6,769 research outputs found

    Recurrent Pixel Embedding for Instance Grouping

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    We introduce a differentiable, end-to-end trainable framework for solving pixel-level grouping problems such as instance segmentation consisting of two novel components. First, we regress pixels into a hyper-spherical embedding space so that pixels from the same group have high cosine similarity while those from different groups have similarity below a specified margin. We analyze the choice of embedding dimension and margin, relating them to theoretical results on the problem of distributing points uniformly on the sphere. Second, to group instances, we utilize a variant of mean-shift clustering, implemented as a recurrent neural network parameterized by kernel bandwidth. This recurrent grouping module is differentiable, enjoys convergent dynamics and probabilistic interpretability. Backpropagating the group-weighted loss through this module allows learning to focus on only correcting embedding errors that won't be resolved during subsequent clustering. Our framework, while conceptually simple and theoretically abundant, is also practically effective and computationally efficient. We demonstrate substantial improvements over state-of-the-art instance segmentation for object proposal generation, as well as demonstrating the benefits of grouping loss for classification tasks such as boundary detection and semantic segmentation

    Distance Guided Channel Weighting for Semantic Segmentation

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    Recent works have achieved great success in improving the performance of multiple computer vision tasks by capturing features with a high channel number utilizing deep neural networks. However, many channels of extracted features are not discriminative and contain a lot of redundant information. In this paper, we address above issue by introducing the Distance Guided Channel Weighting (DGCW) Module. The DGCW module is constructed in a pixel-wise context extraction manner, which enhances the discriminativeness of features by weighting different channels of each pixel's feature vector when modeling its relationship with other pixels. It can make full use of the high-discriminative information while ignore the low-discriminative information containing in feature maps, as well as capture the long-range dependencies. Furthermore, by incorporating the DGCW module with a baseline segmentation network, we propose the Distance Guided Channel Weighting Network (DGCWNet). We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the effectiveness of DGCWNet. In particular, it achieves 81.6% mIoU on Cityscapes with only fine annotated data for training, and also gains satisfactory performance on another two semantic segmentation datasets, i.e. Pascal Context and ADE20K. Code will be available soon at https://github.com/LanyunZhu/DGCWNet

    Hybrid multi-layer Deep CNN/Aggregator feature for image classification

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    Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN) have established a remarkable performance benchmark in the field of image classification, displacing classical approaches based on hand-tailored aggregations of local descriptors. Yet DCNNs impose high computational burdens both at training and at testing time, and training them requires collecting and annotating large amounts of training data. Supervised adaptation methods have been proposed in the literature that partially re-learn a transferred DCNN structure from a new target dataset. Yet these require expensive bounding-box annotations and are still computationally expensive to learn. In this paper, we address these shortcomings of DCNN adaptation schemes by proposing a hybrid approach that combines conventional, unsupervised aggregators such as Bag-of-Words (BoW), with the DCNN pipeline by treating the output of intermediate layers as densely extracted local descriptors. We test a variant of our approach that uses only intermediate DCNN layers on the standard PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset and show performance significantly higher than the standard BoW model and comparable to Fisher vector aggregation but with a feature that is 150 times smaller. A second variant of our approach that includes the fully connected DCNN layers significantly outperforms Fisher vector schemes and performs comparably to DCNN approaches adapted to Pascal VOC 2007, yet at only a small fraction of the training and testing cost.Comment: Accepted in ICASSP 2015 conference, 5 pages including reference, 4 figures and 2 table
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