2,348 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Corporate Social Media Activities to Increase Relational Outcomes

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    This study applies social media analytics to investigate the impact of different corporate social media activities on user word of mouth and attitudinal loyalty. We conduct a multilevel analysis of approximately 5 million tweets regarding the main Twitter accounts of 28 large global companies. We empirically identify different social media activities in terms of social media management strategies (using social media management tools or the web-frontend client), account types (broadcasting or receiving information), and communicative approaches (conversational or disseminative). We find positive effects of social media management tools, broadcasting accounts, and conversational communication on public perception

    Sentiment Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Before buying a product, people usually go to various shops in the market, query about the product, cost, and warranty, and then finally buy the product based on the opinions they received on cost and quality of service. This process is time consuming and the chances of being cheated by the seller are more as there is nobody to guide as to where the buyer can get authentic product and with proper cost. But now-a-days a good number of persons depend upon the on-line market for buying their required products. This is because the information about the products is available from multiple sources; thus it is comparatively cheap and also has the facility of home delivery. Again, before going through the process of placing order for any product, customers very often refer to the comments or reviews of the present users of the product, which help them take decision about the quality of the product as well as the service provided by the seller. Similar to placing order for products, it is observed that there are quite a few specialists in the field of movies, who go though the movie and then finally give a comment about the quality of the movie, i.e., to watch the movie or not or in five-star rating. These reviews are mainly in the text format and sometimes tough to understand. Thus, these reports need to be processed appropriately to obtain some meaningful information. Classification of these reviews is one of the approaches to extract knowledge about the reviews. In this thesis, different machine learning techniques are used to classify the reviews. Simulation and experiments are carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed classification methods. It is observed that a good number of researchers have often considered two different review datasets for sentiment classification namely aclIMDb and Polarity dataset. The IMDb dataset is divided into training and testing data. Thus, training data are used for training the machine learning algorithms and testing data are used to test the data based on the training information. On the other hand, polarity dataset does not have separate data for training and testing. Thus, k-fold cross validation technique is used to classify the reviews. Four different machine learning techniques (MLTs) viz., Naive Bayes (NB), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Random Forest (RF), and Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) are used for the classification of these movie reviews. Different performance evaluation parameters are used to evaluate the performance of the machine learning techniques. It is observed that among the above four machine learning algorithms, RF technique yields the classification result, with more accuracy. Secondly, n-gram based classification of reviews are carried out on the aclIMDb dataset..

    “I Can See the Forest for the Trees”: Examining Personality Traits with Trasformers

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    Our understanding of Personality and its structure is rooted in linguistic studies operating under the assumptions made by the Lexical Hypothesis: personality characteristics that are important to a group of people will at some point be codified in their language, with the number of encoded representations of a personality characteristic indicating their importance. Qualitative and quantitative efforts in the dimension reduction of our lexicon throughout the mid-20th century have played a vital role in the field’s eventual arrival at the widely accepted Five Factor Model (FFM). However, there are a number of presently unresolved conflicts regarding the breadth and structure of this model (c.f., Hough, Oswald, & Ock, 2015). The present study sought to address such issues through previously unavailable language modeling techniques. The Distributional Semantic Hypothesis (DSH) argues that the meaning of words may be formed through some function of their co-occurrence with other words. There is evidence that DSH-based techniques are cognitively valid, serving as a proxy for learned associations between stimuli (Günther et al., 2019). Given that Personality is often measured through self-report surveys, the present study proposed that a Personality measure be created directly from this source data, using large pre-trained Transformers (a type of neural network that is adept at encoding and decoding semantic representations from natural language). An inventory was constructed, administered, and response data was analyzed using partial correlation networks. This exploratory study identifies differences in the internal structure of trait-domains, while simultaneously demonstrating a quantitative approach to item creation and survey development

    The expansion of isms, 1820-1917 : Data-driven analysis of political language in digitized newspaper collections

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    Words with the suffix -ism are reductionist terms that help us navigate complex social issues by using a simple one-word label for them. On the one hand, they are often associated with political ideologies, but on the other they are present in many other domains of language, especially culture, science, and religion.This has not always been the case. This paper studies isms in a historical record of digitized newspapers published from 1820 to 1917 in Finland to find out how the language of isms developed historically.We use diachronic word embeddings and affinity propagation clustering to trace how new isms entered the lexicon and how they relate to one another over time. We are able to show how they became more common and entered more and more domains. Still, the uses of isms as traditions for political action and thinking stand out in our analysisPeer reviewe

    Semi-supervised sentiment clustering on natural language texts

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    In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised method to cluster unstructured textual data called semi-supervised sentiment clustering on natural language texts. The aim is to identify clusters homogeneous with respect to the overall sentiment of the texts analyzed. The method combines different techniques and methodologies: Sentiment Analysis, Threshold-based Naïve Bayes classifier, and Network-based Semi-supervised Clustering. It involves different steps. In the first step, the unstructured text is transformed into structured text, and it is categorized into positive or negative classes using a sentiment analysis algorithm. In the second step, the Threshold-based Naïve Bayes classifier is applied to identify the overall sentiment of the texts and to define a specific sentiment value for the topics. In the last step, Network-based Semi-supervised Clustering is applied to partition the instances into disjoint groups. The proposed algorithm is tested on a collection of reviews written by customers on Booking.com. The results have highlighted the capacity of the proposed algorithm to identify clusters that are distinct, non-overlapped, and homogeneous with respect to the overall sentiment. Results are also easily interpretable thanks to the network representation of the instances that helps to understand the relationship between them