19 research outputs found

    Power allocation for D2D communications in heterogeneous networks

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    In this paper, we study power allocation for D2D communications in heterogeneous networks utilizing game theory approach to improve the performance of the whole system. Given D2D's underlay status in the system, Stackelberg game framework is well suited for the situation. In our scheme, macrocell system and femtocell system are considered as two leaders and D2D pairs are considered as the follower, forming a two-leader-one-follower Stackelberg game. The leaders act first, charging some fees from the follower for using the channel and causing interference to jeopardize their communication equality. The follower observes the leaders' behavior and develops its strategy based on the prices offered by the leaders. We analyse the procedure and obtain the Stackeberg equilibrium, which determines the optimal prices for the leaders and optimal transmit power for the follower. In the end, simulations are executed to validate the proposed allocation method, which significantly improves data rate of user equipments. ? 2014 Global IT Research Institute (GIRI).EICPCI-S(ISTP)

    Game-theoretic Resource Allocation Methods for Device-to-Device (D2D) Communication

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    Device-to-device (D2D) communication underlaying cellular networks allows mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets to use the licensed spectrum allocated to cellular services for direct peer-to-peer transmission. D2D communication can use either one-hop transmission (i.e., in D2D direct communication) or multi-hop cluster-based transmission (i.e., in D2D local area networks). The D2D devices can compete or cooperate with each other to reuse the radio resources in D2D networks. Therefore, resource allocation and access for D2D communication can be treated as games. The theories behind these games provide a variety of mathematical tools to effectively model and analyze the individual or group behaviors of D2D users. In addition, game models can provide distributed solutions to the resource allocation problems for D2D communication. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the applications of game-theoretic models to study the radio resource allocation issues in D2D communication. The article also outlines several key open research directions.Comment: Accepted. IEEE Wireless Comms Mag. 201

    Manajemen Interferensi pada Komunikasi Device-to-Device Menggunakan Algoritma Two-Phase Auction-Based Fair and Interference Allocation

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    Komunikasi Device-to-Device (D2D) telah diusulkan di Long Term Evolution (LTE) sebagai solusi penting untuk meningkatkan throughput jaringan dan men- gurangi beban lalu lintas di core network. D2D merupakan teknik yang menjan- jikan untuk menyediakan layanan wireless peer-to-peer dan meningkatkan peman- faatan spektrum dalam jaringan LTE-Advanced. Namun, transmisi sinyal pengguna seluler dapat menyebabkan interferensi pada komunikasi D2D ketika komunikasi D2D menggunakan resource yang sama dengan pengguna seluler. Tugas Akhir ini melakukan manajemen interferensi dengan cara meminimalkan interferensi yang disebabkan oleh sinyal seluler kepada D2D receiver menggu- nakan algoritma Two-Phase Auction-based Fair and Interference Resource Allo- cation (TAFIRA). Algoritma TAFIRA digunakan untuk meminimalkan interfer- ensi, baik pada evolved Node B (eNB) dan pada penerima pasangan komunikasi D2D sambil tetap mempertahankan target sistem sum rate dan memastikan alokasi sumber daya yang adil di antara pasangan komunikasi D2D. Penggunaan teknologi manajemen interferensi saat ini menggunakan parameter yang berbeda, sehingga tidak diketahui teknologi apa yang lebih baik untuk memanajemen interferensi. Oleh karena itu, Tugas Akhir ini membandingkan algoritma TAFIRA dengan algo- ritma lain yaitu algoritma Minimum Interference dan algoritma Random Allocation untuk membahas masalah interferensi dengan parameter yang sama. Tugas Akhir ini mengkonfirmasi bahwa algoritma TAFIRA dapat memperoleh target system sum rate yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kedua algoritma lain- nya. Algoritma TAFIRA menimbulkan sedikit peningkatan interferensi pada eNB dan D2D receiver. Tugas Akhir ini juga mengkonfirmasi bahwa, algoritma TAFIRA adalah solusi yang efisien untuk memanajemen interferensi

    Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for Device-to-Device Underlay Communication

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    Device-to-device (D2D) communication underlaying cellular networks is expected to bring significant benefits for utilizing resources, improving user throughput and extending battery life of user equipments. However, the allocation of radio and power resources to D2D communication needs elaborate coordination, as D2D communication can cause interference to cellular communication. In this paper, we study joint channel and power allocation to improve the energy efficiency of user equipments. To solve the problem efficiently, we introduce an iterative combinatorial auction algorithm, where the D2D users are considered as bidders that compete for channel resources, and the cellular network is treated as the auctioneer. We also analyze important properties of D2D underlay communication, and present numerical simulations to verify the proposed algorithm.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Energy Efficiency Optimization in D2D-Cellular Converged Networks for Video Delivery

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    Resource Management for Device-to-Device Communications in Heterogeneous Networks Using Stackelberg Game

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    Device-to-device (D2D) communications and femtocell systems can bring significant benefits to users’ throughput. However, the complicated three-tier interference among macrocell, femtocell, and D2D systems is a challenging issue in heterogeneous networks. As D2D user equipment (UE) can cause interference to cellular UE, scheduling and allocation of channel resources and power of D2D communication need elaborate coordination. In this paper, we propose a joint scheduling and resource allocation scheme to improve the performance of D2D communication. We take UE rate and UE fairness into account by performing interference management. First, we construct a Stackelberg game framework in which we group a macrocellular UE, a femtocellular UE, and a D2D UE to form a two-leader one-follower pair. The cellular UE are leaders, and D2D UE is the follower who buys channel resources from the leaders. We analyze the equilibrium of the game and obtain solutions to the equilibrium. Second, we propose an algorithm for joint scheduling of D2D pairs based on their utility. Finally, we perform computer simulations to study the performance of the proposed scheme