143 research outputs found

    The Complexity of Quantified Constraint Satisfaction: Collapsibility, Sink Algebras, and the Three-Element Case

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    The constraint satisfaction probem (CSP) is a well-acknowledged framework in which many combinatorial search problems can be naturally formulated. The CSP may be viewed as the problem of deciding the truth of a logical sentence consisting of a conjunction of constraints, in front of which all variables are existentially quantified. The quantified constraint satisfaction problem (QCSP) is the generalization of the CSP where universal quantification is permitted in addition to existential quantification. The general intractability of these problems has motivated research studying the complexity of these problems under a restricted constraint language, which is a set of relations that can be used to express constraints. This paper introduces collapsibility, a technique for deriving positive complexity results on the QCSP. In particular, this technique allows one to show that, for a particular constraint language, the QCSP reduces to the CSP. We show that collapsibility applies to three known tractable cases of the QCSP that were originally studied using disparate proof techniques in different decades: Quantified 2-SAT (Aspvall, Plass, and Tarjan 1979), Quantified Horn-SAT (Karpinski, Kleine B\"{u}ning, and Schmitt 1987), and Quantified Affine-SAT (Creignou, Khanna, and Sudan 2001). This reconciles and reveals common structure among these cases, which are describable by constraint languages over a two-element domain. In addition to unifying these known tractable cases, we study constraint languages over domains of larger size

    Constraint satisfaction problems in clausal form

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    This is the report-version of a mini-series of two articles on the foundations of satisfiability of conjunctive normal forms with non-boolean variables, to appear in Fundamenta Informaticae, 2011. These two parts are here bundled in one report, each part yielding a chapter. Generalised conjunctive normal forms are considered, allowing literals of the form "variable not-equal value". The first part sets the foundations for the theory of autarkies, with emphasise on matching autarkies. Main results concern various polynomial time results in dependency on the deficiency. The second part considers translations to boolean clause-sets and irredundancy as well as minimal unsatisfiability. Main results concern classification of minimally unsatisfiable clause-sets and the relations to the hermitian rank of graphs. Both parts contain also discussions of many open problems.Comment: 91 pages, to appear in Fundamenta Informaticae, 2011, as Constraint satisfaction problems in clausal form I: Autarkies and deficiency, Constraint satisfaction problems in clausal form II: Minimal unsatisfiability and conflict structur

    Current and Future Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

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    Knowledge Representation and Reasoning is a central, longstanding, and active area of Artificial Intelligence. Over the years it has evolved significantly; more recently it has been challenged and complemented by research in areas such as machine learning and reasoning under uncertainty. In July 2022 a Dagstuhl Perspectives workshop was held on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. The goal of the workshop was to describe the state of the art in the field, including its relation with other areas, its shortcomings and strengths, together with recommendations for future progress. We developed this manifesto based on the presentations, panels, working groups, and discussions that took place at the Dagstuhl Workshop. It is a declaration of our views on Knowledge Representation: its origins, goals, milestones, and current foci; its relation to other disciplines, especially to Artificial Intelligence; and on its challenges, along with key priorities for the next decade

    The intersection of evolutionary computation and explainable AI.

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    In the past decade, Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) has attracted a great interest in the research community, motivated by the need for explanations in critical AI applications. Some recent advances in XAI are based on Evolutionary Computation (EC) techniques, such as Genetic Programming. We call this trend EC for XAI. We argue that the full potential of EC methods has not been fully exploited yet in XAI, and call the community for future efforts in this field. Likewise, we find that there is a growing concern in EC regarding the explanation of population-based methods, i.e., their search process and outcomes. While some attempts have been done in this direction (although, in most cases, those are not explicitly put in the context of XAI), we believe that there are still several research opportunities and open research questions that, in principle, may promote a safer and broader adoption of EC in real-world applications. We call this trend XAI within EC. In this position paper, we briefly overview the main results in the two above trends, and suggest that the EC community may play a major role in the achievement of XAI

    Sublinear Root Detection and New Hardness Results for Sparse Polynomials over Finite Fields

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