11 research outputs found

    Reparameterizing the Birkhoff Polytope for Variational Permutation Inference

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    Many matching, tracking, sorting, and ranking problems require probabilistic reasoning about possible permutations, a set that grows factorially with dimension. Combinatorial optimization algorithms may enable efficient point estimation, but fully Bayesian inference poses a severe challenge in this high-dimensional, discrete space. To surmount this challenge, we start with the usual step of relaxing a discrete set (here, of permutation matrices) to its convex hull, which here is the Birkhoff polytope: the set of all doubly-stochastic matrices. We then introduce two novel transformations: first, an invertible and differentiable stick-breaking procedure that maps unconstrained space to the Birkhoff polytope; second, a map that rounds points toward the vertices of the polytope. Both transformations include a temperature parameter that, in the limit, concentrates the densities on permutation matrices. We then exploit these transformations and reparameterization gradients to introduce variational inference over permutation matrices, and we demonstrate its utility in a series of experiments

    Sampling and Inference for Beta Neutral-to-the-Left Models of Sparse Networks

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    Empirical evidence suggests that heavy-tailed degree distributions occurring in many real networks are well-approximated by power laws with exponents η\eta that may take values either less than and greater than two. Models based on various forms of exchangeability are able to capture power laws with η<2\eta < 2, and admit tractable inference algorithms; we draw on previous results to show that η>2\eta > 2 cannot be generated by the forms of exchangeability used in existing random graph models. Preferential attachment models generate power law exponents greater than two, but have been of limited use as statistical models due to the inherent difficulty of performing inference in non-exchangeable models. Motivated by this gap, we design and implement inference algorithms for a recently proposed class of models that generates η\eta of all possible values. We show that although they are not exchangeable, these models have probabilistic structure amenable to inference. Our methods make a large class of previously intractable models useful for statistical inference.Comment: Accepted for publication in the proceedings of Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI) 201

    Invertible Gaussian Reparameterization: Revisiting the Gumbel-Softmax

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    The Gumbel-Softmax is a continuous distribution over the simplex that is often used as a relaxation of discrete distributions. Because it can be readily interpreted and easily reparameterized, it enjoys widespread use. We propose a conceptually simpler and more flexible alternative family of reparameterizable distributions where Gaussian noise is transformed into a one-hot approximation through an invertible function. This invertible function is composed of a modified softmax and can incorporate diverse transformations that serve different specific purposes. For example, the stick-breaking procedure allows us to extend the reparameterization trick to distributions with countably infinite support, or normalizing flows let us increase the flexibility of the distribution. Our construction enjoys theoretical advantages over the Gumbel-Softmax, such as closed form KL, and significantly outperforms it in a variety of experiments

    Learning Latent Permutations with Gumbel-Sinkhorn Networks

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    Permutations and matchings are core building blocks in a variety of latent variable models, as they allow us to align, canonicalize, and sort data. Learning in such models is difficult, however, because exact marginalization over these combinatorial objects is intractable. In response, this paper introduces a collection of new methods for end-to-end learning in such models that approximate discrete maximum-weight matching using the continuous Sinkhorn operator. Sinkhorn iteration is attractive because it functions as a simple, easy-to-implement analog of the softmax operator. With this, we can define the Gumbel-Sinkhorn method, an extension of the Gumbel-Softmax method (Jang et al. 2016, Maddison2016 et al. 2016) to distributions over latent matchings. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by outperforming competitive baselines on a range of qualitatively different tasks: sorting numbers, solving jigsaw puzzles, and identifying neural signals in worms