296 research outputs found

    Prediction-error of Prediction Error (PPE)-based Reversible Data Hiding

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    This paper presents a novel reversible data hiding (RDH) algorithm for gray-scaled images, in which the prediction-error of prediction error (PPE) of a pixel is used to carry the secret data. In the proposed method, the pixels to be embedded are firstly predicted with their neighboring pixels to obtain the corresponding prediction errors (PEs). Then, by exploiting the PEs of the neighboring pixels, the prediction of the PEs of the pixels can be determined. And, a sorting technique based on the local complexity of a pixel is used to collect the PPEs to generate an ordered PPE sequence so that, smaller PPEs will be processed first for data embedding. By reversibly shifting the PPE histogram (PPEH) with optimized parameters, the pixels corresponding to the altered PPEH bins can be finally modified to carry the secret data. Experimental results have implied that the proposed method can benefit from the prediction procedure of the PEs, sorting technique as well as parameters selection, and therefore outperform some state-of-the-art works in terms of payload-distortion performance when applied to different images.Comment: There has no technical difference to previous versions, but rather some minor word corrections. A 2-page summary of this paper was accepted by ACM IH&MMSec'16 "Ongoing work session". My homepage: hzwu.github.i

    Reversible Embedding to Covers Full of Boundaries

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    In reversible data embedding, to avoid overflow and underflow problem, before data embedding, boundary pixels are recorded as side information, which may be losslessly compressed. The existing algorithms often assume that a natural image has little boundary pixels so that the size of side information is small. Accordingly, a relatively high pure payload could be achieved. However, there actually may exist a lot of boundary pixels in a natural image, implying that, the size of side information could be very large. Therefore, when to directly use the existing algorithms, the pure embedding capacity may be not sufficient. In order to address this problem, in this paper, we present a new and efficient framework to reversible data embedding in images that have lots of boundary pixels. The core idea is to losslessly preprocess boundary pixels so that it can significantly reduce the side information. Experimental results have shown the superiority and applicability of our work

    Implementation of Reversible Data Hiding Using Suitable Wavelet Transform For Controlled Contrast Enhancement

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    Data Hiding is important for secrete communication and it is also essential to keep the data hidden to be received by the intended recipient only. The conventional Reversible Data Hiding (RDH) algorithms pursue high Peak-Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (PSNR) at certain amount of embedding bits. Considering an importance of improvement in image visual quality than keeping high PSNR, a novel RDH scheme utilizing contrast enhancement to replace the PSNR was presented with the help of Integer Wavelet Transform (IWT). In proposed work, the identification of suitable transform from different wavelet families is planned to enhance the security of data by encrypting it and embedding more bits with the original image to generate stego image. The obtained stego image will be transmitted to the other end, where the receiver will extract the transmitted secrete data and original cover image from stego image using required keys. It will use a proper transformation for the purpose of Controlled Contrast Enhancement (CCE) to achieve the intended RDH so that the amount of embedding data bits and visual perception will be enhanced. The difference of the transmitted original image and restored original image is minor, which is almost invisible for human eyes though more bits are embedded with the original image. The performance parameters are also calculated

    Separable Reversible Data Hiding in Encrypted Images Based on Two-Dimensional Histogram Modification

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    An efficient method of completely separable reversible data hiding in encrypted images is proposed. The cover image is first partitioned into nonoverlapping blocks and specific encryption is applied to obtain the encrypted image. Then, image difference in the encrypted domain can be calculated based on the homomorphic property of the cryptosystem. The data hider, who does not know the original image content, may reversibly embed secret data into image difference based on two-dimensional difference histogram modification. Data extraction is completely separable from image decryption; that is, data extraction can be done either in the encrypted domain or in the decrypted domain, so that it can be applied to different application scenarios. In addition, data extraction and image recovery are free of any error. Experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and efficiency of the proposed scheme

    Pixel grouping of digital images for reversible data hiding

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    Pixel Grouping (PG) of digital images has been a key consideration in recent development of the Reversible Data Hiding (RDH) schemes. While a PG kernel with neighborhood pixels helps compute image groups for better embedding rate-distortion performance, only horizontal neighborhood pixel group of size 1×3 has so far been considered. In this paper, we formulate PG kernels of sizes 3×1, 2×3 and 3×2 and investigate their effect on the rate-distortion performance of a prominent PG-based RDH scheme. Specially, a kernel of size 3×2 (or 2×3) that creates a pair of pixel-trios having triangular shape and offers a greater possible correlation among the pixels. This kernel thus can be better utilized for improving a PG-based RDH scheme. Considering this, we develop and present an improved PG-based RDH scheme and the computational models of its key processes. Experimental results demonstrated that our proposed RDH scheme offers reasonably better  embedding rate-distortion performance than the original scheme
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