15 research outputs found

    Rectification from Radially-Distorted Scales

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    This paper introduces the first minimal solvers that jointly estimate lens distortion and affine rectification from repetitions of rigidly transformed coplanar local features. The proposed solvers incorporate lens distortion into the camera model and extend accurate rectification to wide-angle images that contain nearly any type of coplanar repeated content. We demonstrate a principled approach to generating stable minimal solvers by the Grobner basis method, which is accomplished by sampling feasible monomial bases to maximize numerical stability. Synthetic and real-image experiments confirm that the solvers give accurate rectifications from noisy measurements when used in a RANSAC-based estimator. The proposed solvers demonstrate superior robustness to noise compared to the state-of-the-art. The solvers work on scenes without straight lines and, in general, relax the strong assumptions on scene content made by the state-of-the-art. Accurate rectifications on imagery that was taken with narrow focal length to near fish-eye lenses demonstrate the wide applicability of the proposed method. The method is fully automated, and the code is publicly available at https://github.com/prittjam/repeats.Comment: pre-prin

    Radially-Distorted Conjugate Translations

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    This paper introduces the first minimal solvers that jointly solve for affine-rectification and radial lens distortion from coplanar repeated patterns. Even with imagery from moderately distorted lenses, plane rectification using the pinhole camera model is inaccurate or invalid. The proposed solvers incorporate lens distortion into the camera model and extend accurate rectification to wide-angle imagery, which is now common from consumer cameras. The solvers are derived from constraints induced by the conjugate translations of an imaged scene plane, which are integrated with the division model for radial lens distortion. The hidden-variable trick with ideal saturation is used to reformulate the constraints so that the solvers generated by the Grobner-basis method are stable, small and fast. Rectification and lens distortion are recovered from either one conjugately translated affine-covariant feature or two independently translated similarity-covariant features. The proposed solvers are used in a \RANSAC-based estimator, which gives accurate rectifications after few iterations. The proposed solvers are evaluated against the state-of-the-art and demonstrate significantly better rectifications on noisy measurements. Qualitative results on diverse imagery demonstrate high-accuracy undistortions and rectifications. The source code is publicly available at https://github.com/prittjam/repeats

    Interactive Facades Analysis and Synthesis of Semi-Regular Facades

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    Urban facades regularly contain interesting variations due to allowed deformations of repeated elements (e.g., windows in different open or close positions) posing challenges to state-of-the-art facade analysis algorithms. We propose a semi-automatic framework to recover both repetition patterns of the elements and their individual deformation parameters to produce a factored facade representation. Such a representation enables a range of applications including interactive facade images, improved multi-view stereo reconstruction, facade-level change detection, and novel image editing possibilities

    A study in the topology-aware reconstruction of thin tubular structures

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    This thesis is dedicated to the 3D reconstruction of thin tubular structures, such as cables or ropes, from a given image sequence. This is known to be a challenging task, mainly because of self-occlusions of the structure and its fine details. This new approach combines image processing tools with physics simulation to faithfully reconstruct jumbled and tangled cables in 3D. This method estimates the topology of the tubular object in the form of a single 1D path and also computes a topology-aware reconstruction of its geometry. This method is evaluated on both, synthetic and real datasets and demonstrate that this method favourably compares to state-of-the-art methods