4 research outputs found

    Developing a Trustworthy Cloud Service Framework for Cloud Computing Security

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    Cloud computing is quickly becoming an essential platform for sharing infrastructure, software, apps, and corporate resources. Cloud computing has many advantages, but users still have a lot of questions about the dependability and safety of cloud services. Concerns about the hazards associated with the possible exploitation of this technology to undertake criminal operations might threaten the undeniable success of cloud computing. To ensure happy customers, the cloud model must prioritize safety, openness, and dependability.Its main purpose is data security, which concerns everyone contemplating cloud services. A cloud-based assault protection system will safeguard data, communications, and information.According to studies, the recommended technique is successful, however updating tags and blocks when data is amended requires computation and communication expenses. Scalability, data secrecy, and decentralized double encryption improve security.The proposed method employs cloud servers for computation-intensive tasks and protects data content by depriving data owners and users of privilege information. Also ensures responsibility. Sharing health data on the cloud is feasible, cost-effective, efficient, adaptive, and better for individuals. This"Advanced Encryption Standard with Lightweight Cipher-text-Identity and Attribute-based Encryption" (AES-lightweight CP-ABE) aims to protect sensitive data

    A Review on Various Trust Models in Cloud Environment

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    O impacto do celebrity endorsement na intenção de compra: o caso das celebridades desportivas nas redes sociais

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    O apoio de Celebridades Desportivas e o seu impacto no sucesso de uma marca no mercado tem sido estudado e provado nos últimos anos. No entanto, as Celebridades Desportivas e a comunicação nas Redes Sociais têm surgido como pilar imprescindível na comunicação de uma marca de desporto, e este estudo nasce para colmatar essa lacuna na literatura atual. Esta investigação tem como objetivo estudar o Celebrity Endorsement no contexto das Redes Sociais quando praticado por Celebridades Desportivas e a sua influênica, direta e indireta, na Intenção de Compra. Na vertente indireta, estudaram-se 4 dimensões importantes para todas as marcas: o Word-of-Mouth, Brand Image, Brand Trust e Brand Atittude. Relacionando estas variáveis pretendeu-se responder a questões como: será que um consumidor irá ser influenciado por uma Celebridade Desportiva que segue nas Redes Sociais, a comprar algo de uma marca que esta apoia? Poderá uma marca sair valorizada nas suas componentes a partir deste Celebrity Endorsement? A metodologia que foi adotada neste estudo foi a construção de um modelo de equações estruturais, suportado por um questionário a uma amostra a 306 inquiridos que tinham sido expostos a parcerias de variadas celebridades e marcas. Posteriormente, os resultados deste inquérito foram analisados com recurso ao software SmartPLS, que confirmou todas as hipóteses do modelo conceptual, à exceção da influência positiva do Brand Atittude na Intenção de Compra. Nesta investigação confirmou-se que a utilização de estratégias de celebrity endorsement, com celebridades desportivas, melhoram a imagem da marca (brand image), aumentam o word-of-mouth, fazendo os consumidores falar sobre as marcas e por essa via, também, melhorar a imagem e a confiança na marca. Adicionalmente, estas estratégias de CE também melhoram a confiança (brand trust), a atitude dem relação à marca (brand atittude) e a intenção de compra. No contexto de ações de CE, para os inquiridos neste estudo uma boa imagem da marca leva a um aumento na confiança da mesma e essa confiança leva a que os clientes tenham maior intenção de adquirir produtos da marca. Nesta investigação, não se verificou que a Brand Atittude leve a um aumento da Intenção de Compra. Verificou-se, então, a eficácia do Celebrity Endorsement no contexto estudado. Para além disso, denotaram-se algumas diferenças significativas entre alguns grupos inquiridos, nomeadamente entre os sexos e os clientes de marcas dos setores de desporto e beleza. A utilização do CE tem mais influência na Intenção de Compra no sexo feminino; a utilização de uma celebridade desportiva influencia mais o Word-of-Mouth quando estão em causa marcas do setor desportivo do que marcas de beleza; e o mesmo acontece em relação à influência da confiança da marca na intenção de compra de marcas desportivas, em comparação às situações em que estes promovem marcas de beleza. Estes resultados vieram reforçar a importância das marcas apostarem neste tipo de parcerias com celebridades, nomeadamente do meio desportivo e incidindo nas redes sociais, não só para aumentar a sua rentabilidade e vendas, como também reforçar as suas componentes, como imagem ou confiança do consumidor na marca.The support of Sports Celebrities and its impact on the success of a brand in the market has been studied and proven in recent years. However, Sports Celebrities and Social Media communication have emerged as an indispensable pillar in the communication of a sports brand, and this study is born to fill this gap in the current literature. This research aims to study Celebrity Endorsement in the context of Social Media when practiced by Sports Celebrities and its direct and indirect influence on Purchase Intention. On the indirect side, we studied 4 important dimensions for all brands: Word-of-Mouth, Brand Image, Brand Trust and Brand Attitude. By relating these variables we intended to answer questions such as: will a consumer be influenced by a Sports Celebrity he follows on Social Networks, to buy something from a brand he supports? Can a brand be valued in its components from this Celebrity Endorsement? The methodology adopted in this study was the construction of a structural equation model, supported by a questionnaire to a sample of 306 respondents who had been exposed to partnerships of various celebrities and brands. Subsequently, the results of this survey were analyzed using SmartPLS software, which confirmed all the hypotheses of the conceptual model, except for the positive influence of Brand Attitude on Purchase Intention. In this research it was confirmed that the use of celebrity endorsement strategies, with sports celebrities, improves brand image, increases word-of-mouth, getting consumers to talk about brands and thereby also improving brand image and trust. Additionally, these CE strategies also improve brand trust, brand attitude and purchase intention. In the context of CE actions, for the respondents in this study a good brand image leads to an increase in brand trust and this trust leads to customers having a greater intention to purchase branded products. In this research, Brand Atittude was not found to lead to an increase in Purchase Intention. Therefore, the effectiveness of Celebrity Endorsement was verified in the context studied. In addition, there were some significant differences between some respondent groups, namely between genders and customers of brands in the sports and beauty sectors. The use of EC has more influence on the Purchase Intention in the female gender; the use of a sports celebrity influences the Word-of-Mouth more when it comes to sports brands than beauty brands; and the same happens regarding the influence of brand trust on the purchase intention of sports brands, compared to situations in which they promote beauty brands. These results reinforce the importance of brands betting on this type of partnerships with celebrities, namely in the sports environment and focusing on social networks, not only to increase their profitability and sales, but also to reinforce their components, such as image or consumer trust in the brand

    Reputation Measurement of Cloud Services Based on Unstable Feedback Ratings

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