1 research outputs found

    Researchers and Development ā€“ Young Researches

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    Although Slovenian science is permanently subject of analysis and reorganization, there are no evident improvements of its organizational structure and share of researchers in so called governmental and economic sector. There are opinions that the key problems of Slovenian science are in the field of technical sciences; that the cause of industrial non-competitiveness are engineers. The search of data of expenses (share of GDP for R&D) respectively investments in science and based on the data of number of young researchers in Slovenia show: (1) Lisbon strategy incorporate right goals, clear mechanisms ā€“ the critical points are instruments and coordination for achieving these goals; (2) As s model Slovenia has to take new members, which already introduce their own, with budget supported goals of Lisbon strategy; (3) Ever since the establishment of new country Slovenia we are not able to reach consensus among all the pillars of political power and decide what should the role of science (primarily of R & D) in what should be relation between universities and economy. Lisbon strategy gives us the answers to the question how EU can be competitive in long term and at the same time preserve European model of life; that means a balance between economical, social and environmental goals. The first condition for maintenance of social sustainability and kindness towards an environment is economical growth. Povzetek: Ob stalnih analizah in reorganizacijah slovenske znanosti se ne izboljÅ”uje njena organizacijska struktura, način organiziranosti in deleži raziskovalcev