5 research outputs found

    Language Dependency of Speaker Recognition Systems

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    One of many possible biometric identification methods is voice recognition. A voice recording can be compared to a suspect sample to determine whether suspect and perpetrator are the same. Often the necessary materials are not all available in the same language. This aspect called cross-language speaker recognition can make identification much more challenging. It is therefore fundamental to ensure that the systems used, can correctly perform the assessment in cross-language situations. This paper compares two systems used for biometric speaker recognition that both support cross language identification. The first tool is the BatVOX system, made by Agnitio corp. The second system is Nuance Forensics, made by Nuance. Several contradictions concerning language dependence have been seen. In some situations the language match test performs better than the language mismatch test, while this has been seen the other way around as well. In general the Nuance system seems to be slightly better, however nothing can be said about the language dependency of both systems. It is recommended to obtain more data from both languages in order to make a proper comparison

    Automatinio asmens atpažinimo iš balso problemos ir perspektyvos kriminalistikoje.

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    Technologies of speaker recognition by voice in criminology were applied recently. Now they become topical in many countries. Main methods, used in automatic speaker recognition by voice were considered in this article. Analysis of forensic speaker identification by voice and automatic identification system was performed. Outlook of novel automatic speaker recognition systems in forensic inspection, criminal search and strategical work were discussed. Results of automatic speaker identification evaluation, using database were described. Conclusion can be made, that automatic speaker recognition system is convenient, because it requires minimal knowledge from the user. This system can by applied in criminal search, but it has limitations in forensic inspection. One of the most important lack of automatic speaker recognition systems is less accuracy of recognition and relatively long record length is required for training and testing of the system. In spite of lack of automatic recognition system, some methods that are used in this system can be applied in combined system. And how our and other countries experience shows, it allows to perform research rather and more objective. One of the most promising way could be development of the database, consisting of voice records and integrated automatic recognition system, what would allow to perform not only automatic speaker recognition, but finding test and template records too, and so on.Straipsnyje apžvelgti pagrindiniai metodai, šiuo metu taikomi automatiniam asmens atpažinimui iš balso, ir atlikta teisminio asmens identifikavimo iš balso ir automatinio asmens identifikavimo sistemų analizė. Nagrinėjamos naujų automatinių asmens atpažinimo sistemų taikymo perspektyvos teismo ekspertizėje ir kriminalinėje paieškoje bei operatyviniame darbe. Pateikiami automatinio asmens identifikavimo rezultatai, naudojant balsų bazę. Gautų rezultatų pagrindu daroma išvada - automatinio asmens atpažinimo iš balso sistema yra gana patogi vartotojui, nes ji iš vartotojo reikalauja minimalių žinių. Tokia sistema gali būti taikoma vykdant kriminalinę paiešką, tačiau atliekant teismo ekspertizę jos taikymas yra ribotas