5 research outputs found

    Review on Radio Resource Allocation Optimization in LTE/LTE-Advanced using Game Theory

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    Recently, there has been a growing trend toward ap-plying game theory (GT) to various engineering fields in order to solve optimization problems with different competing entities/con-tributors/players. Researches in the fourth generation (4G) wireless network field also exploited this advanced theory to overcome long term evolution (LTE) challenges such as resource allocation, which is one of the most important research topics. In fact, an efficient de-sign of resource allocation schemes is the key to higher performance. However, the standard does not specify the optimization approach to execute the radio resource management and therefore it was left open for studies. This paper presents a survey of the existing game theory based solution for 4G-LTE radio resource allocation problem and its optimization

    Resource Allocation using Genetic Algorithm in Multimedia Wireless Networks

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    Resource allocations in wireless networks is a very challenging task, at one hand wireless networks have scarce resources and suffers from many limitations. At the other hand, typical resource allocation problems requires extensive amount of computations and are usually NP-hard problems. Hence, there is dire need for effective and feasible solutions. Resource allocation problems are concerned in distributing the available network’s resources to all active users in a fair way. Although fairness is hard to define, this work considers the fairness aspects for both, the users and the network operator (service provider). Bio-inspired algorithm are used in many context to provide simple and effective solution tochallenging problems. This works employs Genetic Algorithm to provide effective solution to resource allocation problem for multimedia allocation in wireless networks. The performance of the proposed solution is evaluated using simulation. The obtained simulation results show that the proposed solutionachieved better performance

    Distributed Channel and Power Level Selection in VANET Based on SINR using Game Model

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    This paper proposes a scheme of channel selection and transmission power adjustment in Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) using game theoretic approach. The paradigm of VANET enables groups of vehicles to establish a mesh-like communication network. However, the mobility of vehicle, highly dynamic network environment, and the shared-spectrum concept used in VANET pose some challenges such as interference that can decrease the quality of signal. Channel selection and transmit power adjustment are aimed to obtain the higher signal to interference and noise ratio (SINR). In this paper, game theory is implemented to model the channel and power level selection in VANET. Each vehicle represents the player and the combination of channel and power level represents the strategy used by the player to obtain the utility i.e. the SINR. Strategy selection is arranged distributively to each player using Regret Matching Learning (RML) algorithm. Each vehicle evaluates current utility obtained by selecting a strategy to define the probability of that strategy to be selected in the next time. However, RML has a shortcoming for using assumption that hard to be implemented in real VANET environment. Therefore modification of RML devised for this application is also proposed. The simulation model of channel and power level selection is build to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme. The results of simulation display the improvement of VANET performance in term of SINR and throughput from the proposed scheme