42,288 research outputs found

    Reverse mathematics and properties of finite character

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    We study the reverse mathematics of the principle stating that, for every property of finite character, every set has a maximal subset satisfying the property. In the context of set theory, this variant of Tukey's lemma is equivalent to the axiom of choice. We study its behavior in the context of second-order arithmetic, where it applies to sets of natural numbers only, and give a full characterization of its strength in terms of the quantifier structure of the formula defining the property. We then study the interaction between properties of finite character and finitary closure operators, and the interaction between these properties and a class of nondeterministic closure operators.Comment: This paper corresponds to section 4 of arXiv:1009.3242, "Reverse mathematics and equivalents of the axiom of choice", which has been abbreviated and divided into two pieces for publicatio

    Reverse mathematics and equivalents of the axiom of choice

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    We study the reverse mathematics of countable analogues of several maximality principles that are equivalent to the axiom of choice in set theory. Among these are the principle asserting that every family of sets has a βŠ†\subseteq-maximal subfamily with the finite intersection property and the principle asserting that if PP is a property of finite character then every set has a βŠ†\subseteq-maximal subset of which PP holds. We show that these principles and their variations have a wide range of strengths in the context of second-order arithmetic, from being equivalent to Z2\mathsf{Z}_2 to being weaker than ACA0\mathsf{ACA}_0 and incomparable with WKL0\mathsf{WKL}_0. In particular, we identify a choice principle that, modulo Ξ£20\Sigma^0_2 induction, lies strictly below the atomic model theorem principle AMT\mathsf{AMT} and implies the omitting partial types principle OPT\mathsf{OPT}

    On vv--domains and star operations

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    Let βˆ—\ast be a star operation on an integral domain DD. Let \f(D) be the set of all nonzero finitely generated fractional ideals of DD. Call DD a βˆ—\ast--Pr\"ufer (respectively, (βˆ—,v)(\ast, v)--Pr\"ufer) domain if (FFβˆ’1)βˆ—=D(FF^{-1})^{\ast}=D (respectively, (FvFβˆ’1)βˆ—=D(F^vF^{-1})^{\ast}=D) for all F\in \f(D). We establish that βˆ—\ast--Pr\"ufer domains (and (βˆ—,v)(\ast, v)--Pr\"ufer domains) for various star operations βˆ—\ast span a major portion of the known generalizations of Pr\"{u}fer domains inside the class of vv--domains. We also use Theorem 6.6 of the Larsen and McCarthy book [Multiplicative Theory of Ideals, Academic Press, New York--London, 1971], which gives several equivalent conditions for an integral domain to be a Pr\"ufer domain, as a model, and we show which statements of that theorem on Pr\"ufer domains can be generalized in a natural way and proved for βˆ—\ast--Pr\"ufer domains, and which cannot be. We also show that in a βˆ—\ast --Pr\"ufer domain, each pair of βˆ—\ast -invertible βˆ—\ast -ideals admits a GCD in the set of βˆ—\ast -invertible βˆ—\ast -ideals, obtaining a remarkable generalization of a property holding for the "classical" class of Pr\"ufer vv--multiplication domains. We also link DD being βˆ—\ast --Pr\"ufer (or (βˆ—,v)(\ast, v)--Pr\"ufer) with the group Invβˆ—(D)^{\ast}(D) of βˆ—\ast -invertible βˆ—\ast -ideals (under βˆ—\ast-multiplication) being lattice-ordered

    Partitions of Matrix Spaces With an Application to qq-Rook Polynomials

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    We study the row-space partition and the pivot partition on the matrix space FqnΓ—m\mathbb{F}_q^{n \times m}. We show that both these partitions are reflexive and that the row-space partition is self-dual. Moreover, using various combinatorial methods, we explicitly compute the Krawtchouk coefficients associated with these partitions. This establishes MacWilliams-type identities for the row-space and pivot enumerators of linear rank-metric codes. We then generalize the Singleton-like bound for rank-metric codes, and introduce two new concepts of code extremality. Both of them generalize the notion of MRD codes and are preserved by trace-duality. Moreover, codes that are extremal according to either notion satisfy strong rigidity properties analogous to those of MRD codes. As an application of our results to combinatorics, we give closed formulas for the qq-rook polynomials associated with Ferrers diagram boards. Moreover, we exploit connections between matrices over finite fields and rook placements to prove that the number of matrices of rank rr over Fq\mathbb{F}_q supported on a Ferrers diagram is a polynomial in qq, whose degree is strictly increasing in rr. Finally, we investigate the natural analogues of the MacWilliams Extension Theorem for the rank, the row-space, and the pivot partitions
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