4,909 research outputs found

    The nature of small-scale farmer managed irrigation systems in North West Province, Sri Lanka and potential for aquaculture

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    RRAs were carried out in two Small Tank Cascade systems (STCs) of North West Province, Sri Lanka (less than 1000 ha total watershed area). A total of 21 tanks and 7 villages were investigated with primary emphasis on two upper watershed communities. The two systems differ primarily in their resource base; namely rainfall, natural forests and proximity to large scale perennial irrigation resources. [PDF contains 86 pages

    Electrical flexibility in the chemical process industry

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    Modelling and simulating change in reforesting mountain landscapes using a social-ecological framework

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    Natural reforestation of European mountain landscapes raises major environmental and societal issues. With local stakeholders in the Pyrenees National Park area (France), we studied agricultural landscape colonisation by ash (Fraxinus excelsior) to enlighten its impacts on biodiversity and other landscape functions of importance for the valley socio-economics. The study comprised an integrated assessment of land-use and land-cover change (LUCC) since the 1950s, and a scenario analysis of alternative future policy. We combined knowledge and methods from landscape ecology, land change and agricultural sciences, and a set of coordinated field studies to capture interactions and feedback in the local landscape/land-use system. Our results elicited the hierarchically-nested relationships between social and ecological processes. Agricultural change played a preeminent role in the spatial and temporal patterns of LUCC. Landscape colonisation by ash at the parcel level of organisation was merely controlled by grassland management, and in fact depended on the farmer's land management at the whole-farm level. LUCC patterns at the landscape level depended to a great extent on interactions between farm household behaviours and the spatial arrangement of landholdings within the landscape mosaic. Our results stressed the need to represent the local SES function at a fine scale to adequately capture scenarios of change in landscape functions. These findings orientated our modelling choices in the building an agent-based model for LUCC simulation (SMASH - Spatialized Multi-Agent System of landscape colonization by ASH). We discuss our method and results with reference to topical issues in interdisciplinary research into the sustainability of multifunctional landscapes

    Potential For Aquaculture In Community-Managed Irrigation Systems of the Dry-Zone, Sri Lanka: Impacts On Livelihoods Of The Poor

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    Rainfed areas in the Dry-Zone of Sri Lanka are characteristic of extensive marginal agro-ecosystems known as the semi-arid tropics (SAT) populated by poor farming communities. In the Dry-Zone and elsewhere, the traditional response to seasonal water scarcity was to construct rainfall-harvesting devices known as ‘tanks’; created by building earthen dykes across ephemeral streams in undulating terrain. Most are held in common ownership by adjacent communities, who use them for multiple functions including irrigation, bathing and fishing. Storage efficiency is enhanced by arranging tanks in cascading sequence within watersheds so that drainage waters can be re-used. The aim of this study was to evolve improved collective strategies for the management of seasonal water bodies (focussing on aquatic production) in order to reduce the vulnerability of the poorest groups. Understanding of these complex systems requires a holistic approach which integrates hydrological, biological and socio-economic factors on a suitable (watershed) scale. Work commenced with a comprehensive situation analysis, culminating with the formulation of a participatory research agenda for action research based on low-input stocking enhancements. Village livelihoods have traditionally revolved around paddy cultivation as the primary tank function; however, in recent times, water-use strategies have responded to a range of demographic, economic and environmental pressures with implications for the sustainable management of natural resources, especially living aquatic organisms. Natural fish production in the most seasonal tanks relies on intermittent spill-events which link successive tanks; these provide migration routes which permit recruitment of stocks from lower perennial tanks. Rehabilitation initiatives that increase the storage / irrigation capacity of tanks or poorly designed surplus weirs that impede migration have negative impacts on fisheries, though they are rarely considered by planners. The fundamental concept of the purana complex (PC) as the smallest logical sub-component of the watershed for intervention is introduced. Within PC boundaries discrete community groups bound by ties of kinship and caste, control access to private and commonly held natural resources. PCs in the uppermost reaches of watersheds are distinguishable by the highly seasonal nature of their tanks and poor physical infrastructure relative to lower watershed communities. Such areas are also often buffer zones between as yet uninhabited hinterlands and settled areas where cultivation potentials are further restricted due to wild animal incursions. Consequently, these groups exhibit the greatest dependence on exploitation of the natural resource base. This often includes less seasonal tanks in lower PCs where fisheries are of less significance to local livelihoods. Such low-level ‘poaching’ is generally well tolerated, but potential for conflict exists where development efforts restrict hitherto free access to these resources. These findings were the basis for two phases of action research which involved the stocking of ten tanks belonging to seven communities in North West Province (2000-2001). Phase 1 trials encompassed a range of social and physical and settings from lower to upper watershed. Results indicated that the use of costly hatchery-produced seed was unlikely to be sustainable given (1) a background of highly erratic natural production (2) uncertain returns to individual effort and (3) a low priority accorded to fish production from village tanks given the availability of low-cost commercial production from perennial reservoirs. The second phase was restricted to low-caste communities in upper watershed areas and relied entirely on wild-fish stocks captured from perennial reservoirs lower in the watershed. Also emphasis was on intermittent ‘staggered’ harvesting using hook and line gears rather than the single intensive ‘collective harvests’ adopted in phase 1 trials. High yield potentials were demonstrated in the smallest tanks (<4ha) which were devoid of fish stocks during two pervious drought years. Results also indicate that sustainable adoption will be likely only where there is strong social cohesion and representative village leadership. An adaptive learning process which can demonstrate the net benefits of staggered harvesting in seasonal tanks is described. These stocking strategies combined with tank rehabilitation sympathetic to preservation of upstream hydrological linkages, are highly complementary enhancement steps. Results clearly show that together they have potential to maintain the wider aquatic ecosystem on which the poorest groups depend

