13 research outputs found

    Shorter tours and longer detours: Uniform covers and a bit beyond

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    Motivated by the well known four-thirds conjecture for the traveling salesman problem (TSP), we study the problem of {\em uniform covers}. A graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) has an α\alpha-uniform cover for TSP (2EC, respectively) if the everywhere α\alpha vector (i.e. {α}E\{\alpha\}^{E}) dominates a convex combination of incidence vectors of tours (2-edge-connected spanning multigraphs, respectively). The polyhedral analysis of Christofides' algorithm directly implies that a 3-edge-connected, cubic graph has a 1-uniform cover for TSP. Seb\H{o} asked if such graphs have (1ϵ)(1-\epsilon)-uniform covers for TSP for some ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. Indeed, the four-thirds conjecture implies that such graphs have 8/9-uniform covers. We show that these graphs have 18/19-uniform covers for TSP. We also study uniform covers for 2EC and show that the everywhere 15/17 vector can be efficiently written as a convex combination of 2-edge-connected spanning multigraphs. For a weighted, 3-edge-connected, cubic graph, our results show that if the everywhere 2/3 vector is an optimal solution for the subtour linear programming relaxation, then a tour with weight at most 27/19 times that of an optimal tour can be found efficiently. Node-weighted, 3-edge-connected, cubic graphs fall into this category. In this special case, we can apply our tools to obtain an even better approximation guarantee. To extend our approach to input graphs that are 2-edge-connected, we present a procedure to decompose an optimal solution for the subtour relaxation for TSP into spanning, connected multigraphs that cover each 2-edge cut an even number of times. Using this decomposition, we obtain a 17/12-approximation algorithm for minimum weight 2-edge-connected spanning subgraphs on subcubic, node-weighted graphs

    Matching, matroid, and traveling salesman problem

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    研究成果の概要 (和文) : 巡回セールスマン問題 (TSP) は,おそらくもっとも有名な NP 困難な問題であり,TSPに対して提案された数々の手法は,離散最適化の分野全体の発展に大いに寄与してきた.特に近年,TSPに対する理論的なブレイクスルーといえる研究が数多く発表されている.本研究は,TSPへの応用を念頭に置き,離散最適化問題の効率的な解法の基礎をなす理論であるマッチング理論およびマトロイド理論の深化と拡大を行った.本研究で発表した 20篇の論文はすべて,最適化分野のトップジャーナル・トップカンファレンスを含む,定評のある査読付き国際論文誌に採録,または査読付き国際会議に採択されている.研究成果の概要 (英文) : The traveling salesman problem (TSP) is perhaps the most famous NP-hard problem, and has enhanced developments of many methods in the field of discrete optimization. In particular, TSP attracts recent intensive attention: several theoretical breakthrough papers have been published in this past decade.Our research has intended to be applied in theoretical improvement in solving TSP. Specifically, our research has achieved deepening and extending of matching theory and matroid theory, which form bases of efficient solutions to discrete optimization problems. All of our 20 papers has been accepted to reputable, international, peer-reviewed journals or conferences, including top journals and conferences in the field of optimization

    Towards Improving Christofides Algorithm on Fundamental Classes by Gluing Convex Combinations of Tours

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    We present a new approach for gluing tours over certain tight, 3-edge cuts. Gluing over 3-edge cuts has been used in algorithms for finding Hamilton cycles in special graph classes and in proving bounds for 2-edge-connected subgraph problem, but not much was known in this direction for gluing connected multigraphs. We apply this approach to the traveling salesman problem (TSP) in the case when the objective function of the subtour elimination relaxation is minimized by a θ\theta-cyclic point: xe{0,θ,1θ,1}x_e \in \{0,\theta, 1-\theta, 1\}, where the support graph is subcubic and each vertex is incident to at least one edge with xx-value 1. Such points are sufficient to resolve TSP in general. For these points, we construct a convex combination of tours in which we can reduce the usage of edges with xx-value 1 from the 32\frac{3}{2} of Christofides algorithm to 32θ10\frac{3}{2}-\frac{\theta}{10} while keeping the usage of edges with fractional xx-value the same as Christofides algorithm. A direct consequence of this result is for the Uniform Cover Problem for TSP: In the case when the objective function of the subtour elimination relaxation is minimized by a 23\frac{2}{3}-uniform point: xe{0,23}x_e \in \{0, \frac{2}{3}\}, we give a 1712\frac{17}{12}-approximation algorithm for TSP. For such points, this lands us halfway between the approximation ratios of 32\frac{3}{2} of Christofides algorithm and 43\frac{4}{3} implied by the famous "four-thirds conjecture"

    A Systematic Review of Approximability Results for Traveling Salesman Problems leveraging the TSP-T3CO Definition Scheme

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    The traveling salesman (or salesperson) problem, short TSP, is a problem of strong interest to many researchers from mathematics, economics, and computer science. Manifold TSP variants occur in nearly every scientific field and application domain: engineering, physics, biology, life sciences, and manufacturing just to name a few. Several thousand papers are published on theoretical research or application-oriented results each year. This paper provides the first systematic survey on the best currently known approximability and inapproximability results for well-known TSP variants such as the "standard" TSP, Path TSP, Bottleneck TSP, Maximum Scatter TSP, Generalized TSP, Clustered TSP, Traveling Purchaser Problem, Profitable Tour Problem, Quota TSP, Prize-Collecting TSP, Orienteering Problem, Time-dependent TSP, TSP with Time Windows, and the Orienteering Problem with Time Windows. The foundation of our survey is the definition scheme T3CO, which we propose as a uniform, easy-to-use and extensible means for the formal and precise definition of TSP variants. Applying T3CO to formally define the variant studied by a paper reveals subtle differences within the same named variant and also brings out the differences between the variants more clearly. We achieve the first comprehensive, concise, and compact representation of approximability results by using T3CO definitions. This makes it easier to understand the approximability landscape and the assumptions under which certain results hold. Open gaps become more evident and results can be compared more easily

    Removing and adding edges for the traveling salesman problem

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    We present a framework for approximating the metric TSP based on a novel use of matchings. Traditionally, matchings have been used to add edges to make a given graph Eulerian, whereas our approach also allows for the removal of certain edges leading to a decreased cost. For the TSP on graphic metrics (graph-TSP), we show that the approach gives a 1.461-approximation algorithm with respect to the Held-Karp lower bound. For graph-TSP restricted either to half-integral solutions to the Held-Karp relaxation or to a class of graphs that contains subcubic and claw-free graphs, we show that the integrality gap of the Held-Karp relaxation matches the conjectured ratio 4/3. The framework also allows for generalizations in a natural way and leads to analogous results for the s , t -path traveling salesman problem on graphic metrics where the start and end vertices are prespecified. </jats:p