28 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Nystrom Method for Improved Large-Scale Machine Learning

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    We reconsider randomized algorithms for the low-rank approximation of symmetric positive semi-definite (SPSD) matrices such as Laplacian and kernel matrices that arise in data analysis and machine learning applications. Our main results consist of an empirical evaluation of the performance quality and running time of sampling and projection methods on a diverse suite of SPSD matrices. Our results highlight complementary aspects of sampling versus projection methods; they characterize the effects of common data preprocessing steps on the performance of these algorithms; and they point to important differences between uniform sampling and nonuniform sampling methods based on leverage scores. In addition, our empirical results illustrate that existing theory is so weak that it does not provide even a qualitative guide to practice. Thus, we complement our empirical results with a suite of worst-case theoretical bounds for both random sampling and random projection methods. These bounds are qualitatively superior to existing bounds---e.g. improved additive-error bounds for spectral and Frobenius norm error and relative-error bounds for trace norm error---and they point to future directions to make these algorithms useful in even larger-scale machine learning applications.Comment: 60 pages, 15 color figures; updated proof of Frobenius norm bounds, added comparison to projection-based low-rank approximations, and an analysis of the power method applied to SPSD sketche

    Less is More: Nystr\"om Computational Regularization

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    We study Nystr\"om type subsampling approaches to large scale kernel methods, and prove learning bounds in the statistical learning setting, where random sampling and high probability estimates are considered. In particular, we prove that these approaches can achieve optimal learning bounds, provided the subsampling level is suitably chosen. These results suggest a simple incremental variant of Nystr\"om Kernel Regularized Least Squares, where the subsampling level implements a form of computational regularization, in the sense that it controls at the same time regularization and computations. Extensive experimental analysis shows that the considered approach achieves state of the art performances on benchmark large scale datasets.Comment: updated version of NIPS 2015 (oral

    Provable Deterministic Leverage Score Sampling

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    We explain theoretically a curious empirical phenomenon: "Approximating a matrix by deterministically selecting a subset of its columns with the corresponding largest leverage scores results in a good low-rank matrix surrogate". To obtain provable guarantees, previous work requires randomized sampling of the columns with probabilities proportional to their leverage scores. In this work, we provide a novel theoretical analysis of deterministic leverage score sampling. We show that such deterministic sampling can be provably as accurate as its randomized counterparts, if the leverage scores follow a moderately steep power-law decay. We support this power-law assumption by providing empirical evidence that such decay laws are abundant in real-world data sets. We then demonstrate empirically the performance of deterministic leverage score sampling, which many times matches or outperforms the state-of-the-art techniques.Comment: 20th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Minin