3 research outputs found

    Rice Annotation Database (RAD): a contig-oriented database for map-based rice genomics

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    A contig-oriented database for annotation of the rice genome has been constructed to facilitate map-based rice genomics. The Rice Annotation Database has the following functional features: (i) extensive effort of manual annotations of P1-derived artificial chromosome/bacterial artificial chromosome clones can be merged at chromosome and contig-level; (ii) concise visualization of the annotation information such as the predicted genes, results of various prediction programs (RiceHMM, Genscan, Genscan+, Fgenesh, GeneMark, etc.), homology to expressed sequence tag, full-length cDNA and protein; (iii) user-friendly clone / gene query system; (iv) download functions for nucleotide, amino acid and coding sequences; (v) analysis of various features of the genome (GC-content, average value, etc.); and (vi) genome-wide homology search (BLAST) of contig- and chromosome-level genome sequence to allow comparative analysis with the genome sequence of other organisms. As of October 2004, the database contains a total of 215 Mb sequence with relevant annotation results including 30 000 manually curated genes. The database can provide the latest information on manual annotation as well as a comprehensive structural analysis of various features of the rice genome. The database can be accessed at http://rad.dna.affrc.go.jp/

    The TIGR Rice Genome Annotation Resource: improvements and new features

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    In The Institute for Genomic Research Rice Genome Annotation project (), we have continued to update the rice genome sequence with new data and improve the quality of the annotation. In our current release of annotation (Release 4.0; January 12, 2006), we have identified 42 653 non-transposable element-related genes encoding 49 472 gene models as a result of the detection of alternative splicing. We have refined our identification methods for transposable element-related genes resulting in 13 237 genes that are related to transposable elements. Through incorporation of multiple transcript and proteomic expression data sets, we have been able to annotate 24 799 genes (31 739 gene models), representing ∼50% of the total gene models, as expressed in the rice genome. All structural and functional annotation is viewable through our Rice Genome Browser which currently supports 59 tracks. Enhanced data access is available through web interfaces, FTP downloads and a Data Extractor tool developed in order to support discrete dataset downloads

    Transgenic Plant-Produced Hydrolytic Enzymes and the Potential of Insect Gut-Derived Hydrolases for Biofuels

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    Various perennial C4 grass species have tremendous potential for use as lignocellulosic biofuel feedstocks. Currently available grasses require costly pre-treatment and exogenous hydrolytic enzyme application to break down complex cell wall polymers into sugars that can then be fermented into ethanol. It has long been hypothesized that engineered feedstock production of cell wall degrading (CWD) enzymes would be an efficient production platform for of exogenous hydrolytic enzymes. Most research has focused on plant overexpression of CWD enzyme-coding genes from free-living bacteria and fungi that naturally break down plant cell walls. Recently, it has been found that insect digestive tracts harbor novel sources of lignocellulolytic biocatalysts that might be exploited for biofuel production. These CWD enzyme genes can be located in the insect genomes or in symbiotic microbes. When CWD genes are transformed into plants, negative pleiotropic effects are possible such as unintended cell wall digestion. The use of codon optimization along with organelle and tissue specific targeting improves CWD enzyme yields. The literature teaches several important lessons on strategic deployment of CWD genes in transgenic plants, which is the focus of this review