1 research outputs found

    Resource Allocation to Maximize Fairness and Minimize Interference for Maximum Spectrum Reuse in 5G Cellular Networks

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    The large number of internet-connected devices will continue to drive growth in data traffic in an exponential way, forcing network operators to increase the capacity of wireless networks. To do so in the cost-effective way a paradigm shift is occurring in 5G cellular networks from high power macro base station to small cell heterogeneous networks known as microcells, picocells, and femtocells. This paradigm shift of 5G cellular networks gives many opportunities ranging from increase capacity to reuse the scarce spectrum resources to coexistence to interference minimization etc. The coexistence of heterogeneous small cells makes the resource allocation, interference management, and maximum fairness among the users more complicated. In this paper, we formulate the resource allocation for spectrum reuse maximization, interference minimization and user level fairness in heterogeneous small cells 5G cellular networks as a NP-hard problem. We design centralized and probability based heuristic for the above resource allocation problem in-order to minimize interference and to achieve maximum spectrum reuse and fairness among the users in feasible computational complexity. We show through extensive network simulations that our proposal outperforms existing centralized interfering model (INT) and distributed random access (DRA) in both low and high-density networks