266 research outputs found

    Learning strategies of grade seven science learners

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    ThesisThe main aim of this study was to investigate whether grade seven learners who have just been introduced to the new South African outcomes-based education, use learning strategies effectively to learn science. This research is based on literature study related to previous research about learning strategies. Definitions of cognitive and meta-cognitive learning strategies were given. Cognitive strategies are divided into eight categories, representing strategies for both basic and complex learning tasks. For this study, therefore, focus was on elaboration study for complex learning tasks with special reference given to summarising, paraphrasing and selfquestioning. Meta-cognitive strategies consisting of planning, monitoring and regulating also seemed important in ensuring effective control of the learning process. Through observations conducted, it became evident that learners only become able to use learning strategies effectively if they are given proper guidance and instruction on how, when and where to apply learning strategies. This results in learners having a better understanding and improving their quality of learning. Cognisance also needs to be taken of the influence of support strategies such as learner beliefs, attention, self efficacy, motivation and interest during the learning process
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