Simulationen in einer synthetischen Nachbildung des texanischen Übertragungsnetzes können einzelne kritische Leitungen identifiziert werden, welche zu großflächigen Stromausfällen führen.The first part of this thesis addresses the question which impact short-term renewable fluctuations have on the synchronous grid frequency. For this purpose, a linear response theory for stochastic perturbations of networked dynamical systems is derived. This theory is then used to analyze the impact of short-term wind and solar fluctuations on the grid frequency. It is shown that while the network frequency response is mainly homogenous, the susceptibility to power fluctuations is increasing along the power flow due to transmission line losses. The second part of the thesis is concerned with modeling grid-forming inverter controls. So far there exists no universal model for studying the collective dynamics of such systems. By utilizing the inherent symmetry of the synchronous operating state, a normal form for grid-forming actors is derived. It is shown that this model provides a useful approximation of certain inverter control dynamics but is also well-suited for a data-driven modeling approach. The last part of the thesis deals with analyzing the risk of hurricane-induced power outages. High wind speeds often cause damage to transmission infrastructure which can lead to overloads of other components and thereby induce a cascade of failures spreading through the entire grid. Simulations of such scenarios are implemented by combining a meteorological wind field model with a model for cascading line failures. Using Monte Carlo simulations in a synthetic test case resembling the Texas transmission system, it is possible to identify critical lines that trigger large-scale power outages