1 research outputs found

    Replicated Computations Results (RCR) report for “A holistic approach for collaborative workload execution in volunteer clouds”

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    “A Holistic Approach for Collaborative Workload Execution in Volunteer Clouds” [3] proposes a novel approach to task scheduling in volunteer clouds. Volunteer clouds are decentralized cloud systems based on collaborative task execution, where clients voluntarily share their own unused computational resources. By using simulation-based statistical analysis techniques—in particular, statistical model checking—the authors show that their approach can outperform existing distributed task scheduling algorithms in the case of computation-intensive workloads. The analysis considered a realistic workload benchmark provided by Google. This replicated computations results report focuses on the prototypical tool implementation used in the article to perform such analysis. The software was straightforward to install and use, and a representative part of the experimental results from the article could be reproduced in reasonable time using a standard laptop.</jats:p