4,109 research outputs found

    Reverse nearest neighbor queries in fixed dimension

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    Reverse nearest neighbor queries are defined as follows: Given an input point-set P, and a query point q, find all the points p in P whose nearest point in P U {q} \ {p} is q. We give a data structure to answer reverse nearest neighbor queries in fixed-dimensional Euclidean space. Our data structure uses O(n) space, its preprocessing time is O(n log n), and its query time is O(log n).Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures; typos corrected; more background material on compressed quadtree

    Approximate Bregman near neighbors in sublinear time: beyond the triangle inequality

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    pre-printBregman divergences are important distance measures that are used extensively in data-driven applications such as computer vision, text mining, and speech processing, and are a key focus of interest in machine learning. Answering nearest neighbor (NN) queries under these measures is very important in these applications and has been the subject of extensive study, but is problematic because these distance measures lack metric properties like symmetry and the triangle inequality. In this paper, we present the first provably approximate nearest-neighbor (ANN) algorithms. These process queries in O(logn) time for Bregman divergences in fixed dimensional spaces. We also obtain polylogn bounds for a more abstract class of distance measures (containing Bregman divergences) which satisfy certain structural properties . Both of these bounds apply to both the regular asymmetric Bregman divergences as well as their symmetrized versions. To do so, we develop two geometric properties vital to our analysis: a reverse triangle inequality (RTI) and a relaxed triangle inequality called m-defectiveness where m is a domain-dependent parameter. Bregman divergences satisfy the RTI but not m-defectiveness. However, we show that the square root of a Bregman divergence does satisfy m-defectiveness. This allows us to then utilize both properties in an efficient search data structure that follows the general two-stage paradigm of a ring-tree decomposition followed by a quad tree search used in previous near-neighbor algorithms for Euclidean space and spaces of bounded doubling dimension. Our first algorithm resolves a query for a d-dimensional (1+e)-ANN in O ( logne )O(d) time and O (nlogd-1 n) space and holds for generic m-defective distance measures satisfying a RTI. Our second algorithm is more specific in analysis to the Bregman divergences and uses a further structural constant, the maximum ratio of second derivatives over each dimension of our domain (c0). This allows us to locate a (1+e)-ANN in O(logn) time and O(n) space, where there is a further (c0)d factor in the big-Oh for the query time

    Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search for Low Dimensional Queries

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    We study the Approximate Nearest Neighbor problem for metric spaces where the query points are constrained to lie on a subspace of low doubling dimension, while the data is high-dimensional. We show that this problem can be solved efficiently despite the high dimensionality of the data.Comment: 25 page