105,188 research outputs found

    Representation-Compatible Power Indices

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    This paper studies power indices based on average representations of a weighted game. If restricted to account for the lack of power of dummy voters, average representations become coherent measures of voting power, with power distributions being proportional to the distribution of weights in the average representation. This makes these indices representation-compatible, a property not fulfilled by classical power indices. Average representations can be tailored to reveal the equivalence classes of voters defined by the Isbell desirability relation, which leads to a pair of new power indices that ascribes equal power to all members of an equivalence class.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figure, and 11 table

    Noncommutative GUT inspired theories and the UV finiteness of the fermionic four point functions

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    We show at one-loop and first order in the noncommutativity parameters that in any noncommutative GUT inspired theory the total contribution to the fermionic four point functions coming only from the interaction between fermions and gauge bosons, though not UV finite by power counting, is UV finite at the end of the day. We also show that this is at odds with the general case for noncommutative gauge theories --chiral or otherwise-- defined by means of Seiberg-Witten maps that are the same --barring the gauge group representation-- for left-handed spinors as for right-handed spinors. We believe that the results presented in this paper tilt the scales to the side of noncommutative GUTS and noncommutative GUT inspired versions of the Standard Model.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Version 2: references fixed and completed. Version 3: Comments adde

    Proof of Kolmogorovian Censorship

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    Many argued (Accardi and Fedullo, Pitowsky) that Kolmogorov's axioms of classical probability theory are incompatible with quantum probabilities, and this is the reason for the violation of Bell's inequalities. Szab\'o showed that, in fact, these inequalities are not violated by the experimentally observed frequencies if we consider the real, ``effective'' frequencies. We prove in this work a theorem which generalizes this result: ``effective'' frequencies associated to quantum events always admit a Kolmogorovian representation, when these events are collected through different experimental set ups, the choice of which obeys a classical distribution.Comment: 19 pages, LaTe

    A numerical algorithm for efficiently obtaining a Feynman parameter representation of one-gluon loop QCD Feynman diagrams for a large number of external gluons

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    A numerical program is presented which facilitates a computation pertaining to the full set of one-gluon loop diagrams (including ghost loop contributions), with M attached external gluon lines in all possible ways. The feasibility of such a task rests on a suitably defined master formula, which is expressed in terms of a set of Grassmann and a set of Feynman parameters. The program carries out the Grassmann integration and performs the Lorentz trace on the involved functions, expressing the result as a compact sum of parametric integrals. The computation is based on tracing the structure of the final result, thus avoiding all intermediate unnecessary calculations and directly writing the output. Similar terms entering the final result are grouped together. The running time of the program demonstrates its effectiveness, especially for large M.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures. in press Computer Physics Communication

    A Danilov-type formula for toric origami manifolds via localization of index

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    We give a direct geometric proof of a Danilov-type formula for toric origami manifolds by using the localization of Riemann-Roch number.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures : Revision of the introduction. Added references : Typos corrected. Construction in Section 4.1 simplified. Proofs of Lemma 6.2 and Theorem 6.12 corrected. Acknowledgement for the referee added : Final version, to appear in Osaka Journal of Mathematic

    Vertex Operator Algebras and 3d N=4 gauge theories

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    We introduce two mirror constructions of Vertex Operator Algebras associated to special boundary conditions in 3d N=4 gauge theories. We conjecture various relations between these boundary VOA's and properties of the (topologically twisted) bulk theories. We discuss applications to the Symplectic Duality and Geometric Langlands programs.Comment: 40 pages, no figure
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