3,655 research outputs found

    Nested Integrals and Rationalizing Transformations

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    A brief overview of some computer algebra methods for computations with nested integrals is given. The focus is on nested integrals over integrands involving square roots. Rewrite rules for conversion to and from associated nested sums are discussed. We also include a short discussion comparing the holonomic systems approach and the differential field approach. For simplification to rational integrands, we give a comprehensive list of univariate rationalizing transformations, including transformations tuned to map the interval [0,1][0,1] bijectively to itself.Comment: manuscript of 25 February 2021, in "Anti-Differentiation and the Calculation of Feynman Amplitudes", Springe

    Nested (inverse) binomial sums and new iterated integrals for massive Feynman diagrams

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    Nested sums containing binomial coefficients occur in the computation of massive operator matrix elements. Their associated iterated integrals lead to alphabets including radicals, for which we determined a suitable basis. We discuss algorithms for converting between sum and integral representations, mainly relying on the Mellin transform. To aid the conversion we worked out dedicated rewrite rules, based on which also some general patterns emerging in the process can be obtained.Comment: 13 pages LATEX, one style file, Proceedings of Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory -- LL2014,27 April 2014 -- 02 May 2014 Weimar, German

    Light-Cone Expansion of the Dirac Sea in the Presence of Chiral and Scalar Potentials

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    We study the Dirac sea in the presence of external chiral and scalar/pseudoscalar potentials. In preparation, a method is developed for calculating the advanced and retarded Green's functions in an expansion around the light cone. For this, we first expand all Feynman diagrams and then explicitly sum up the perturbation series. The light-cone expansion expresses the Green's functions as an infinite sum of line integrals over the external potential and its partial derivatives. The Dirac sea is decomposed into a causal and a non-causal contribution. The causal contribution has a light-cone expansion which is closely related to the light-cone expansion of the Green's functions; it describes the singular behavior of the Dirac sea in terms of nested line integrals along the light cone. The non-causal contribution, on the other hand, is, to every order in perturbation theory, a smooth function in position space.Comment: 59 pages, LaTeX (published version

    Non-planar Feynman integrals, Mellin-Barnes representations, multiple sums

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    The construction of Mellin-Barnes (MB) representations for non-planar Feynman diagrams and the summation of multiple series derived from general MB representations are discussed. A basic version of a new package AMBREv.3.0 is supplemented. The ultimate goal of this project is the automatic evaluation of MB representations for multiloop scalar and tensor Feynman integrals through infinite sums, preferably with analytic solutions. We shortly describe a strategy of further algebraic summation.Comment: Contribution to the proceedings of the Loops and Legs 2014 conferenc

    Iterated Binomial Sums and their Associated Iterated Integrals

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    We consider finite iterated generalized harmonic sums weighted by the binomial (2kk)\binom{2k}{k} in numerators and denominators. A large class of these functions emerges in the calculation of massive Feynman diagrams with local operator insertions starting at 3-loop order in the coupling constant and extends the classes of the nested harmonic, generalized harmonic and cyclotomic sums. The binomially weighted sums are associated by the Mellin transform to iterated integrals over square-root valued alphabets. The values of the sums for NN \rightarrow \infty and the iterated integrals at x=1x=1 lead to new constants, extending the set of special numbers given by the multiple zeta values, the cyclotomic zeta values and special constants which emerge in the limit NN \rightarrow \infty of generalized harmonic sums. We develop algorithms to obtain the Mellin representations of these sums in a systematic way. They are of importance for the derivation of the asymptotic expansion of these sums and their analytic continuation to NCN \in \mathbb{C}. The associated convolution relations are derived for real parameters and can therefore be used in a wider context, as e.g. for multi-scale processes. We also derive algorithms to transform iterated integrals over root-valued alphabets into binomial sums. Using generating functions we study a few aspects of infinite (inverse) binomial sums.Comment: 62 pages Latex, 1 style fil

    About calculation of massless and massive Feynman integrals

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    We report some results of calculations of massless and massive Feynman integrals particularly focusing on difference equations for coefficients of for their series expansionsComment: 51 pages; contribution to the proceedings of Helmholtz International Summer School "Quantum Field Theory at the Limits: from Strong Fields to Heavy Quarks" (July 22 - August 2, 2019; Dubna, Russia

    Generating function for web diagrams

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    We present the description of the exponentiated diagrams in terms of generating function within the universal diagrammatic technique. In particular, we show the exponentiation of the gauge theory amplitudes involving products of an arbitrary number of Wilson lines of arbitrary shapes, which generalizes the concept of web diagrams. The presented method gives a new viewpoint on the web diagrams and proves the non-Abelian exponentiation theorem.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures; version accepted by PR