2 research outputs found

    Retargetable Self-Test Program Generation Using Constraint Logic Programming

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    This paper presents new techniques in two different areas. Firstly, it proposes a solution to the problem of testing embedded processors. Towards this end, it discusses the automatic generation of executable test programs from a specification of test patterns for processor components. Secondly, the paper shows how constraint logic programming (CLP) improves the software production process for design automation tools. The advantages of CLP languages include: built-in symbolic variables and the built-in support for constraints over finite domains such as integers and Booleans. 1. INTRODUCTION During the recent years, there has been a significant shift in the way complex electronic systems are implemented: various types of embedded processors are being used in many designs. These types include: off-the-shelf DSPs (e.g. TMS320C25 [27]), application-specific instruction set processors (ASIPs, see e.g. [2]), application-specific signal processors (ASSPs) and in-house core processors. The ad..

    Retargetable Self-Test Program Generation Using Constraint Logic Programming

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