    The Future of Power Storage in South Eastern Europe

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    The European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the Ministry of Energy and Industry of Albania held a joint workshop on the future role of energy storage in South Eastern Europe on 21 -22 October in Tirana. The workshop was attended by 40 specialists from academia, government, regulatory bodies, power industry and consultancies from both EU accession and candidate countries as well as from EU Member States. The participants actively discussed the technical, financial and regulatory challenges of the energy systems of the Western Balkans, and options of how these could be overcome. The event served as a forum for sharing and critically reflecting experience gained in Western Europe during the last decade. The workshop held in Tirana was part of the Enlargement and Integration Action. The present report summarizes the interventions of the participants, the discussions and conclusions of the workshop.JRC.F.6-Energy Technology Policy Outloo

    Recovering the Moca River: An Exploration through Sustainable Strategies for Developing Countries

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    Natural watercourses are being negatively affected by growing urbanization in different cities of the world. Within these circumstances the concept of river restoration has gained relevance, becoming a worldwide priority in water management. In developing countries, river restoration plans, conditioned by social and economic limitations, are mainly focused on a single approach, typically relying on short-term, low technology strategies. In the long term, these strategies tend to fail because they usually avoid integral solutions that address the interconnected factors contributing to river degradation. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to develop a framework of river restoration planning for developing countries that sustains the health of the river, the welfare of the ecosystem and the safety of the community. This framework develops three strategies with potential techniques to address the impacts of water pollution, flooding risk, and informal settlement in river ecosystems. Techniques responding to each of these strategies were described under a matrix that expresses their suitability with respect to a set of attributes or criteria selected for analysis. an explanatory case study approach in the Moca River, Dominican Republic, was used to apply the three strategies

    Short - Term Bidding Strategies for a Generation Company in the Iberian Electricity Market

