1,860 research outputs found

    Exponential expressivity in deep neural networks through transient chaos

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    We combine Riemannian geometry with the mean field theory of high dimensional chaos to study the nature of signal propagation in generic, deep neural networks with random weights. Our results reveal an order-to-chaos expressivity phase transition, with networks in the chaotic phase computing nonlinear functions whose global curvature grows exponentially with depth but not width. We prove this generic class of deep random functions cannot be efficiently computed by any shallow network, going beyond prior work restricted to the analysis of single functions. Moreover, we formalize and quantitatively demonstrate the long conjectured idea that deep networks can disentangle highly curved manifolds in input space into flat manifolds in hidden space. Our theoretical analysis of the expressive power of deep networks broadly applies to arbitrary nonlinearities, and provides a quantitative underpinning for previously abstract notions about the geometry of deep functions.Comment: Fixed equation reference

    How deep learning works --The geometry of deep learning

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    Why and how that deep learning works well on different tasks remains a mystery from a theoretical perspective. In this paper we draw a geometric picture of the deep learning system by finding its analogies with two existing geometric structures, the geometry of quantum computations and the geometry of the diffeomorphic template matching. In this framework, we give the geometric structures of different deep learning systems including convolutional neural networks, residual networks, recursive neural networks, recurrent neural networks and the equilibrium prapagation framework. We can also analysis the relationship between the geometrical structures and their performance of different networks in an algorithmic level so that the geometric framework may guide the design of the structures and algorithms of deep learning systems.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figure

    Curvature-based Comparison of Two Neural Networks

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    In this paper we show the similarities and differences of two deep neural networks by comparing the manifolds composed of activation vectors in each fully connected layer of them. The main contribution of this paper includes 1) a new data generating algorithm which is crucial for determining the dimension of manifolds; 2) a systematic strategy to compare manifolds. Especially, we take Riemann curvature and sectional curvature as part of criterion, which can reflect the intrinsic geometric properties of manifolds. Some interesting results and phenomenon are given, which help in specifying the similarities and differences between the features extracted by two networks and demystifying the intrinsic mechanism of deep neural networks

    Geometry of Deep Generative Models for Disentangled Representations

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    Deep generative models like variational autoencoders approximate the intrinsic geometry of high dimensional data manifolds by learning low-dimensional latent-space variables and an embedding function. The geometric properties of these latent spaces has been studied under the lens of Riemannian geometry; via analysis of the non-linearity of the generator function. In new developments, deep generative models have been used for learning semantically meaningful `disentangled' representations; that capture task relevant attributes while being invariant to other attributes. In this work, we explore the geometry of popular generative models for disentangled representation learning. We use several metrics to compare the properties of latent spaces of disentangled representation models in terms of class separability and curvature of the latent-space. The results we obtain establish that the class distinguishable features in the disentangled latent space exhibits higher curvature as opposed to a variational autoencoder. We evaluate and compare the geometry of three such models with variational autoencoder on two different datasets. Further, our results show that distances and interpolation in the latent space are significantly improved with Riemannian metrics derived from the curvature of the space. We expect these results will have implications on understanding how deep-networks can be made more robust, generalizable, as well as interpretable.Comment: Accepted at ICVGIP, 201

    Understanding over-parameterized deep networks by geometrization

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    A complete understanding of the widely used over-parameterized deep networks is a key step for AI. In this work we try to give a geometric picture of over-parameterized deep networks using our geometrization scheme. We show that the Riemannian geometry of network complexity plays a key role in understanding the basic properties of over-parameterizaed deep networks, including the generalization, convergence and parameter sensitivity. We also point out deep networks share lots of similarities with quantum computation systems. This can be regarded as a strong support of our proposal that geometrization is not only the bible for physics, it is also the key idea to understand deep learning systems.Comment: 6 page

    Constant Curvature Graph Convolutional Networks

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    Interest has been rising lately towards methods representing data in non-Euclidean spaces, e.g. hyperbolic or spherical, that provide specific inductive biases useful for certain real-world data properties, e.g. scale-free, hierarchical or cyclical. However, the popular graph neural networks are currently limited in modeling data only via Euclidean geometry and associated vector space operations. Here, we bridge this gap by proposing mathematically grounded generalizations of graph convolutional networks (GCN) to (products of) constant curvature spaces. We do this by i) introducing a unified formalism that can interpolate smoothly between all geometries of constant curvature, ii) leveraging gyro-barycentric coordinates that generalize the classic Euclidean concept of the center of mass. Our class of models smoothly recover their Euclidean counterparts when the curvature goes to zero from either side. Empirically, we outperform Euclidean GCNs in the tasks of node classification and distortion minimization for symbolic data exhibiting non-Euclidean behavior, according to their discrete curvature

