5,131 research outputs found

    Reclaiming the humanity in personality Disorder.

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    This paper provides a commentary upon the nursing care of individuals diagnosed with personality disorder and associated education courses. The discussion focuses upon recent policy trends in the UK as a point of departure. This policy discourse is critical of mainstream mental health services in previously operating to exclude such individuals. One of the consequences has been a recent growth in interest in relevant training courses, many of which devote significant attention to staff attitudes regarding this client group. Various previous researchers and commentators have remarked upon the implications for practice of a perceived negative attitude among care staff. We reflect upon our own anecdotal experience of developing and delivering new university-based courses for practitioners working in the field of personality disorder to offer a particular critique of the UK context, in which this policy, training, and practice is framed. Social constructionist theories are drawn on to offer insights into public and practitioner discourse and the possible effects on therapeutic relationships. The available discourse constructs individuals with a diagnosis of personality disorder as essentially different from other people. We argue that staff training and practice development initiatives are likely to be more successful if such discourse is challenged, and attempts are made in therapeutic encounters to recognize shared characteristics and positive attributes as much as perceived difference and negative attributes. We refer to this as a re-engagement with common humanity. Despite the singular national context, the discursive themes explored are not necessarily restricted to the UK

    Revisiting the Pylos Episode and Thucydides' 'Bias' against Cleon

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    The Pylos episode, ending with the capture of almost 300 Spartans who had been cut off on the Sphacteria island, was the first major setback suffered by Sparta during the Peloponnesian war and, at the same time, the first major – and more importantly – unexpected success of Athens, in Peloponnesian territory at that. Without overlooking the military side involved, this paper will primarily focus on the political aspects of this enterprise in an attempt (a) to assess and evaluate Thucydides’ attitude to the protagonists of this episode, Cleon, Nicias and Demosthenes, (b) to better understand the historian’s political stance and judgement through the vocabulary that he employs, and (c) to show that his notoriously presumed bias against Cleon is poorly substantiated and, insofar as it may occasionally occur, it does not interfere with his respect for historical truth

    Collective Aaction and Emergent Global Legal Orders

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    time: 2:30 pm – 4:30 pmroom: Osgoode, IKB 4034speaker: Hans Lindahl (Tilburg

    Estratigrafía de alta resolución de depósitos de flujos gravitacionales de la Formación Los Molles (Grupo Cuyo - Jurásico) en la región de La Jardinera, cuenca Neuquina

