2 research outputs found

    On determinism versus nondeterminism for restarting automata

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    AbstractA restarting automaton processes a given word by executing a sequence of local simplifications until a simple word is obtained that the automaton then accepts. Such a computation is expressed as a sequence of cycles. A nondeterministic restarting automaton M is called correctness preserving, if, for each cycle u⊢Mcv, the string v belongs to the characteristic language LC(M) of M, if the string u does. Our first result states that for each type of restarting automaton X∈{R,RW,RWW,RL,RLW,RLWW}, if M is a nondeterministic X-automaton that is correctness preserving, then there exists a deterministic X-automaton M1 such that the characteristic languages LC(M1) and LC(M) coincide. When a restarting automaton M executes a cycle that transforms a string from the language LC(M) into a string not belonging to LC(M), then this can be interpreted as an error of M. By counting the number of cycles it may take M to detect this error, we obtain a measure for the influence that errors have on computations. Accordingly, this measure is called error detection distance. It turns out, however, that an X-automaton with bounded error detection distance is equivalent to a correctness preserving X-automaton, and therewith to a deterministic X-automaton. This means that nondeterminism increases the expressive power of X-automata only in combination with an unbounded error detection distance