3 research outputs found

    Resolving the Enhanced Flow Parameters for an In-depth Analysis of the MRI- Neuroimaging

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    The functionality of current neuroimaging using the MRI machine needs to be improved to diagnose more complex problems. A new mathematical concept based on the solutions of the Bloch NMR for MRI applications was adopted to resolve functionality problems- by the inclusion of molecular interactions. The signal loss factor 'E' caused by fluctuating velocity due to compartmental boundaries in the macromolecular sites was proposed to be the vital factor required for clinical diagnosis of cognitive impairment

    Suppressed Fluctuation in The GABAergic Signaling: Mathematical Modelling of The Neurotransmitter

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    The chemistry of the gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) had been established. However, the explanation on the interplay between GABA receptors antagonize fundamental concept of the GABAergic Signaling . For example, glutamate spillover from excitatory afferent terminals leads to the modulation of GABAergic signals. However, this result is true with respect to GABAB receptors only. The physics of its interplay between the GABA receptors was theoretically investigated using the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) because the proton gradient controls the intermediate energy storage for heat production and flagellar rotation. The MRI investigation of the GABAergic Signaling is not a new concept in medicine. Molecular potential in the receptors increases the peak radiofrequency (RF) field (B1) amplitude and the holding potential of the GABA receptors. The suppressed fluctuation of the GABAergic Signaling was noticed where the receptors are all actively involved in the GABAergic network. Hence, a dual technique was suggested to detect the suppressed GABAergic state in the human body

    A Model for Resolving Flow Parameters for MRINeuroimaging Application

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    The functionality of recent neuroimaging using the MRI machine has generated errors which are peculiar to all kinds of MRI processes. Though hardwares are used to complement the MRI process, the problems are not completely solved due to its fundamental errors. The fundamental error is in the exclusion of molecular interaction in the ab-initio Bloch NMR. A new mathematical concept was applied to resolve the functionality problems. The Bloch NMR features and the molecular interactions were fused via a Hamiltonian process. The simulation obtained reveals the tendencies of signals to diverge. This concept was summarized via a concept known as the signal loss factor 'E'. The signal loss factor 'E' exists when spin velocity fluctuates due to compartmental boundaries in the macromolecular sites. We propose that the fundamental error-signal loss factor 'E', is a vital factor required for clinical diagnosis of cognitive impairmen