1,415 research outputs found

    Boolean Lifting Property for Residuated Lattices

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    In this paper we define the Boolean Lifting Property (BLP) for residuated lattices to be the property that all Boolean elements can be lifted modulo every filter, and study residuated lattices with BLP. Boolean algebras, chains, local and hyperarchimedean residuated lattices have BLP. BLP behaves interestingly in direct products and involutive residuated lattices, and it is closely related to arithmetic properties involving Boolean elements, nilpotent elements and elements of the radical. When BLP is present, strong representation theorems for semilocal and maximal residuated lattices hold.Comment: 28 page

    Quasicomplemented residuated lattices

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    In this paper, the class of quasicomplemented residuated lattices is introduced and investigated, as a subclass of residuated lattices in which any prime filter not containing any dense element is a minimal prime filter. The notion of disjunctive residuated lattices is introduced and it is observed that a residuated lattice is Boolean if and only if it is disjunctive and quasicomplemented. Finally, some characterizations for quasicomplemented residuated lattices are given by means of the new notion of α\alpha-filters.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1812.11511, arXiv:1812.1151

    Relatively residuated lattices and posets

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    It is known that every relatively pseudocomplemented lattice is residuated and, moreover, it is distributive. Unfortunately, non-distributive lattices with a unary operation satisfying properties similar to relative pseudocomplementation cannot be converted in residuated ones. The aim of our paper is to introduce a more general concept of a relative residuated lattice in such a way that also non-modular sectionally pseudocomplemented lattices are included. We derive several properties of relative residuated lattices which are similar to those known for residuated ones and extend our results to posets

    Integrally Closed Residuated Lattices

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    A residuated lattice is defined to be integrally closed if it satisfies the equations x\x = e and x/x = e. Every integral, cancellative, or divisible residuated lattice is integrally closed, and, conversely, every bounded integrally closed residuated lattice is integral. It is proved that the mapping a -> (a\e)\e on any integrally closed residuated lattice is a homomorphism onto a lattice-ordered group. A Glivenko-style property is then established for varieties of integrally closed residuated lattices with respect to varieties of lattice-ordered groups, showing in particular that integrally closed residuated lattices form the largest variety of residuated lattices admitting this property with respect to lattice-ordered groups. The Glivenko property is used to obtain a sequent calculus admitting cut-elimination for the variety of integrally closed residuated lattices and to establish the decidability, indeed PSPACE-completenes, of its equational theory. Finally, these results are related to previous work on (pseudo) BCI-algebras, semi-integral residuated partially ordered monoids, and algebras for Casari's comparative logic

    Involutive right-residuated l-groupoids

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    A common generalization of orthomodular lattices and residuated lattices is provided corresponding to bounded lattices with an involution and sectionally extensive mappings. It turns out that such a generalization can be based on integral right-residuated l-groupoids. This general framework is applied to MV-algebras,orthomodular lattices, Nelson algebras, basic algebras and Heyting algebras.Comment: 22 page

    n-fold filters in residuated lattice

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    Residuated lattices play an important role in the study of fuzzy logic based of t-norm. In this paper, we introduced the notions of n-fold implicative filters, n-fold positive implicative filters, n-fold boolean filters, n-fold fantastic filters, n-fold normal filters and n-fold obstinate filters in residuated lattices and study the relations among them. This generalized the similar existing results in BL-algebra with the connection of the work of Kerre and all in [14], Kondo and all in [7], [11] and Motamed and all in [9]. At the end of this paper, we draw two diagrams; the first one describe the relations between some type of n-fold filters in residuated lattices and the second one describe the relations between some type of n-fold residuated lattices

    Nilpotency and the Hamiltonian property for cancellative residuated lattices

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    The present article studies nilpotent and Hamiltonian cancellative residuated lattices and their relationship with nilpotent and Hamiltonian lattice-ordered groups. In particular, results about lattice-ordered groups are extended to the domain of residuated lattices. The two key ingredients that underlie the considerations of this paper are the categorical equivalence between Ore residuated lattices and lattice-ordered groups endowed with a suitable modal operator; and Malcev's description of nilpotent groups of a given nilpotency class c in terms of a semigroup equation

    nn-normal residuated lattices

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    The notion of nn-normal residuated lattice, as a class of residuated lattices in which every prime filter contains at most nn minimal prime filters, is introduced and studied. Before that, the notion of ω\omega-filter is introduced and it is observed that the set of ω\omega-filters in a residuated lattice forms a distributive lattice on its own, which includes the set of coannulets as a sublattice. The class of nn-normal residuated lattices is characterized in terms of their prime filters, minimal prime filters, coannulets and ω\omega-filters.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1812.1151

    A categorical equivalence for Stonean residuated lattices

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    Distributive Stonean residuated lattices are closely related to Stone algebras since their bounded lattice reduct is a Stone algebra. In the present work we follow the ideas presented by Chen and Gr\"{a}tzer and try to apply them for the case of Stonean residuated lattices. Given a Stonean residuated lattice, we consider the triple formed by its Boolean skeleton, its algebra of dense elements and a connecting map. We define a category whose objects are these triples and suitably defined morphisms, and prove that we have a categorical equivalence between this category and that of Stonean residuated lattices. We compare our results with other works and show some applications of the equivalence

    When does a semiring become a residuated lattice?

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    It is an easy observation that every residuated lattice is in fact a semiring because multiplication distributes over join and the other axioms of a semiring are satisfied trivially. This semiring is commutative, idempotent and simple. The natural question arises if the converse assertion is also true. We show that the conversion is possible provided the given semiring is, moreover, completely distributive. We characterize semirings associated to complete residuated lattices satisfying the double negation law where the assumption of complete distributivity can be omitted. A similar result is obtained for idempotent residuated lattices
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