    ManifoldNet: A Deep Network Framework for Manifold-valued Data

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    Deep neural networks have become the main work horse for many tasks involving learning from data in a variety of applications in Science and Engineering. Traditionally, the input to these networks lie in a vector space and the operations employed within the network are well defined on vector-spaces. In the recent past, due to technological advances in sensing, it has become possible to acquire manifold-valued data sets either directly or indirectly. Examples include but are not limited to data from omnidirectional cameras on automobiles, drones etc., synthetic aperture radar imaging, diffusion magnetic resonance imaging, elastography and conductance imaging in the Medical Imaging domain and others. Thus, there is need to generalize the deep neural networks to cope with input data that reside on curved manifolds where vector space operations are not naturally admissible. In this paper, we present a novel theoretical framework to generalize the widely popular convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to high dimensional manifold-valued data inputs. We call these networks, ManifoldNets. In ManifoldNets, convolution operation on data residing on Riemannian manifolds is achieved via a provably convergent recursive computation of the weighted Fr\'{e}chet Mean (wFM) of the given data, where the weights makeup the convolution mask, to be learned. Further, we prove that the proposed wFM layer achieves a contraction mapping and hence ManifoldNet does not need the non-linear ReLU unit used in standard CNNs. We present experiments, using the ManifoldNet framework, to achieve dimensionality reduction by computing the principal linear subspaces that naturally reside on a Grassmannian. The experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of ManifoldNets in the context of classification and reconstruction accuracy

    Fine-grained Optimization of Deep Neural Networks

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    In recent studies, several asymptotic upper bounds on generalization errors on deep neural networks (DNNs) are theoretically derived. These bounds are functions of several norms of weights of the DNNs, such as the Frobenius and spectral norms, and they are computed for weights grouped according to either input and output channels of the DNNs. In this work, we conjecture that if we can impose multiple constraints on weights of DNNs to upper bound the norms of the weights, and train the DNNs with these weights, then we can attain empirical generalization errors closer to the derived theoretical bounds, and improve accuracy of the DNNs. To this end, we pose two problems. First, we aim to obtain weights whose different norms are all upper bounded by a constant number, e.g. 1.0. To achieve these bounds, we propose a two-stage renormalization procedure; (i) normalization of weights according to different norms used in the bounds, and (ii) reparameterization of the normalized weights to set a constant and finite upper bound of their norms. In the second problem, we consider training DNNs with these renormalized weights. To this end, we first propose a strategy to construct joint spaces (manifolds) of weights according to different constraints in DNNs. Next, we propose a fine-grained SGD algorithm (FG-SGD) for optimization on the weight manifolds to train DNNs with assurance of convergence to minima. Experimental results show that image classification accuracy of baseline DNNs can be boosted using FG-SGD on collections of manifolds identified by multiple constraints

    Information Geometry of Orthogonal Initializations and Training

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    Recently mean field theory has been successfully used to analyze properties of wide, random neural networks. It gave rise to a prescriptive theory for initializing feed-forward neural networks with orthogonal weights, which ensures that both the forward propagated activations and the backpropagated gradients are near â„“2\ell_2 isometries and as a consequence training is orders of magnitude faster. Despite strong empirical performance, the mechanisms by which critical initializations confer an advantage in the optimization of deep neural networks are poorly understood. Here we show a novel connection between the maximum curvature of the optimization landscape (gradient smoothness) as measured by the Fisher information matrix (FIM) and the spectral radius of the input-output Jacobian, which partially explains why more isometric networks can train much faster. Furthermore, given that orthogonal weights are necessary to ensure that gradient norms are approximately preserved at initialization, we experimentally investigate the benefits of maintaining orthogonality throughout training, from which we conclude that manifold optimization of weights performs well regardless of the smoothness of the gradients. Moreover, motivated by experimental results we show that a low condition number of the FIM is not predictive of faster learning.Comment: 10 pages and 5 figures; 5 page appendi

    On the effect of pooling on the geometry of representations

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    In machine learning and neuroscience, certain computational structures and algorithms are known to yield disentangled representations without us understanding why, the most striking examples being perhaps convolutional neural networks and the ventral stream of the visual cortex in humans and primates. As for the latter, it was conjectured that representations may be disentangled by being flattened progressively and at a local scale. An attempt at a formalization of the role of invariance in learning representations was made recently, being referred to as I-theory. In this framework and using the language of differential geometry, we show that pooling over a group of transformations of the input contracts the metric and reduces its curvature, and provide quantitative bounds, in the aim of moving towards a theoretical understanding on how to disentangle representations
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