4 research outputs found

    Remote coalition network elements for base station cooperation aided multicell processing

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    Remote coalition network elements (CNEs) are proposed for base station (BS) cooperation, where the CNEs carry traffic in the second hop for the primary BS in support of its cell-edge mobile stations (MSs) by exploiting the unused frequency bands of the main BS network while considering a range of practical impairments. We derive the coalition probability of the CNEs by taking into account both the specific system load and the CNE’s greediness factor. Our simulation results demonstrate that the proposed solution is capable of substantially increasing the attainable signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) in a wide range of scenarios, and it is also robust to diverse practical imperfections. We demonstrate that the maximal sum profit of the main BS network and the CNE network is achieved at a greedy factor of 0.45 when the MSs are located in the range of r < 0.25R of the CNE, where R is the cell’s radius