3 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT. The correctness of applications that perform asynchronous message passing typically relies on the underlying hardware having a sufficient amount of memory (message buffers) to hold all undelivered messages-such applications may deadlock when executed on a system with an insufficient number of message buffers. Thus, determining the minimum number of buffers that an application needs to prevent deadlock is an important task when writing or porting parallel applications. Unfortunately, both this problem (called the Buffer Allocation Problem) and the simpler problem of determining whether an application may deadlock for a given number of available message buffers are intractable We present a new epoch-based polynomial-time approach for approximating the Buffer Allocation Problem. Our approach partitions application executions into epochs and intersperses barrier synchronizations between them, thus limiting the number of message buffers necessary to ensure deadlock-freedom. This approach produces near optimal solutions for many common cases and can be adapted to guide application modifications that ensure deadlockfreedom when the application is ported. Lastly, we describe a space-time trade-off between the number of available message buffers and the number of barrier synchronizations, and describe how this trade-off can be used to fine-tune application performance

    Repeatable and Portable Message-Passing Programs

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    A fundamental issue in the use of message-passing systems is the creation of repeatable and portable programs. Repeatable program behavior is critical for debugging message-passing programs, while portability is essential for efficient software development. This paper makes two main contributions. First, it defines a set of program executions (called safe executions) that are guaranteed to be repeatable and portable. Safe program executions are defined for applications that utilize both blocking and nonblocking send and receive primitives, synchronous and asynchronous sends, and receives that select on the basis of source and/or tag values. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that conditions for repeatable and portable executions have been created for such rich message-passing models. Second, this paper gives precise characterizations of safe executions. The safety of an execution is shown to depend on the message-ordering properties of the underlying communication sys..