2 research outputs found

    Reserve Price Reporting Mechanisms for Negotiation Support Systems

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) changed our everyday business drastically. Business routines have been transformed to online activities. New theories and models were developed for the brand new online environment. For online negotiations, however, the research on new mechanisms is not enough, especially for bilateral distributive negotiations. A reserve price reporting mechanism (RPR) together with its extended version (ERPR) is proposed in this paper. The key improvement of reserve price reporting mechanisms is to let the negotiators report their reserve price to a third-party system before they actually start the negotiation. Analytical models of these mechanisms are built to prove truth revelation condition and the reduction of total social welfare comparing with traditional direct bargaining (TDB). A prototype of this RPR system is developed and a lab experiment is conducted to test the performance of the three mechanisms. The results of the experiment support that the reserve price report mechanisms proposed are more efficient than the traditional one in several dimensions

    Impacto de la automatizaci贸n en el desarrollo de ventajas competitivas en empresas de almacenamiento de Lima Metropolitana

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    La pandemia del COVID-19 trajo consigo muchos cambios a todo nivel y muchas empresas tuvieron que transitar a una nueva realidad donde la agilidad y la resiliencia son factores importantes. Sin embargo, existen muchas empresas que a煤n no han adaptado sus operaciones para responder a estas nuevas necesidades del mercado y corren peligro de no sobrevivir a este nuevo entorno competitivo. Otra de las consecuencias de la pandemia fue el crecimiento acelerado del comercio electr贸nico que demanda a las empresas, sobre todo a las que ofrecen servicio de almacenamiento, ser innovadoras y eficientes en sus operaciones. Es por eso por lo que, presentamos a la automatizaci贸n como una alternativa para solucionar estos nuevos retos que actualmente atraviesan estas empresas mediante un estudio de variables, as铆 como tambi茅n un trabajo de campo que nos ha permitido validar nuestras hip贸tesis planteadas.The COVID-19 pandemic brought many changes at all levels and many companies had to transition to a new reality where agility and resilience are important factors. However, there are many companies that have not yet adapted their operations to respond to these new market needs and are in danger of not surviving in this new competitive environment. Another of the consequences of the pandemic was the accelerated growth of electronic commerce that demands that companies, especially those that offer storage services, be innovative and efficient in their operations. That is why we present automation as an alternative to solve these new challenges that these companies are currently experiencing through a study of variables, as well as field work that has allowed us to validate our hypotheses