2,768 research outputs found

    Carbon Trading with Blockchain

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    Blockchain has the potential to accelerate the deployment of emissions trading systems (ETS) worldwide and improve upon the efficiency of existing systems. In this paper, we present a model for a permissioned blockchain implementation based on the successful European Union (EU) ETS and discuss its potential advantages over existing technology. We propose an ETS model that is both backwards compatible and future-proof, characterised by interconnectedness, transparency, tamper-resistance and high liquidity. Further, we identify key challenges to implementation of a blockchain ETS, as well as areas of future work required to enable a fully-decentralised blockchain ETS

    Designing a Blockchain Model for the Paris Agreement’s Carbon Market Mechanism

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    This paper examines the benefits and constraints of applying blockchain technology for the Paris Agreement carbon market mechanism and develops a list of technical requirements and soft factors as selection criteria to test the feasibility of two different blockchain platforms. The carbon market mechanism, as outlined in Article 6.2 of the Paris Agreement, can accelerate climate action by enabling cooperation between national Parties. However, in the past, carbon markets were limited by several constraints. Our research investigates these constraints and translates them into selection criteria to design a blockchain platform to overcome these past limitations. The developed selection criteria and assumptions developed in this paper provide an orientation for blockchain assessments. Using the selection criteria, we examine the feasibility of two distinct blockchains, Ethereum and Hyperledger Fabric, for the specific use case of Article 6.2. These two blockchain systems represent contrary forms of design and governance; Ethereum constitutes a public and permissionless blockchain governance system, while Hyperledger Fabric represents a private and permissioned governance system. Our results show that both blockchain systems can address present carbon market constraints by enhancing market transparency, increasing process automation, and preventing double counting. The final selection and blockchain system implementation will first be possible, when the Article 6 negotiations are concluded, and governance preferences of national Parties are established. Our paper informs about the viability of different blockchain systems, offers insights into governance options, and provides a valuable framework for a concrete blockchain selection in the future.DFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische Universität Berli

    Blockchain for Internet of Things:Data Markets, Learning, and Sustainability

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    Blockchain and Smart Contract for Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading Platform: Legal Obstacles and Regulatory Solutions, 19 UIC REV. INTELL. PROP. L. 285 (2020)

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    This paper discusses the implications of smart contracts in energy trading for the protection of consumer and individual rights. It examines the legal risks and regulatory solutions for a peer-to-peer energy trading platform (P2P-ETP) in creating a sustainable energy ecosystem. Part I discusses the conceptual framework of P2PETP, which enables consumers to become energy ‘producers\u27 and traders. Smart technologies—smart contracts, smart meters, and distributed ledger technology (DLT) platforms, are the main components of this platform. The study examines the legal basis for these components. Part II analyzes the legal uncertainty of the smart contract, such as its enforceability, and the inadequate protection for consumers and their individual rights through price manipulation, violation of rights to privacy, and data breaches. Part III discusses the potential policy implementations and the principles behind a legal and regulatory framework for establishing a trusted peer-to peer energy trading platform

    Blockchain for sustainability: a systematic literature review for policy impact

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    Blockchain technology has been proposed to achieve sustainable development through various solutions, such as carbon credit trading, energy systems and supply chain management. While existing literature has not covered this topic in a structured fashion, this paper provides insights to policymakers on how blockchain can deliver sustainable development. This study conducted a systematic literature review on the role of blockchain technologies in assisting policymakers in achieving ESG and environmental sustainability goals. The paper performs a detailed PRISMA SLR analysis of 10,188 technical and policy papers sourced from Scopus and IEEE databases to ensure high-quality inputs and breadth of coverage across relevant sources. In addition, the study reviews the relevant regulatory environment related to ESG, including SDGs, IPCC, COP 27, ESMA, ISSB, SEC, GRI, TCFD, ESRS, IFRS S1 and S2 and CRSD. Most papers do not outline a structured approach to applying blockchain in the emerging regulatory environment. Our paper outlines recommendations to policymakers wishing to ensure that the blockchain research community and solutions proposed are usefully directed to enable the world to achieve its net zero goals

    Using blockchain to create and capture value in the energy sector

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    The undergoing digital transition of the energy sector refers to the integration of decentralized ledger technologies and data-driven solutions that have the potential to truly revolutionize its ecosystem and business practices. The aim of a decentralized, inter connected and two-way interactive energy grid can be enabled by leveraging blockchain technologies. This research investigates how blockchain technology can create and capture value from data and the new business models applied in Web 3.0 and blockchain-based environments in the energy sector. A qualitative case study research design was conducted for primary data collection and pilot projects by the European Commission were used for secondary data collection. The analysis shows local energy communities as the main blockchain application in this sector, with adjacent applications such as P2P energy trading, smart contract & metering, carbon trading and grid management. The main benefits associated are transparency, integrity, grid automation and renewable energy sources promotion, and obstacles are mainly associated with the contrasting centralized design of the current energy systems. We conclude that value is created and captured through data provenance and transparency, data monetization and tokenization, and data sharing and collaboration in blockchain platforms. New business models include the decentralization and fusion between energy production and consumption, generating a new actor known as the prosumer. Fundamental to a successful implementation of local energy communities that allow energy and asset trading between peers.A transição digital do sector energético baseia-se na integração de tecnologias de registo descentralizadas e de soluções de tratamento de dados que têm o potencial de revolucionar o seu ecossistema. O objetivo de uma rede de energia descentralizada e interconectada em ambos os sentidos, pode ser concretizado através do recurso a tecnologias blockchain. Esta investigação analisa a forma como esta tecnologia pode criar e reter valor a partir de dados e dos novos modelos de negócio associados à Web 3.0 e a ambientes baseados em blockchain neste sector. Para a recolha de dados primários, foi efetuado um caso de estudo qualitativo. Para dados secundários foram analisados os projetos-piloto da Comissão Europeia. A análise demonstra que as comunidades locais de energia são a principal aplicação da blockchain, com aplicações adjacentes como trocas de energia P2P, contratos e contadores inteligentes, comércio de carbono e gestão da rede. Os principais benefícios associados são a transparência, a integridade, a automatização da rede e a promoção das fontes de energia renováveis. Os obstáculos estão principalmente associados à estrutura centralizada dos atuais sistemas energéticos. Concluímos que o valor é criado e capturado através da proveniência, transparência, monetização, tokenização e integração de dados em plataformas blockchain. Os novos modelos de negócio incluem a descentralização e a fusão entre a produção e o consumo de energia, gerando um novo elemento neste sector, o prosumer. Fundamental para uma implementação bem sucedida de comunidades locais de energia que permitam o comércio de energia e de ativos entre pares