264 research outputs found

    Dynamic scaling for 2D superconductors, Josephson junction arrays and superfluids

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    The value of the dynamic critical exponent zz is studied for two-dimensional superconducting, superfluid, and Josephson Junction array systems in zero magnetic field via the Fisher-Fisher-Huse dynamic scaling. We find z5.6±0.3z\simeq5.6\pm0.3, a relatively large value indicative of non-diffusive dynamics. Universality of the scaling function is tested and confirmed for the thinnest samples. We discuss the validity of the dynamic scaling analysis as well as the previous studies of the Kosterlitz-Thouless-Berezinskii transition in these systems, the results of which seem to be consistent with simple diffusion (z=2z=2). Further studies are discussed and encouraged.Comment: 19 pages in two-column RevTex, 8 embedded EPS figure

    Tunnelling of topological line defects in strongly coupled superfluids

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    The geometric theory of vortex tunnelling in superfluid liquids is developed. Geometry rules the tunnelling process in the approximation of an incompressible superfluid, which yields the identity of phase and configuration space in the vortex collective co-ordinate. To exemplify the implications of this approach to tunnelling, we solve explicitly for the two-dimensional motion of a point vortex in the presence of an ellipse, showing that the hydrodynamic collective co-ordinate description limits the constant energy paths allowed for the vortex in configuration space. We outline the experimental procedure used in helium II to observe tunnelling events, and compare the conclusions we draw to the experimental results obtained so far. Tunnelling in Fermi superfluids is discussed, where it is assumed that the low energy quasiparticle excitations localised in the vortex core govern the vortex dynamical equations. The tunnelling process can be dominated by Hall or dissipative terms, respectively be under the influence of both, with a possible realization of this last intermediate case in unconventional, high-temperature superconductors.Comment: 51 pages, 15 figures, uses Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) style file; forms part of author's dissertation, available at http://xxx.lanl.gov/abs/cond-mat/9909166v

    Superconductors are topologically ordered

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    We revisit a venerable question: what is the nature of the ordering in a superconductor? We find that the answer is properly that the superconducting state exhibits topological order in the sense of Wen, i.e. that while it lacks a local order parameter, it is sensitive to the global topology of the underlying manifold and exhibits an associated fractionalization of quantum numbers. We show that this perspective unifies a number of previous observations on superconductors and their low lying excitations and that this complex can be elegantly summarized in a purely topological action of the ``BFBF'' type and its elementary quantization. On manifolds with boundaries, the BFBF action correctly predicts non-chiral edge states, gapped in general, but crucial for fractionalization and establishing the ground state degeneracy. In all of this the role of the physical electromagnetic fields is central. We also observe that the BFBF action describes the topological order in several other physically distinct systems thus providing an example of topological universality

    Non-equilibrium thermodynamics analysis of rotating counterflow superfluid turbulence

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    In two previous papers two evolution equations for the vortex line density LL, proposed by Vinen, were generalized to rotating superfluid turbulence and compared with each other. Here, the already generalized alternative Vinen equation is extended to the case in which counterflow and rotation are not collinear. Then, the obtained equation is considered from the viewpoint of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. According with this formalism, the compatibility between this evolution equation for LL and that one for the velocity of the superfluid component is studied. The compatibility condition requires the presence of a new term dependent on the anisotropy of the tangle, which indicates how the friction force depends on the rotation rate.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Electrodynamics of Abrikosov vortices: the Field Theoretical Formulation

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    Electrodynamic phenomena related to vortices in superconductors have been studied since their prediction by Abrikosov, and seem to hold no fundamental mysteries. However, most of the effects are treated separately, with no guiding principle. We demonstrate that the relativistic vortex worldsheet in spacetime is the object that naturally conveys all electric and magnetic information, for which we obtain simple and concise equations. Breaking Lorentz invariance leads to down-to-earth Abrikosov vortices, and special limits of these equations include for instance dynamic Meissner screening and the AC Josephson relation. On a deeper level, we explore the electrodynamics of two-form sources in the absence of electric monopoles, in which the electromagnetic field strength itself acquires the characteristics of a gauge field. This novel framework leaves room for unexpected surprises.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, 5 figure

    Ginzburg-Landau vortices, Coulomb Gases, and Renormalized Energies

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    This is a review about a series of results on vortices in the Ginzburg-Landau model of superconductivity on the one hand, and point patterns in Coulomb gases on the other hand, as well as the connections between the two topics.Comment: review paper, submitted to J. Stat. Phy