1 research outputs found

    Resource allocation in dynamic PERT networks with finite capacity

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    This article models the resource allocation problem in dynamic PERT networks with finite capacity of concurrent projects (COnstant Number of Projects In Process (CONPIP)), where activity durations are independent random variables with exponential distributions, and the new projects are generated according to a Poisson process. The system is represented as a queuing network with finite concurrent projects, where each activity of a project is performed at a devoted service station with one server located in a node of the network. For modeling dynamic PERT networks with CONPIP, we first convert the network of queues into a stochastic network. Then, by constructing a proper finite-state continuous-time Markov model, a system of differential equations is created to solve and find the completion time distribution for any particular project. Finally, we propose a multi-objective model with three conflict objectives to optimally control the resources allocated to the servers, and apply the goal attainment method to solve a discrete-time approximation of the original multi-objective problem.Project management Markov processes Multiple objective programming