2 research outputs found

    Residual Bi-Fusion Feature Pyramid Network for Accurate Single-shot Object Detection

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    State-of-the-art (SoTA) models have improved the accuracy of object detection with a large margin via a FP (feature pyramid). FP is a top-down aggregation to collect semantically strong features to improve scale invariance in both two-stage and one-stage detectors. However, this top-down pathway cannot preserve accurate object positions due to the shift-effect of pooling. Thus, the advantage of FP to improve detection accuracy will disappear when more layers are used. The original FP lacks a bottom-up pathway to offset the lost information from lower-layer feature maps. It performs well in large-sized object detection but poor in small-sized object detection. A new structure "residual feature pyramid" is proposed in this paper. It is bidirectional to fuse both deep and shallow features towards more effective and robust detection for both small-sized and large-sized objects. Due to the "residual" nature, it can be easily trained and integrated to different backbones (even deeper or lighter) than other bi-directional methods. One important property of this residual FP is: accuracy improvement is still found even if more layers are adopted. Extensive experiments on VOC and MS COCO datasets showed the proposed method achieved the SoTA results for highly-accurate and efficient object detection.

    ResFPN: Residual Skip Connections in Multi-Resolution Feature Pyramid Networks for Accurate Dense Pixel Matching

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    Dense pixel matching is required for many computer vision algorithms such as disparity, optical flow or scene flow estimation. Feature Pyramid Networks (FPN) have proven to be a suitable feature extractor for CNN-based dense matching tasks. FPN generates well localized and semantically strong features at multiple scales. However, the generic FPN is not utilizing its full potential, due to its reasonable but limited localization accuracy. Thus, we present ResFPN -- a multi-resolution feature pyramid network with multiple residual skip connections, where at any scale, we leverage the information from higher resolution maps for stronger and better localized features. In our ablation study, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our novel architecture with clearly higher accuracy than FPN. In addition, we verify the superior accuracy of ResFPN in many different pixel matching applications on established datasets like KITTI, Sintel, and FlyingThings3D.Comment: Accepted at ICPR 202