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    El Grupo Cuyo en el área del arroyo La Jardinera (Pliensbachiano a Caloviano Temprano) refleja una fisiografía de cuenca de plataforma y talud. Una discordancia de orden mayor define la culminación de una espesa sucesión de turbiditas y representa un límite de secuencia de 2do orden. La más antigua secuencia de 2do orden comprende el tramo basal de la Formación Los Molles e incluye un ciclo transgresivo-regresivo asignado a estratos de base de talud y fondo de cuenca. La secuencia más joven, que incluye el resto del Grupo Cuyo, consiste de una sucesión regresiva puntuada por varios desplazamientos abruptos de elementos fisiográficos (límites de secuencia de 3er orden). Las secuencias depositacionales de 3er orden incluyen depósitos de talud y de base de talud del Aaleniano de la Formación Los Molles, facies de plataforma del Bajociano Temprano en la transición entre las formaciones Los Molles y Lajas, y sedimentitas de plataforma interna a nearshore del Bajociano medio a tardío de la Formación Lajas, que es a su vez cubierta por depósitos del Bathoniano aluvial de la Formación Challacó. Ciclos de más alta frecuencia alternan en la sucesión y han controlado el origen, depositación y abandono de los elementos arquitecturales. Análisis de facies y de elementos arquitecturales indican que los depósitos gravitatorios densos de la Formación Los Molles encuadran en un modelo de rampa submarina. Los tres tipos de flujos gravitacionales (GF) han sido relacionados a caídas del nivel del mar de 4to orden. Los GF1 fueron asignados a flujos hiperpícnicos producidos durante un cortejo temprano de mar bajo de 4to orden, coevo con incisión fluvial en la plataforma, que evolucionaran a flujos turbidíticos en el talud, produciendo cargas de pulsos depositacionales cuya signatura composicional es fluvial. El sistema de GF1 incluye canales relativamente pequeños sobre el talud, lóbulos bien desarrollados en la base del talud y la planicie de fondo de cuenca proximales, así como lóbulos adventicios en la planicie del fondo de cuenca. Los estratos GF2 fueron asignados a flujos hiperpícnicos influenciados por un componente oscilatorio y relacionados a cortejos tardíos de mar bajo de 4to orden, que también incluyen relleno de canales incididos. Ellos están caracterizados en el talud por areniscas onduladas y laminadas ampliamente distribuidas y facies heterolíticas, que incluyen scours de bajo relieve en sus porciones centrales. Ellos representan flujos densos más diluidos y de grano más fino con respecto a los GF1. Los GF3, también asociados con cuñas de mar bajo de 4to orden, comprenden depósitos de flujos en masa y debris de talud y de base de talud, que representan clásicos surges de corta duración causados por debilidades en taludes relativamente abruptos. Los cortejos transgresivos y de mar alto de 4to orden llevaron al abandono de la etapa turbidítica y extensiva depositación de fango.The Pliensbachian to Early Callovian Cuyo Group in the Arroyo La Jardinera area reflects a shelf-slope-basin plain physiography. A major unconformity defines the onset of a thick turbidite succession and represents a 2nd order sequence boundary. The older 2nd order depositional sequence comprises the base of Los Molles Formation and includes a transgressive-regressive cycle ascribed to basin plain and slope rise strata. The younger one, which includes the rest of the Cuyo Group, consists of a regressive succession punctuated by several abrupt shifts of physiographic elements (3rd order sequence boundaries). The 3rd order depositional sequences include Aalenian slope rise and slope deposits in the Los Molles Formation, Early Bajocian shelfal facies at the transition of the Los Molles and Lajas formations, and Middle to Late Bajocian inner shelf to nearshore strata in the Lajas Formation that are overlain by Bathonian alluvial deposits of the Challacó Formation. Higher frequency cycles punctuate the succession and have controlled the origin, deposition and abandonment of the architectural elements. Facies and architectural elements analyses indicate that gravity flow deposits in the Los Molles Formation fit in a submarine ramp model. The three identified gravity flow (GF) types have been related to 4th order relative sea-level falls. The GF1 was ascribed to hyperpycnal flows produced during 4th order early lowstand, coeval to fluvial incision on the shelf, which were ignited in the slope and produced depletive depositional pulses with a fluvial compositional signature. The GF1 system includes relatively small channels in the slope, well-developed lobes in the slope rise and proximal basin plain, and lobe fringes in the basin plain. The GF2 strata were ascribed to hyperpycnal flows influenced by an oscillatory component and related to the 4th order late lowstand systems tract that also includes the incised channels fill. They are characterized in the slope by widespread, undulating and laminated sandstone and heterolithic facies, which include low relief scours at their central portions. They represent more diluted and finer-grained density flows relative to the GF1. The GF3, also associated with the 4th order lowstand wedge, comprises mass and debris flow deposits in the slope and slope rise that represent classical, short-lived surges caused by slope failures on relatively steep slopes. The 4th order transgressive and highstand systems tracts led to the abandonment of the turbidite stages and widespread mud deposition.Fil: Paim, Paulo S. G.. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: Silveira, Ariane. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: Lavina, Ernesto L. C.. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: Faccini, Ubiratan F.. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: Leanza, Hector Armando. Secretaría de Industria y Minería. Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"; ArgentinaFil: Teixeira de Oliveira, J. M. M.. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; BrasilFil: D'Avila, Roberto S. F.. Universidad de Vale do Rio dos Sinos; Brasil. Petrobras Argentina S.a; Argentin