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    La posada en marxa del Mercat Ibèric de l'Electricitat va introduir al sector elèctric espanyol un seguit de nous mecanismes de participació que han forçat els agents a renovar les seves polítiques de gestió. D'aquesta nova situació sorgeix l'oportunitat d'estudiar noves estratègies d'oferta a curt termini per a companyies de generació price-taker que participin diàriament al Mercat Ibèric de l'Electricitat. Aquestes estratègies se centraran al mercat diari, ja que és aquí on es negocia un 80% de l'electricitat que es consumeix diàriament a Espanya i on s'integren gran part de la resta de mecanismes de participació. La liberalització dels mercats elèctrics obre a noves tècniques d'optimització els problemes clàssics de gestió de l'energia. En particular, atesa la incertesa que l'existència del mercat ocasiona als preus, les tècniques de programació estocàstiques es converteixen en la forma més natural per abordar aquests problemes. Als mercats elèctrics el preu es fixa horàriament com a resultat d'un procés de casació , és a dir que quan l'agent ha d'efectuar la seva oferta desconeix el preu al qual li vindrà remunerada l'energia. Aquesta incertesa fa imprescindible l'ús de tècniques estadístiques per obtenir informació del mercat i introduir-la als models d'optimització. En aquest aspecte, una de les contribucions d'aquesta tesi és l'estudi dels preus del mercat de l'electricitat a Espanya i el seu modelat mitjançant models factorials. D'altra banda, s'hi es descriuen els nous mecanismes presents al Mercat Ibèric de l'Electricitat que afecten directament la producció física de les unitats. En particular, s'inclou el modelat detallat dels contractes de futurs físics i bilaterals i de la seva inclusió a l'oferta del mercat diari per part de les companyies de generació. Als models presentats, es tenen en compte explícitament les regles del mercat, així com les clàssiques restriccions d'operació de les unitats, tant tèrmiques com de cicle combinat. A més, es deriva i es demostra l'expressió de la funció d'oferta. Per tant, els models construïts són una eina per decidir l'assignació de les unitats, la generació dels contractes de futurs físics i bilaterals a través seu i l'oferta òptima d'una companyia de generació. Un cop s'han cobert aquests objectius, es presenta una millora dels models mitjançant la inclusió de la seqüència de mercats de molt curt termini per tal de modelar la influència que tenen en l'oferta al mercat diari. Aquests mercats es casen just abans i durant el dia en què l'energia ha de ser consumida, i això permetrà veure com la possibilitat d'augmentar els beneficis participant-hi afecta directament les estratègies d'oferta òptima del mercat diari. Els models presentats en aquest treball han estat provats amb dades reals provinents del Mercat Ibèric de l'Electricitat i d'una companyia de generació que hi opera. Els resultats obtinguts són adequats i es discuteixen al llarg del documentLa puesta en marcha del Mercado Ibérico de la Electricidad introdujo en el sector eléctrico español una serie de nuevos mecanismos de participación que han forzado a los agentes a renovar sus políticas de gestión. De esta nueva situación surge la oportunidad de estudiar nuevas estrategias de oferta para las compañías de generación. Esta tesis se enmarca en las estrategias de oferta a corto plazo para compañías de generación price-taker que participen diariamente en el Mercado Ibérico de la Electricidad. Estas estrategias se centraran en el mercado diario ya que es donde se negocia un 80% de la electricidad consumida diariamente en España y es donde se integran gran parte del resto de los mecanismos de participación. La liberalización de los mercados eléctricos permite aplicar nuevas técnicas de optimización a los problemas clásicos de gestión de la energía. En concreto, dada la incertidumbre en el precio existente en el mercado, las técnicas de programación estocástica se convierten en la forma más natural para abordar estos problemas. En los mercados eléctricos el precio se fija horariamente como resultado de un proceso de casación, es decir, cuando el agente debe efectuar sus ofertas desconoce el precio al que la energía le será pagada. Esta incertidumbre hace imprescindible el uso de técnicas estadísticas para obtener información del mercado e introducirla en los modelos de optimización. En este aspecto, una de las contribuciones de esta tesis es el estudio del precio de la electricidad en España y su modelado mediante modelos factoriales. Se describen los nuevos mecanismos presentes en el Mercado Ibérico de la Electricidad que afectan directamente a la producción física de las unidades. En particular, se incluye una modelización detallada de los contratos de futuros físicos y bilaterales y su inclusión en la oferta enviada al mercado diario por las compañías de generación. En los modelos presentados se tiene en cuenta explícitamente las reglas del mercado así como las clásicas restricciones de operación de las unidades, tanto térmicas como de ciclo combinado. La expresión de la función de oferta óptima se deriva y se demuestra. Por lo tanto, los modelos construidos son una herramienta para decidir la asignación de unidades, la generación de los contratos de futuros físicos y bilaterales a través de ellas y la oferta óptima de una compañía de generación. Una vez alcanzados estos objetivos, se presenta una mejora del modelo con la inclusión de la secuencia de mercados de muy corto plazo. El objetivo es modelar la influencia que esta tiene en la oferta al mercado diario. Estos mercados se casan justo antes y durante el día en el que la energía va a ser consumida y se verá cómo la posibilidad de aumentar los beneficios participando en ellos afecta a las estrategias de oferta óptima del mercado diario. Los modelos presentados en este trabajo se han probado con datos reales procedentes del Mercado Ibérico de la Electricidad y de una compañía de generación que opera en él. Los resultados obtenidos son adecuados y se discuten a lo largo del documento.The start-up of the Iberian Electricity Market introduced a set of new mechanisms in the Spanish electricity sector that forced the agents participating in the market to change their management policies. This situation created a great opportunity for studying the bidding strategies of the generation companies in this new framework. This thesis focuses on the short-term bidding strategies of a price-taker generation company that bids daily in the Iberian Electricity Market. We will center our bidding strategies on the day-ahead market because 80% of the electricity that is consumed daily in Spain is negotiated there and also because it is the market where the new mechanisms are integrated. The liberalization of the electricity markets opens the classical problems of energy management to new optimization approaches. Specifically, because of the uncertainty that the market produces in the prices, the stochastic programming techniques have become the most natural way to deal with these problems. Notice that, in deregulated electricity markets the price is hourly fixed through a market clearing procedure, so when the agent must bid its energy it is unaware of the price at which it will be paid. This uncertainty makes it essential to use some statistic techniques in order to obtain the information coming from the markets and to introduce it in the optimization models in a suitable way. In this aspect, one of the main contributions of this thesis has been the study the Spanish electricity price time series and its modeling by means of factor models. In this thesis, the new mechanism introduced by the Iberian Market that affects the physical operation of the units is described. In particular, it considers in great detail the inclusion of the physical futures contracts and the bilateral contracts into the day-ahead market bid of the generation companies. The rules of the market operator have been explicitly taken into account within the mathematical models, along with all the classical operational constraints that affect the thermal and combined cycle units. The expression of the optimal bidding functions are derived and proved. Therefore, the models built in this thesis provide the generation company with the economic dispatch of the committed futures and bilateral contracts, the unit commitment of the units and the optimal bidding strategies for the generation company. Once these main objectives were fulfilled, we improved the previous models with an approach to the modeling of the influence that the sequence of very short markets have on optimal day-ahead bidding. These markets are cleared just before and during the day in which the electricity will be consumed and the opportunity to obtain benefits from them changes the optimal day-ahead bidding strategies of the generation company, as it will be shown in this thesis. The entire models presented in this work have been tested using real data from a generation company and Spanish electricity prices. Suitable results have been obtained and discussed