3 research outputs found

    Robust Revenue Maximization Under Minimal Statistical Information

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    We study the problem of multi-dimensional revenue maximization when selling mm items to a buyer that has additive valuations for them, drawn from a (possibly correlated) prior distribution. Unlike traditional Bayesian auction design, we assume that the seller has a very restricted knowledge of this prior: they only know the mean μj\mu_j and an upper bound σj\sigma_j on the standard deviation of each item's marginal distribution. Our goal is to design mechanisms that achieve good revenue against an ideal optimal auction that has full knowledge of the distribution in advance. Informally, our main contribution is a tight quantification of the interplay between the dispersity of the priors and the aforementioned robust approximation ratio. Furthermore, this can be achieved by very simple selling mechanisms. More precisely, we show that selling the items via separate price lotteries achieves an O(logr)O(\log r) approximation ratio where r=maxj(σj/μj)r=\max_j(\sigma_j/\mu_j) is the maximum coefficient of variation across the items. If forced to restrict ourselves to deterministic mechanisms, this guarantee degrades to O(r2)O(r^2). Assuming independence of the item valuations, these ratios can be further improved by pricing the full bundle. For the case of identical means and variances, in particular, we get a guarantee of O(log(r/m))O(\log(r/m)) which converges to optimality as the number of items grows large. We demonstrate the optimality of the above mechanisms by providing matching lower bounds. Our tight analysis for the deterministic case resolves an open gap from the work of Azar and Micali [ITCS'13]. As a by-product, we also show how one can directly use our upper bounds to improve and extend previous results related to the parametric auctions of Azar et al. [SODA'13]

    The Power of Simple Menus in Robust Selling Mechanisms

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    We study a robust selling problem where a seller attempts to sell one item to a buyer but is uncertain about the buyer's valuation distribution. Existing literature indicates that robust mechanism design provides a stronger theoretical guarantee than robust deterministic pricing. Meanwhile, the superior performance of robust mechanism design comes at the expense of implementation complexity given that the seller offers a menu with an infinite number of options, each coupled with a lottery and a payment for the buyer's selection. In view of this, the primary focus of our research is to find simple selling mechanisms that can effectively hedge against market ambiguity. We show that a selling mechanism with a small menu size (or limited randomization across a finite number of prices) is already capable of deriving significant benefits achieved by the optimal robust mechanism with infinite options. In particular, we develop a general framework to study the robust selling mechanism problem where the seller only offers a finite number of options in the menu. Then we propose a tractable reformulation that addresses a variety of ambiguity sets of the buyer's valuation distribution. Our formulation further enables us to characterize the optimal selling mechanisms and the corresponding competitive ratio for different menu sizes and various ambiguity sets, including support, mean, and quantile information. In light of the closed-form competitive ratios associated with different menu sizes, we provide managerial implications that incorporating a modest menu size already yields a competitive ratio comparable to the optimal robust mechanism with infinite options, which establishes a favorable trade-off between theoretical performance and implementation simplicity. Remarkably, a menu size of merely two can significantly enhance the competitive ratio, compared to the deterministic pricing scheme