    Revisiting the Trade Dispute Settlement between Japan and South Korea

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    학위논문(석사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 국제대학원 국제학과(국제통상전공), 2021.8. 성유원.On April 11th 2019, the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization (WTO) supported Korea’s import control measures on Japanese fishery products from specific Japanese prefectures. Because the ruling is considered final and therefore brings about many changes, it is of great interest to study its effects on social and health policy in Korea and Japan. For instance, what changes after the disaster were seen in public policy regarding radionuclides and food safety standards and guidelines in Korea and Japan? How did the understanding of the WTO ruling shape the socioeconomic policies in both countries? This paper examines the historic development of the appeal process, the contents of the appeal, and the social, economic, and medical impacts of the WTO ruling on both countries. A comparative data analysis will be used to identify and compare the stances taken by both nations. This paper retains originality because it seeks to fully explain and address how the WTO ruling can shape the future direction and purpose of policy formulation in both countries. Specifically, to see if scientific evidence and medical data lead to any adverse health outcomes on the public through the radiation and radionuclides in contaminated food products, and if these will be enough to make changes to the ruling. By acknowledging the scientific facts with primary sources form government and public institutions, this paper will determine whether or not WTO would have announced the same result advocating Korea’s stance over Japan’s argument in the export of their fishery products had the dispute been filed again.2019년 4월 11일, 세계무역기구(WTO)의 상소기구는 일본 특정 현의 수산물에 대한 한국의 수입금지 조치 지지를 선언하였다. 이번 판결은 최종적인 것으로 판단되어 많은 변화를 가져오기 때문에 한국과 일본의 사회 및 보건 정책에 미치는 영향을 연구하고자 한다. 예를 들어, 한국과 일본의 방사성 핵종과 식품안전기준 및 지침에 관한 공공정책에서 후쿠시마 원자력 발전소 사고 이후 어떤 변화가 있었는가? WTO 판결에 대한 이해가 양국의 사회경제적 정책을 어떻게 형성하였는가? 본 연구는 WTO 항소 절차 및 내용, WTO 판결이 양국에 미치는 사회적, 경제적, 의학적 영향을 조사하였다. 데이터 분석과 비교를 통해 양국이 취한 입장을 확인하고 WTO판결에 어떻게 적용되는지도 알아보았다. 이 논문은 WTO 판결이 양국 정책 수립의 미래 방향과 목적을 어떻게 형성할 수 있는지 충분히 설명함으로서 독창성을 가지고 있다. 특히, 과학적 증거 및 의학 데이터로 방사선에 오염된 식품 및 환경적 방사성 핵종이 대중에게 유해한 건강 결과를 초래하는지, 그리고 이것이 최종판결에 영향을 끼치는지 알아보고자 한다. 마지막으로 정부와 공공기관의 통계자료와 1차 사료를 기반으로, 후일 WTO가 일본의 수산물 수출 및 안전성 주장에 대해 한국의 입장을 계속해서 지지할지의 여부도 판단하였다.I. Introduction 1 1. Rationale for Research 1 II. Background 4 1. Summary of the WTO Ruling 4 1-1 Complaints Filed by Japan (The Panel) 4 1-2 Appeals Filed by Korea (The Appellate Body) 7 2. Fukushima Nuclear Disaster & Post-disaster Impact 11 2-1 The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Disaster March 11, 2011 12 2-2 Post-disaster Management 14 III. Social and Economic Impacts of Post-Fukushima 19 1. Changes in Public Policy 19 1-1 Social Fear against Radiation 19 1-2 Changes in Public Health Policy of South Korea and Japan 21 2. Economic Impacts on Japan and Korea 23 2-1 Economic Loss on Trade in the Eight Prefectures 24 IV. Health and Environmental Risks of Radionuclides in Japan after 2011 27 1. Released Amount of Radionuclides by Data 27 1-1 Radiation Level in the Air and Water by Prefectures 28 2. Radiological Contamination and Health Impacts on the Japanese People 34 2-1 Contamination in Food and Fishery Products 34 2-2 Radiology and Physiological Impacts of Radiation 37 2-3 Ionizing Radiation Health Effects on the Japanese People by Data 42 V. Revisiting the Legal Aspects of the WTO Dispute Settlement 57 1. Today’s Fukushima and Japan 57 2. Who is Right? Or Justified? 60 VI. Conclusion 62 List of Tables & Figures . Table 1 5 Table 2 29 Figure 1 6 Figure 2 13 Figure 3 14 Figure 4 16 Figure 5 17 Figure 6 24 Figure 7 25 Figure 8 30 Figure 9 31 Figure 10 32 Figure 11 33 Figure 12 35 Figure 13 36 Figure 14 36 Figure 15 40 Figure 16 45 Figure 17 46 Figure 18 46 Figure 19 47 Figure 20 51 Figure 21 52 Figure 22 53 Figure 23 54 Figure 24 63 Appendices . Appendix A 65 Appendix B 66 Appendix C 67 Appendix D 68 References 69석

    Chronicle of a referendum foretold: what next for the Malvinas/Falklands?

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    The announcement of the result of the March 2013 referendum on whether the Falklands/Malvinas should remain a British overseas territory came as no surprise in either Britain or Argentina, or on the South Atlantic islands themselves. Indeed, perhaps the biggest shock of all was the news that three inhabitants actually voted against remaining under British rule. As bewildered Kelpers in the close-knit island community speculated on where the voices of dissent had come from, in the aftermath of the referendum we consider what has really changed and offer insight into what will happen next. In particular, we argue that it is in both British and Argentine self-interest to change their stances in order to resolve the issue

    Revisiting the Falklands-Malvinas Question

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    The conflict over possession of the Falklands-Malvinas Islands was waged in an area remote both geographically and geo-politically in an era of cold war and also of tensions within and between sovereign states of the supposed western bloc. It has been broadly perceived as an absurd confrontation, the echoes of which, despite the brevity of its duration, and some four decades on, resonate still not least in the lasting wounds that bear testimony yet to its underlying causes. This book probes the reasons behind the conflict’s tragic occurrence and the processing of its consequences in and beyond the sovereign states that suffered and suffer still from the exacerbating of nationalist identities in the resolution of their differences and the consequent challenges to be addressed. Drawing on perspectives that bring together contributors from markedly differing backgrounds, whether national or disciplinary, this collection reinforces the spirit of critical questioning that historical and sociological research must ever value and pursue. Prejudices and preconceptions are acknowledged and confronted yet contextualised and revised through filters of new questions and answers which are not always anticipated or, for the stubbornly partisan, readily embraced

    Navajo Therapeutic Jurisprudence

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