2 research outputs found

    Serious Storytelling - Serious Digital Storytelling

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    Storytelling has a lengthy old tradition, and the reasons why stories have been told are manifold: for entertainment, to transfer knowledge between generations, to keep cultural heritage, or as warnings for others. The emergence of digitalization of media brought many new possibilities to tell stories – also in serious and non-entertainment contexts. Serious gaming, thus gaming without an entertainment purpose, is just one simple example. Within the scope of this paper, we introduce the term serious storytelling as a new potential media genre – serious storytelling, thus storytelling without entertainment purpose

    Research design for evaluating how to engage students with urban public screens in students' neighbourhoods

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    Public screens are spreading throughout urban residential environments - in busses, trains, shopping centers, or at bus stops. Currently they are mostly used for advertising purposes, however, within the scope of this publication we focus on a new non apparent application area: the application of public screens in student villages. However, with new emerging innovative technologies and the increasing demand of students to use the latest technologies, there is a need and desire to bridge residents and businesses in the local vicinity. In addition, social networks shall help to foster a deeper integration of the community and its services. We present a study of the usage of public screen environments in the student vicinity of Kelvin Grove, Brisbane, Australia and Hervanta, Tampere, Finland. The study had three goals: (1) interviews with business owners to evaluate their needs for content and services, (2) student questioner to gain insights into consumer desires and expectations, (3) development of a roadmap and service concepts for public screens in student vicinities. © 2012 IEEE