4 research outputs found

    Revocable IBE Systems with Almost Constant-size Key Update

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    Identity-based encryption (IBE) has been regarded as an attractive alternative to more conventional certificate-based public key systems. It has recently attracted not only considerable research from the academic community, but also interest from the industry and standardization bodies. However, while key revocation is a fundamental requirement to any public key systems, not much work has been done in the identity-based setting. In this paper, we continue the study of revocable IBE (RIBE) initiated by Boldyreva, Goyal, and Kumar. Their proposal of a selective secure RIBE scheme, and a subsequent construction by Libert and Vergnaud in a stronger adaptive security model are based on a binary tree approach, such that their key update size is logarithmic in the number of users. We ask the question of whether or not the key update size could be further reduced by using a cryptographic accumulator. We show that, indeed, the key update material can be made constant with some small amount of auxiliary information, through a novel combination of the Lewko and Waters IBE scheme and the Camenisch, Kohlweiss, and Soriente pairing-based dynamic accumulator

    Efficient Revocable Identity-Based Encryption via Subset Difference Methods

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    Providing an efficient revocation mechanism for identity-based encryption (IBE) is very important since a user\u27s credential (or private key) can be expired or revealed. Revocable IBE (RIBE) is an extension of IBE that provides an efficient revocation mechanism. Previous RIBE schemes essentially use the complete subtree (CS) scheme of Naor, Naor and Lotspiech (CRYPTO 2001) for key revocation. In this paper, we present a new technique for RIBE that uses the efficient subset difference (SD) scheme of Naor et al. instead of using the CS scheme to improve the size of update keys. Following our new technique, we first propose an efficient RIBE scheme in prime-order bilinear groups by combining the IBE scheme of Boneh and Boyen and the SD scheme and prove its selective security under the standard assumption. Our RIBE scheme is the first RIBE scheme in bilinear groups that has O(r)O(r) number of group elements in an update key where rr is the number of revoked users. Next, we also propose another RIBE scheme in composite-order bilinear groups and prove its full security under static assumptions. Our RIBE schemes also can be integrated with the layered subset difference (LSD) scheme of Halevy and Shamir (CRYPTO 2002) to reduce the size of a private key

    Efficient generation of pairing friendly elliptic curves

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    Pairings on elliptic curves have become very popular in the decade due to the possibility of implementing modern cryptographic schemes and protocols based on the pairings. For pairings to be effective, special kind of elliptic curves are required. Construction of such curves combines knowledge from algebraic geometry, number theory and cryptography. This is the main reason, that pairings are not implemented as often as they could be. The purpose of this thesis is to present elliptic curves and pairings on elliptic curves, constructing of pairing friendly elliptic curves and researching their use and efficient implementation. The thesis also contains required preliminaries from algebraic geometry and number theory. The thesis contains four parts divided in to eight chapters. The first surveys the history of pairings in Chapter 1; Chapter 2 defines pairings, types of pairings and describes bilinear Diffie-Hellman's problem. Algebraic geometry and basic theory on elliptic curves, required for understanding are presented in the second part. It contains definition of algebraic varieties and their properties in Chapter 3 and elliptic curves and their properties in Chapter 4. The third part of the thesis introduces pairings on elliptic curves: Chapter 5 presents pairings and related algorithms, Chapter 6 includes examples of the use of pairings in cryptography. The main part of the thesis is Chapter 7. It includes the definition of pairing friendly curves and all known constructions of pairing friendly curves together with the proofs of these constructions. It also contains recommendations for further implementation and optimization. Conclusion lists some open problems regarding pairings and pairing friendly curves. Mathematical preliminaries required throughout the thesis and examples of pairing friendly curves can be found in the Appendices